Way Out Here, Eh? - A June 2019 TR *PTR Link Posted

I didn't know and tried to google the answer, but I didn't come up with any answers. Maybe the next time I'm there (because I'm sure I'll stay there again) I'll have to ask about it.

Let me know if you find out.

I hear you on the puzzles. Unfortunately, right before we moved I got rid of a lot of my puzzles and am now regretting that decision. I'd love to have that photo in a puzzle form to do!

I don't know how hard it is to get something from Shutterfly but they do turn pictures into puzzles. Michelle gave me a puzzle using one of the photopass pictures from our 2018 trip for Mother's Day.
Ooh I could definitely get addicted to this!!😂👍

I don't play phone games, really, but that one gets me. Since the games are only 1-2 minutes long, I find myself using it to kill time waiting for the school bus or dinner to cook. I figure playing one game isn't that bad. :rotfl:

I don't know how hard it is to get something from Shutterfly but they do turn pictures into puzzles. Michelle gave me a puzzle using one of the photopass pictures from our 2018 trip for Mother's Day.

I didn't know shutterfly did puzzles. Thanks for sharing that suggestion! I always have a million emails with discount codes, so I'll have to hunt one down and see about making one. Thankfully, shutterfly is one of the companies that sends to APO addresses!
I don't play phone games, really, but that one gets me. Since the games are only 1-2 minutes long, I find myself using it to kill time waiting for the school bus or dinner to cook. I figure playing one game isn't that bad. :rotfl:

Totally agree! Don’t usually play phone games though I did get into a word one for a while but this is a few seconds of fun while you’re bored/waiting on something 👍
Having Landon on Spring Break and the weather being nice enough the kids are spending all day in the backyard has really helped with my DIS reluctance.
I just have to hope when school picks back up on Monday I manage my time better and visit the DIS a few times a week.

Yes, getting the kiddos outside and occupied can sure help!! I homeschooled for decades and know just how exhausting and draining it is.

You have a lot of great shots of the light fixtures in DAK, and I love them all!

Aw, thanks!!
June 10, 2019 Part 3:

This was my mom’s final evening at Disney, and we were ending her vacation back at her favorite park.


When Evie was one, my mom and I took her to a meal at Garden Grill where she proceeded to scream her darling little head off at the characters. But during the planning stages of this trip, she told me over and over again that she wanted to meet Chip and Dale.

Maybe against my better judgement, I booked us another dinner at the restaurant and told Evie this was her redemption meal. This was her chance prove to us she was all right with characters now.

All week my mom and I had been asking her: “You gonna be all right with Chip and Dale?”

“Ready to erase the past?”

And of course my mom couldn’t help mentioning, “If she freaks out again, we’re never allowed to come back.”

Too true…

My family was seated on the upper level of the restaurant right at our ADR time and were immediately introduced to our server, Bob.

Guys, if you go to Garden Grill ask for Bob. He was one of the best servers we have had, and he made the meal an experience.

When he introduced himself, he told Landon, “You’re the boss. You need something, you ask for Bob. One of these adults give you trouble, try and make you eat too many vegetables, you let me know. Because remember, you’re the boss.”

Landon was hooked. Throughout the meal, he’d ask us, “Do you need any more water, let me ask Bob. Need more bread? I got this.”

Bob made Landon feel like a grown up, and to this day he still remembers the name of the CM who paid attention to him.

As everyone knows, Garden Grill’s character interaction is some of the best on property and this night proved no different.

Dale walked up first and Evie did indeed redeem herself!



I told the kids how to tell the chipmunks apart and throughout the rest of the meal Dale walked up and pointed to his nose as a quiz to the kids. (By the end of the meal they finally got it.)

Our food was fresh and delicious. I was still feeling a little off, but I powered through and ate way too much of the green beans and mac and cheese.



I tried to get a sweet selfie with my mother, but a certain dog decided to photo bomb our shot:


Why, hello Pluto.


When Chip arrived for his meet, he noticed Landon’s Star Wars shirt and began using the force on the kids. This led to an entire battle in which the kids won with their superior Jedi powers.


Only at Disney, guys. Only at Disney…

The end of dinner arrived and absolutely nobody in my party wanted dessert. We were stuffed to the gills. When Bob came to take our plates, we politely told him we were passing on the shortcake and in return he politely told us, “That’s unacceptable.” :rotfl:

A few minutes later he came back with a plate and two sugar cookies for the kids. Then he whispered to Landon to come to him. He whipped out a paper cup with a lid, and he opened it a crack for Landon to see inside.

“Is this all for us?!”

“You betcha. You’re the boss, and the boss gets extras.”

