Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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I cannot, for the life of me, understand why adults can't simply follow directions. If you want to go to Disney, you're going to need to follow the rules that are in place. Why try and exert your 'freedom' to do whatever you want just to go to Disney. As a company, I completely believe they're doing everything they can to go about reopening in a way that is safe. If masks are required of guests, masks are required (or face covering). This shouldn't be about how to hypothetically get around a possible policy because this isn't China and it ruffles your 'freedoms'. You're not entitled to go to Disney, no one is.

It's honestly pretty simple: go with the restrictions in place or wait until the restrictions are lifted but for the love of all things great in this world, can people stop acting like they're entitled to a Disney vacation the way you want it at all times.

That's not really the issue. If you are wearing masks inside in places where you can't socially distance, I think you'd have more understanding. But this idea that they want you wearing it even outside when you are away from people is nuts. And most people will find that nuts. No where does that. Grocery stores and stores that require masks only require it when inside the store. They don't care if you are wearing it in the parking lot or not. I see people all the time grab their masks and pull them off the minute they walk out the door.

The governor of the state even stated that he doesn't see outdoor being that big of a threat especially if you can socially distance. You are going to have a LOT of trouble enforcing this. It's 95 degrees in Florida during the summer. The sun is very hot. Kids are not going to wear these masks all day in the park. It's not going to happen.
That's not really the issue. If you are wearing masks inside in places where you can't socially distance, I think you'd have more understanding. But this idea that they want you wearing it even outside when you are away from people is nuts. And most people will find that nuts. No where does that. Grocery stores and stores that require masks only require it when inside the store. They don't care if you are wearing it in the parking lot or not. I see people all the time grab their masks and pull them off the minute they walk out the door.

The governor of the state even stated that he doesn't see outdoor being that big of a threat especially if you can socially distance. You are going to have a LOT of trouble enforcing this. It's 95 degrees in Florida during the summer. The sun is very hot. Kids are not going to wear these masks all day in the park. It's not going to happen.
This is understandable, but you'll never be "away from people" inside a Disney park. It's not like you leave an indoor attraction and there's free, open air everywhere... you're exiting an attraction with everyone else you just rode with, passing by others waiting in the same nearby queue, and others walking around the park.
Did you see the one of the people on the boat- wearing their masks? One cannot breathe through a wet mask. The CDC recommends changing the face mask when it gets "damp"- including from "condensation from your breath." How many masks per day will the average person go through in an 8-12 hour day? Who will be responsible for making sure those masks are readily available? Will every person be required to bring in a minimum amount of masks? Will people be forced to buy them? Or will Disney provide them for free? We can watch Shanghai to see how they handle this.

CDC also recommends "washing and sanitizing your hands before and after you touch your mask." Who can follow that rule at Disney (or most anywhere other than a medical setting)?

I was reading a Forbes article about how to keep your mask from being contaminated, and it would be nearly impossible to keep your mask from being contaminated at a theme park.

Touching your mask contaminates it.
Taking off your mask and laying it on a table (or any surface) contaminates it and the surface.
Touching your phone to your mask contaminates your mask.
Putting your mask around your chin or neck contaminates the mask.

They recommend storing your mask in a brown paper bag when it is off. But experts warn that if you take off your mask and put it in the bag, take it out, and put it back in backward, then all of the germs on the outside of the mask get on the inside of the mask and now the mask if contaminated and you are exposed.

The constant on-and-off of the mask at a theme park- to eat, drink, ride water rides, answer your phone, breathe, or any other number of instances- just isn't practical for a theme park setting. And what happens when it rains?

Watching the people at Shanghai, you can see these practices that cause contamination.

When one reads all of the ways masks can be contaminated, how they cause us to do things that are unhealthy (like sneezing or coughing without covering our mouths because we have the false sense that the mask will catch everything), and all of the recommendations regarding them, it seems that it could actually be worse for our health wearing them than not.
I agree. But if Disney makes people wear masks, they look like they're doing something to mitigate the spread.
That's not really the issue. If you are wearing masks inside in places where you can't socially distance, I think you'd have more understanding. But this idea that they want you wearing it even outside when you are away from people is nuts. And most people will find that nuts. No where does that. Grocery stores and stores that require masks only require it when inside the store. They don't care if you are wearing it in the parking lot or not. I see people all the time grab their masks and pull them off the minute they walk out the door.

