Rise of the Resistance BOARDING GROUPS Superthread Part 1 *No Ride Spoilers Please* *PLEASE READ POSTS 1-4*

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>>>>>> Hi! Just read through this last page.... :) lol

How about some explanation for a newbie, just found out I will be in DL this coming Thurs 27th and Fri 28th and don't know anything about riding Rise of the Resistance. What do I need to do? <<<<<<

It's not the last page you need to read - as it says in the thread title, read the first page - first 3 posts - the info there is all current.
If you then have any questions feel free to come and post them and someone will help you out.
Good luck - MTFBWY!
Lurker here just wanting to say thanks for all the tips in this thread.

We arrived last week. First Disney day was Sunday Feb 16 but we didn't get to security until 7:25 and it was 8:15 before we scanned into the park so there was no shot at a boarding group.

On Tuesday February 18 we had magic morning. We were sitting outside of Red Rose Tavern on af&t phones iphone 8 and iPhone X and were able to get BG 41. The Join Boarding Group didn't light up right at 8 but I hit My Status and it lit up there.

On Thursday February 20 we arrived at Harbor security at 7:10. The security was a huge mess but they opened another lane and we were able to get scanned into Disneyland at 7:46. Based on some tips here we went into the Lincoln waiting area. Lots of other ppl were waiting and the CMs there were very helpful. There was even another guest counting down the seconds. Again I couldn't get Join Boarding Group to light up right at 8 but I got it after hitting My Status and we got boarding group 31.

I won't say anything about the ride other than its amazing and I'm so glad we got to experience it twice. Some nice ladies were waiting behind us for WOC Dessert Party and had no idea how any of this works so I passed on the knowledge. Hopefully they made it!
All, there have been so many posts here lately by folks overwhelmed by almost 6,000 posts in this thread over a month. Posts 1-3 here have some great advice. But there are so many nuggets in these 6,000 posts. I have been bookmarking them!

I just created a new thread which summarizes all of the key nuggets of advice on how to get a BG. Thanks to everyone's input here!

"How To" Guide For Riding Rise of the Resistance at DL - No Spoilers - Please Read Post #1!!!

ETA: Feb 25 - this info has been moved by a moderator into page 1, post #4 of this thread.
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Starting this from Smugglers queue since it was down when I got back to Galaxys Edge. Continued it from the FP queue for ROTR. And wrapping up after riding!

yes you read that right. I rode.

So before I get into the details something important to note. There can be a descrepency between who gets notified and what they’re cutting it off at. The cutoff at the time I talked with the CM was at 96 and mine was 94.

Now to be clear that’s not what’s at play right now. But I thought I should mention it.

Now on to what actually happened.

Three things before I get into the this:

1. I’ve had a really, crappy long day. The doctors appt I’ve mentioned on and off in this thread? My apt today was to find out genetic testing. Well that didn’t come back with any real answers. We’re now setting me up with another doctor and I’m looking at another 8-9 months between testing and new appointments for answers.

This isn’t presented as a sob story to be clear. I’m just trying to explain why I had an unusual meltdown in the Indiana Jones queue. The backup group not being called was the metaphorical last straw on the camel today for me. i was physically and mentally drained I am usually not this attached to a ride.

don’t get me wrong I love Rise but a meltdown is an overreaction for me and I know it.

2. I was not looking for compensation.
I had decided if I wasn’t going to ride Rise I was going to change my DAS to Space Mountain from Smugglers. Which requires going by a Guest Relations kiosk.

Which leads me to my final point.

3. I mainly complained because I had concerns after I had my ticket problem this morning. That trick with the FP is not going to be common knowledge even with researchers arguably. I wanted to point out why this was a problem and why they need to make clearer people need to check their tickets are scanned. Again wasn’t looking for a comp pass. And there was another issue I noticed with the notification system when I got the unfortunate message.

Also the hassle of City Hall I decided to just talk this out with a CM at the HUB. This is also important.

Mainly I was expecting convo to go like this.:

Me complain.
CM note complaint.
Get return time for Space and move on for a retry Sunday.

Instead what actually happens:

Me complain.
CM ask to see BG to verify.
CM ask me to pull up ticket.
CM attempts to override. System balks several times.
CM turns and verifies I am before cutoff they’ve set with other CM (that’s how I found out the first info).
More attempts to override.
Finally after I don’t know how many tries the override goes through.
Hug and thanks and head straight for Galaxys Edge. DAS change no longer required.

Ride was down by the time I made the entrance.Talked with plaid to verify how I get the DAS. Found out that they didn’t even know they could do this. So it was right time right place thing.