Landon’s night was made:


With such a pleasant dinner under our belts, it was only fitting we ride the attraction attached to the restaurant. I love Living with the Land and it’s a Must Do every trip.

There was some confusion at boarding time, and I ended up sitting with kids and my mom, leaving Alex all alone in the back row:


When he sat down he proclaimed, “What, am I banished from the rest of the family?”

I kept looking back at him throughout the attraction, and he would just shake his head.

Sorry, Hubby.

(Although, not too sorry because c’mon, what parent doesn’t want a break every now and then? Am I right??)

Continued from Previous Post:

We finished up inside the Land and walked about….twenty feet to the Seas aquarium.

Can you tell we were on Day 4 of a summer Disney trip? To say I was feeling burned out would be an understatement.

I directed the kids inside the aquarium and to a new attraction for all of us. Believe it or not, none of us had ever done Turtle Talk with Crush before.

Because it was pretty late in the day, the theater was only half full and the kids got a front row spot on the floor.


Everyone enjoyed the show, but I don’t know if we’ll go out of our way to return. Landon was a little grumpy he didn’t get to ask a question, but I was secretly relieved. I never know what’s going to come out of Landon’s mouth, and I live in fear at what his mind will come up with.

Being a shy parent to a very extroverted kid is a life lesson in anxiety control….

Leaving Crush, it was getting close to time to ride a Fastpass I had managed to snag earlier in the day, so we slowly headed out of Future World.

Summer was on full display that evening, and I was soaking up every second of it.


With all the construction and changes happening to Epcot right now, I especially appreciate this calm and unobstructed view from last year. Who knows what the park is going to look like when it’s all finished with its updates?

The adults and kids meandered over to the World Showcase, where I continued to ogle the beauty of Walt Disney World.



Doesn’t this make you want to visit Norway? It’s on the top of my list as of late. Hopefully, before we move Alex and I can pop over to Oslo or Bergen for a long weekend. I mean, we sort of have to. We have slowly and unknowingly been checking off World Showcase countries since getting married.

Mexico, check.

Germany, check.

Italy, check.

France, check.

America, check.

The U.K., check.

Six out of eleven ain’t bad, but we can do better!
The always-ongoing Disney life goals…. ::yes::

Anyways, I had managed to get us all passes for Frozen Ever After, and this was Alex’s first time riding it.


Evie and Landon were there, I promise.

See, they were forced to pose for the obligatory troll picture afterwards:


When one doesn’t feel 100% one of the worst things a person can do is pile on more food and booze onto the situation. Unfortunately for me, I was not smart enough to follow that sound advice. Last spring, I had had such a great snack and beer break in Norway that I was determined to recreate the experience. Never mind my belly literally felt like it was about to pop.


Not my brightest moment by far, but at the time I didn’t care. I was pushing through and digging deep for my Disney stomach. You know, the one that’s endless and cast iron while on the property hosting purple road signs and mouse shaped waffles.
It’s a thing.

Because time and my notes have slipped away, I have a gap between consuming the beer and taking these nighttime shots of the Epcot globe:



I can only assume my mom and I meandered around, trying our hardest not to think about the fact that she would be leaving in the morning. Alex has long since made it a rule that we get some family time in Disney with just the four of us, and I completely understand this rule. But it didn’t change the fact that I was incredibly bummed my mom wouldn’t be with us anymore.

Of all our big family trips, this one had to be the best. The kids were older and more independent, and because they had come from 5 days with my mom they were more willing than usual to let her help. The four days in the parks were a perfect balance of everyone working together and getting along, and I said goodbye to my mom later that night at Shades already missing her terribly.

Man, even remembering my mom’s last night makes me a little sad. Don’t mind me, I’m just going to end this report and look up possible Mom/Daughter trips next spring.

Up Next…We’re Not as Young as We Once Were
Glad your meal at GG was such a success! Your DD certainly redeemed herself. And a great server can make all the difference. I've yet to ride Frozen EA. Maybe we'll be able to catch it on our (hopefully) rebooked trip in Sept. I think the shutdown has made a lot of us dream about future travel. I ordered a guide book and am planning a trip to Great Britain next year :coffee: Sad you had to say goodbye to your Mom but glad your time together ended on a high note!
When Evie was one, my mom and I took her to a meal at Garden Grill where she proceeded to scream her darling little head off at the characters.

I remember that.

When he introduced himself, he told Landon, “You’re the boss. You need something, you ask for Bob. One of these adults give you trouble, try and make you eat too many vegetables, you let me know. Because remember, you’re the boss.”