The governor of the state even stated that he doesn't see outdoor being that big of a threat especially if you can socially distance. You are going to have a LOT of trouble enforcing this. It's 95 degrees in Florida during the summer. The sun is very hot. Kids are not going to wear these masks all day in the park. It's not going to happen.

Like I said, don't go until the restrictions are lifted, then. Easy peasy. Instead of immediately acting like you're going to buck a policy that you think is foolish (general you), stay home until you can comply with the policies of the company (should it become policy, though it's looking more likely based on Chapek's comments related to cultural shifts). I'm going to refrain from saying anything about the expertise of your governor to keep this somewhat on topic.
Good point....
So what do you do when it's raining and your mask gets all wet? It will rain every day in Florida during the summer. And everyone crams into the stores dripping wet.

Face masks all day in a tropical climate isn't going to work. May as well just stay closed.
Face masks are cheap and easy, they can also be made of quick dry fabric, and it would make sense to have a handful with you if you are going to be out all day, but I would bet Disney will be handing out paper masks for people who don't have one or only have soiled masks.
Like I said, don't go until the restrictions are lifted, then. Easy peasy. Instead of immediately acting like you're going to buck a policy that you think is foolish (general you), stay home until you can comply with the policies of the company (should it become policy, though it's looking more likely based on Chapek's comments related to cultural shifts). I'm going to refrain from saying anything about the expertise of your governor to keep this somewhat on topic.

It will be interesting watching security kick little kids out who are refusing to wear masks for 8 hours in the Florida sun, and starting fights with the parents.

Disney better be giving out refunds. A lot of these tickets and APs were bought before they changed their policies. And there is going to be a lot of angry people.
It will be interesting watching security kick little kids out who are refusing to wear masks for 8 hours in the Florida sun, and starting fights with the parents.

Disney better be giving out refunds. A lot of these tickets and APs were bought before they changed their policies. And there is going to be a lot of angry people.

Like many have said here “ personal responsibility”.
Did you see the one of the people on the boat- wearing their masks? One cannot breathe through a wet mask. The CDC recommends changing the face mask when it gets "damp"- including from "condensation from your breath." How many masks per day will the average person go through in an 8-12 hour day? Who will be responsible for making sure those masks are readily available? Will every person be required to bring in a minimum amount of masks? Will people be forced to buy them? Or will Disney provide them for free? We can watch Shanghai to see how they handle this.

CDC also recommends "washing and sanitizing your hands before and after you touch your mask." Who can follow that rule at Disney (or most anywhere other than a medical setting)?

I was reading a Forbes article about how to keep your mask from being contaminated, and it would be nearly impossible to keep your mask from being contaminated at a theme park.

Touching your mask contaminates it.
Taking off your mask and laying it on a table (or any surface) contaminates it and the surface.
Touching your phone to your mask contaminates your mask.
Putting your mask around your chin or neck contaminates the mask.

They recommend storing your mask in a brown paper bag when it is off. But experts warn that if you take off your mask and put it in the bag, take it out, and put it back in backward, then all of the germs on the outside of the mask get on the inside of the mask and now the mask if contaminated and you are exposed.

The constant on-and-off of the mask at a theme park- to eat, drink, ride water rides, answer your phone, breathe, or any other number of instances- just isn't practical for a theme park setting. And what happens when it rains?

Watching the people at Shanghai, you can see these practices that cause contamination.