So what we learn here:

1. Cutoff might be best to be checked with a CM proper before you leave the park

2. Override can be done. But you have to encounter the correct CM for it to happen. And not just for sympathy. But they need to know they can even do the number change. So probably don’t expect this to happen 9 times out of 10. I suspect most think you either board or don’t board.

I also suspect that after a certain level they can’t change the BG based on the whole override conversation. But have no way to verify this.

Ride was fantastic. I’m off to find something to eat. I’ve got a 5k to do in the morning!
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And the app isn’t letting me get a FP. Doesn’t think I’m in the park. To City Hall I go!
So glad you discovered this early and knew to test for it!

SIAP...how soon can you get/test MaxPass in order to see if your RoTR strategy is going to work? Let's say official park open is 8 a.m. local time and I scan into park at say, 7:15...do I have to wait until 8 am. to test grap a FP?
Answer found here: Maxpass/Fastpass Superthread: an overview and some strategy
MP begins working as soon as you activate your ticket/AP at the gate (which is why we recommend this test). Return times won't be until after park opening.

30 minutes later I’ve got my pass working. Now the waiting game commencew
Glad you were able to get this fixed.
From the disABILITIES! board:

Hi everyone, I wanted to comment on how my experience with Rise of the Resistance at Disneyland went this past weekend (President's Day weekend).

#1, as has been said before, to be able to ride, you do need to get a boarding group, and everyone in your group must be scanned into the park in order to be part of the boarding group. We were at the park at about 7:20 for an 8:00 am open. They began letting people in the gate at 7:30 am. A really good tip, have everyone's tickets linked to everyone's accounts (ex. Sally, Bob, and Joe are on Sally's account, Bob's account, AND Joe's account). This way, all of you can be trying for a boarding group. We were able to get boarding group 101. We were really lucky that day, as the ride was running really well. We rode around 4:00, and at around 8:00 pm the information board said they were on boarding group 156.

Regarding the DAS: When your boarding group is called, you go to the Plaid Shirt cast members near the ride entrance. They will issue you a 0 minute DAS return time for Rise of the Resistance. You will then go to the normal entrance where they will scan your boarding group barcode twice, once for the boarding group and once for the DAS. They will then direct you to the alternate queue instead of the line. We waited approximately 2-3 minutes in the alternate queue.

***If you have an existing DAS return time when your boarding group is called, the cast member will convert that DAS return time to an open ended FastPass (for the same ride) so that they can issue the DAS return time for Rise of the Resistance.

Feel free to ask me any questions.

I’m glad they had that awesome experience.

However, that is inconsistent with what we experienced on 2/2. Maybe they have changed the process... but we were redirected from the RotR entrance over to the Guest Relations podium between Galaxy’s Edge and Frontierland to get a DAS return time after our boarding group was called. We then had a wait for the return time.

Perhaps there was a 0 minute wait when their boarding group was called?
Well, it's been an interesting week so far.

In DL, we had 5 really good days followed by 3 pretty bad ones.

In DHS, they had a pretty rough go over the 5 days we did well, shared a pretty bad day, and then had two really good days.

I have some different theories, all of them most likely wrong.

Theory 1: Disneyland doesn't like it when I'm out of the state and just can't run once they realize I'm gone. It takes a day for them to realize this, so everything went to heck on Wednesday. If this is true, then tomorrow will probably be rough, since I'm back but it will take a day for them to realize I'm back, and Sunday will be fantastic.

Theory 2: There is a crack team of folks who go back and forth between Florida and California. They spent last Friday through Tuesday in California, traveled on Wednesday, and spent Thursday and Friday ensuring that DHS ran well.

Theory 3: Our 5 days of good run was due to them fixing some system finally, and it just took 5 days for another critical system to develop severe issues. Florida is starting a lull of issues, but after a few days of good performance it will also take a dive.

Whatever the reason, we are seeing both more downtime and slower loading during uptime. If we're running on all cylinders when we are running, we still do ok even with lots of downtime because during uptime we process lots of folks. If we're running at low capacity, but have low downtime we do ok because we are processing slow and sure. If we can do both, we have amazing days. If we do neither...well, that's the last three days.

What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall at the daily stand-up for the dev-ops team responsible for getting the attraction running reliably.

Last thought before sleep to ensure I don't get too jet lagged: DHS appears to have operated steadily for 9.5 hours today after about a half hour downtime immediately after opening. So this is encouraging.

Here comes the weekend. Best of luck to all of you attempting to RISE over the next couple of days. May the Force be with you.
I’m glad they had that awesome experience.