This is so great, an example of the Disney Magic. Is Garden Grill now his favorite restaurant?

As everyone knows, Garden Grill’s character interaction is some of the best on property and this night proved no different.

We've only eaten her once but I would agree.

Dale walked up first and Evie did indeed redeem herself!


Chip and Dale were the first characters Danielle willing interacted with.

I tried to get a sweet selfie with my mother, but a certain dog decided to photo bomb our shot:


Cute picture even with the Pluto photobomb.

A few minutes later he came back with a plate and two sugar cookies for the kids. Then he whispered to Landon to come to him. He whipped out a paper cup with a lid, and he opened it a crack for Landon to see inside.

“Is this all for us?!”

“You betcha. You’re the boss, and the boss gets extras.”

Landon’s night was made:

This just warms my heart so much!!

I love Living with the Land and it’s a Must Do every trip.

Must do for us too.

Everyone enjoyed the show, but I don’t know if we’ll go out of our way to return. Landon was a little grumpy he didn’t get to ask a question, but I was secretly relieved. I never know what’s going to come out of Landon’s mouth, and I live in fear at what his mind will come up with.

Being a shy parent to a very extroverted kid is a life lesson in anxiety control….

Turtle is something for just every other trip of so for us. I sure Landon would have had everyone laughing if had been given the chance.

With all the construction and changes happening to Epcot right now, I especially appreciate this calm and unobstructed view from last year. Who knows what the park is going to look like when it’s all finished with its updates?

When I saw your picture I was thinking the same thing.

Evie and Landon were there, I promise.

I had to look hard but did see them.

See, they were forced to pose for the obligatory troll picture afterwards:


Gotta do this too every trip.

Man, even remembering my mom’s last night makes me a little sad. Don’t mind me, I’m just going to end this report and look up possible Mom/Daughter trips next spring.

I'm so glad you have such a good time with your Mom in Disney. I really hope it works out for your Mom/Daughter trip.
Aw what a fabulous last day with your mum. I really hope you get that mother daughter trip. The kids and Bob were absolute stars🌟
I long for the day when we can travel again 😔
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Such an fun dinner and character meets. Bob sounds awesome!
Very glad your last evening with mom, was a good one
Epcot in the evening is a perfect spot!
We still have never done Crush, I know it is geared more for little ones!
I do love walking around WS, how fun to count of countries you have been to!
I have been to all of them except Morocco, Japan, and China, oh and the Africa outpost, never been there!
I was super fortunate to travel to many places in the world when I was younger, loved it!
So much fun! We’re finally hitting Garden Grill on our next trip. Hope our visit is half as special as yours.
I'm glad Evie redeemed herself at Garden Grill! We love it there! I'm sorry that it was a tough night saying goodbye to your mom. I'm glad you made such great memories so far on the trip, but so hard to say goodbye!
I’m late to everything but almost a year is horrible even by my very pathetic standards. I have no idea how I was so clueless this was going on but hopefully you can tell from the 999 likes you got I powered through the whole thing.

Loving the report and your family. Takes me back to remember what it was like to do Disney with little ones. In turn they reminded me why I drink. Speaking of which so happy you all got some adult only time!

Can’t waif for more and I promise not to fall a year behind again.
But during the planning stages of this trip, she told me over and over again that she wanted to meet Chip and Dale.

I remember this.

Maybe against my better judgement, I booked us another dinner at the restaurant and told Evie this was her redemption meal. This was her chance prove to us she was all right with characters now.

:scared: :scared: I've been anxiously waiting to hear about this!

Landon was hooked. Throughout the meal, he’d ask us, “Do you need any more water, let me ask Bob. Need more bread? I got this.”

That's adorable and amazing!

Dale walked up first and Evie did indeed redeem herself!

Yay Evie!

Look at that smile on her face! :love:

When Chip arrived for his meet, he noticed Landon’s Star Wars shirt and began using the force on the kids. This led to an entire battle in which the kids won with their superior Jedi powers.


I kept looking back at him throughout the attraction, and he would just shake his head.

Sounds like a perfect meal at Garden Grill! I'm glad Evie redeemed herself and that Landon was made to feel so special!

I'm sure it was tough saying goodbye to your mom after such an amazing time with her!!
Love your pictures of pandora and the safari...I love AK as well!

Aaw what a treat to have such a lovely server for your meal at garden grill 👍🏻
Awww, such a sweet dinner at GG! That kind of service is so rare nowadays. Obviously Bob found his calling!

I actually like Crush myself. It's fun (and sometimes funny) to watch the little ones come up with some real doozies! LOL!

:( Knowing a trip is about to end is the WORST!!!


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