When one reads all of the ways masks can be contaminated, how they cause us to do things that are unhealthy (like sneezing or coughing without covering our mouths because we have the false sense that the mask will catch everything), and all of the recommendations regarding them, it seems that it could actually be worse for our health wearing them than not.
You are referring to medical masks designed to protect the wearer from COVID. Not the same as the paper and cloth masks Disney wants you to wear. The paper/cloth mask is not to protect you (if it was, then "contamination" would be an issue but it is not.) but to protect others from your respiratory droplets. You can touch it, lick it, grab it and smash it all over your face and it doesn't matter, because the mask is not being worn to protect you from COVID. It's to protect others from the droplets flying out of your nose and mouth. Hand washing protects you. Carry hand sanitizer with you and there should also be plenty all over the park.
Like I said, don't go until the restrictions are lifted, then. Easy peasy. Instead of immediately acting like you're going to buck a policy that you think is foolish (general you), stay home until you can comply with the policies of the company (should it become policy, though it's looking more likely based on Chapek's comments related to cultural shifts). I'm going to refrain from saying anything about the expertise of your governor to keep this somewhat on topic.
Um, I don't think that's actually refraining ... kind of like cussing with a mask on, you'd still be cussing even though your mouth is covered.
Um, I don't think that's actually refraining ... kind of like cussing with a mask on, you'd still be cussing even though your mouth is covered.

Nope, I’m definitely refraining from sharing my full feelings about his expertise, as far as this is concerned. Make of that what you want, it doesn’t bother me. My point remains: adults can follow Disney’s policies or wait until the policies better reflect what they want.

Easy peasy.
I'll be glad once WDW policy is established and communicated. If WDW say that masks are required then folks esposing anti-mask rhetoric will then fall under the "circumventing Disney policy" banner and be dealt with on the boards.
That's a nice thought, but I highly doubt they'd be "dealt with", unfortunately. Lol
Yup. IMO Disney Springs is the test run since they are requiring face masks for CMs and guests both. If they see little compliance on the guest's parts, WDW will just stay closed longer.
Maybe. Or maybe the “required masks” is something they don’t really intend on enforcing in any real capacity, in which case guest behavior at DS will have zero impact on WDW opening. Time will tell.
As far as I understand, Disney is not refunding APs or most park tickets. They are only giving back prorated amount for the closure period only.

The park tickets, if not used will become a credit that can be used on a future trip. They’re not lost. Some people have reported success getting a refund, and I imagine Disney would not put up too much a fuss if someone requests one due to lack of desire to visit like this.

There’s a partial AP refund which is better than nothing should you decide you don’t want to go during this. For me personally I will be contacting them once everything is finalized for a solution that is better for an international AP, but again we aren’t totally screwed should we decide not to visit.
If you want WDW to open with less restrictions, or none at all, then they will open later. If you want them to open earlier, restrictions, likely including masks, will be put into place.

I have no problem with this as long as I have plenty of time to cancel or delay

I plan on being there May 20th. It's my son's birthday. We are going to experiment with masks. My servers at my local Mexican joint were talking about different masks and the annoying parts of each, they're indoor serving the best Mexican food on the planet so we thought taking different kinds to DS as a test run for the eventual park opening would be a good idea. That and we're bored to death here. Having a toddler on CV lockdown has made me really appreciate what his daycare teachers do all day.

which Mexican place? We love it but too many to choose

I cannot, for the life of me, understand why adults can't simply follow directions. If you want to go to Disney, you're going to need to follow the rules that are in place. Why try and exert your 'freedom' to do whatever you want just to go to Disney. As a company, I completely believe they're doing everything they can to go about reopening in a way that is safe. If masks are required of guests, masks are required (or face covering). This shouldn't be about how to hypothetically get around a possible policy because this isn't China and it ruffles your 'freedoms'. You're not entitled to go to Disney, no one is.

It's honestly pretty simple: go with the restrictions in place or wait until the restrictions are lifted but for the love of all things great in this world, can people stop acting like they're entitled to a Disney vacation the way you want it at all times.

I’m glad to wait until it will be an experience I want. As long as I’m allowed to cancel if things are not ‘normal’ when I’m scheduled to go. So maybe extending the cancellation policy???

BTW - does anyone know which phase in FL means no masks? What phase are they in currently? Sorry been under a rock lately when it comes to this
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