However, that is inconsistent with what we experienced on 2/2. Maybe they have changed the process... but we were redirected from the RotR entrance over to the Guest Relations podium between Galaxy’s Edge and Frontierland to get a DAS return time after our boarding group was called. We then had a wait for the return time.

Perhaps there was a 0 minute wait when their boarding group was called?
I wonder if there were Plaids posted there because of the expected high crowds for the holiday weekend when the OP visited.
If anyone has used DAS in the past few days, were there any Plaids near the ROTR entrance or were you directed to the podium by the Droid Depot/Frontierland entrance?
Oh, one more thought. This is the first time we've had three days in a row with less than 100 groups called. So in a way we're at an all time low. Nowhere to go but up?
I wonder if there were Plaids posted there because of the expected high crowds for the holiday weekend when the OP visited.
If anyone has used DAS in the past few days, were there any Plaids near the ROTR entrance or were you directed to the podium by the Droid Depot/Frontierland entrance?

There was a plaid at ROTR but she told me I had to go the Frontierland entrance.Thankfully I was headed back that way anyway to ride Smugglers while I waited for it to come back up but the backtrack would have been annoying otherwise
There was a plaid at ROTR but she told me I had to go the Frontierland entrance.Thankfully I was headed back that way anyway to ride Smugglers while I waited for it to come back up but the backtrack would have been annoying otherwise
So it sounds like this is the usual DLR "YMMV" situation. Good to know. And at least the Frontierland/Droid Depot kiosk is closer than having to trek to HM or Dumbo.
Well reading these posts makes me realize just how lucky we really got today. I am chaperoning a theater group and have a very impacted schedule. We were told when we got here we wouldn’t be able to go for BGs to ride but then I saw on the schedule a loop hole that allowed us to get in the park at opening so everyone in my room (4 kids including my own and three dads including me) all wanted to try and get on. I posted earlier about getting BG 44 from SM line just outside the building. Our schedule had us being somewhere from 11:30 to 12:30 and then the kids had a class they were taking from 4-6 but we had to meet up at 3:30 so they could walk to it (apparently the old espn zone is now being used as a dance studio at least part of it is). DD told me that’s where they had their dance class. Chaperones don’t go to the classes so I didn’t see inside. So back to the story. At around 2:15 or so they called our BG. One dad and son had just gotten off SR single rider and literally ran to meet us at ROTR. That put us near the back of the line of people that also had BG 44 and were sitting right outside the ride waiting. So we get in line and it moving but I have no clue how long the que is and know it’s going to take us at least 10 min to walk to the esplanade where we have to meet at 3:30 so I am worried we will have to find a way out of the que if it takes too long. But luck was on our side! We got to the ride (don’t worry no spoilers) at close to 3:00 and I asked a CM how long from there and he said 15-20 min. So we stuck it out. We finish the ride and have just under 10 min to get across DL to the esplanade. We maneuver the crowds as fast as we can without running and were 3 min late. Our group leader didn’t look happy that we were late ( the kids ratted us out as it was not a well kept secret what we were doing). But she didn’t say anything since we didn’t miss what we were supposed to be there for. I could have done without the stress of it all but am SOOOOO glad we got to ride. It’s an amazing ride! I hope they find a way to get rid of BGs and have a line and FPs. I can see Single rider being possible with this ride as well.
There was a plaid at ROTR but she told me I had to go the Frontierland entrance.Thankfully I was headed back that way anyway to ride Smugglers while I waited for it to come back up but the backtrack would have been annoying otherwise
I think I may have confused myself. So you have a BG, then when you check in, you get a return time? You have to go all the way to the frontierland/SWGE entrance to get the return time for 0 minutes, then go back to the ride to use it?
I think I may have confused myself. So you have a BG, then when you check in, you get a return time? You have to go all the way to the frontierland/SWGE entrance to get the return time for 0 minutes, then go back to the ride to use it?

1) Get a BG.
2) When BG is called, if you are using DAS, go to any Guest Relations location and obtain a DAS return time.
3) Return to ride entrance after DAS return time is up.
4) You’ll then be directed to the FastPass queue.
5) Advise CM inside the building if you need any further special assistance.

There are reports of Guest Relations CMs at RotR entrance being able to issue Return Times there. (The GR CM that was there on 2/2 was not able to...)
1) Get a BG.
2) When BG is called, if you are using DAS, go to any Guest Relations location and obtain a DAS return time.
3) Return to ride entrance after DAS return time is up.
4) You’ll then be directed to the FastPass queue.
5) Advise CM inside the building if you need any further special assistance.

There are reports of Guest Relations CMs at RotR entrance being able to issue Return Times there. (The GR CM that was there on 2/2 was not able to...)
I'm going to add this to the FAQs!
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