“Rise” to the Challenge, FREAK!! Done and new trip report started 5/2/21

Just enjoyed your trip and you are so correct. Always something new to discover just by reading your report. Hurry WDW and open open open ! When it is safe.
in the meantime be sure to check out all the new things Disney is sharing on the DisneyParksBlog.com Yesterday was halfway to Halloween Day and they shared a virtual Fireworks with Jack Skellington Hosting ... amazing to watch him walk out of the Castle to the delight of entire crowd of Halloween Party guests! Disney is so magic! And be sure to check out Olaf’s new song on the Disney+
I am with you love letter. Thank you DIsney.

Stay positive with your future trip planning and thanks for a great report.
Nice to spend some time in MK on your last day, especially to say goodbye!

Sounds like a great time in AK! You sure are a Landry's VIP!!

Yuck to arriving home to so much snow!

And hello again Douglas, he looks so cute!
You will see a theme with our ride photos, however, I didn’t get the memo, 🤣 We were to look sad with thumbs down because it was the last day! :confused3
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Well I think you got sad just need to work on that thumb

Nope still didn't get the memo :earboy2:

We decided to end our meal with the delicious fried wonton dessert, yum!! We love this! If you try this make sure to get a taste of all the components at once. It makes the dessert so good. Scoop a little vanilla sauce, ice cream, fruit, and wonton together!
Oh Landry's card how do I love thee???? It really is awesome to be able to walk in there and get seated right away. Its always worked out so well for us. And what better to have as our last Disney taste then these delicious wontons!

Thank goodness, for TSA precheck, best money I have ever spent!
YES!!!! I get it free from work but anyone traveling with me on the same reservation gets it too. But a few times I've made Jason's reservation separate from mine and Casey's and he has not been a happy camper when we breeze through security and he has to wait it out.

Another great report Caroline!!! Love spending Disney time with you and Andi. You 2 give me all the mother/daughter goals
A really nice last day in the parks! I'm always happier when we get to do a park on departure day, feels like the trip is extended just a little more :goodvibes And your Y&Y lunch is making me miss AK! We were planning to eat there in June and while our 2nd June trip hasn't been cancelled yet I feel it's just a matter of days. So we'll have to go in July! LOVE the wontons!
Douglas is absolutely precious! 🥰
I feel your pain about wanting to go back to WDW. I could just go to DS and resort hop to get my fix at this point, but I do want to see how everything plays out before going anywhere out of town.
What a great last day. That dessert looks sooooo good. I’ll have to add it to the list for when the parks reopen and I can go back.

Thanks for sharing your trip! I will be keeping and eye out to see if your next trips (hopefully) happen without a hitch!
What an absolutely perfect last day. I always like to say goodbye to Mickey, too!! Well, maybe not goodbye, but see ya real soon :)

Looking forward to your wrap up! And that little Douglas is so darn cute!!!
Great TR Caroline. I think it's especially sad now when they come to an end since no one knows what our Disney future brings. I think it's a great sign that DS is starting to open this week! Praying our end of July trip works out!!! Although, don't know how thrilled I will be to wear a mask in the parks in the Florida heat...
Sounds like a great last day in Disney in my two favorite parks!

I bought a bunch of Landry's gift cards too when they were offering the bonus and Mike just keeps asking where all the gift cards are coming from :rotfl:
OK, Douglas is so stinking cute! (You all are too, but furry friends are my heart!)

Sad to see another trip come to an end for you two. I always enjoy reading your reports.

I so want to go to WDW right now, but even if it were open I probably would not do so. I have too many underlying medical issues to chance it right now. I understand your uncertainty where this is concerned.

Looking forward to your Wrap Up of this report.

Thank you Lynn! Very nice having you follow along. I would have had a March report to work on but sadly no. :sad:
Isn’t Douglas the cutest little guy, he really loves Andi and being with her!
I’m acting like we are going in August for now......:rolleyes1
Nothing better than HM!
You are so right Susan!
Love the picture!
Ahh Thanks, the shirt I am wearing is one I bought this trip at Uniqlo
Yum, yum.....I love Y&Y!
We do too and the gift cards are so nice to have!
The saddest part of every trip!
The tragical depress is really a downer!
Thanks for another entertaining report! It was fun to read along. :)

Douglas is so cute!
Thanks for reading along and commenting I always enjoy hearing from you!
Douglas is such a cutie.
Caroline, I have been so lax in commenting, but have been reading along with you.....

What a fabulous report from you and your lovely daughter on your trip. It`s been so much fun and have enjoyed your pictures and commentary a lot!

And fingers crossed for August going ahead......

Douglas is so cute!!!!!

And thank you for writing such lovely reports.....hope you`re all doing ok and keeping well.........:wave2:
Thank you Carole. I love having you following along. I know Disney isn’t your thing so it means so much to hear from you and your nice comments!
I am totally acting like we will be going in August. I looked at changing to September except the prices were higher, this was odd to me. I am still looking.
Douglas is so sweet and such a fun little pet for Andi! Very low maintenance!
We are all doing fine at this time. I am watching The Last Kingdom on Netflix and love it. Have you watched that one? It is set in the 9th century with the Saxons and Danes! Really good!
Breakfast of champions and bunnies.... Betting Douglas would be all over that.
I sure ate like a champion this morning, carrot cake cookie and red velvet cake pop. I was on a sugar high! Little Douglas loves blueberries and bananas
The horror!
That girl is not happy unless she is a galactic hero 999,999 or nothing else will do!
Yes. She's definitely disappointed with her "mere" 500,000.
That is suppose to be the sad look of our last morning in MK as you can tell I can’t follow directions haha 🤣
It shows! No thumbsdown!
We did some of our favorites this morning in MK even with the crowds.
You're so posh, Caroline.
You got that right!! :rotfl:
Like that. Sorry it was just "meh" for you.
The fried rice was good just not as good as the other items!
Good to know! Maybe I'll give it a try.
If and when...
Ahh the if and when makes me sad....
I'm not really surprised. Probably did zero research, missed any decent ride or had to wait hours because they didn't get FPs and stayed offsite.
That happens so many times and people just blame Disney! I have watch so many times people going up to the FP line and asking what is this and how do I get in this line:confused3
Yumm! Have yet to try this and have heard a few people mention it.
It is so good and don’t eat it separately it needs to be all together to really enjoy the awesomeness
Ooooohhh… You is rich with bonuses!
I sure am, so glad the gift cards don’t expire!
Worst part of the trip? Or is stepping on DME?

I think... DME.
I think stepping on the tragical depress is worse than leaving a park!
don't know if, as a foreigner, I'd be eligible for that. Should look into it.
Some Disers on here have global entry, I wonder if you can do that? It makes your custom wait shorter and precheck is part of it from what I understand.
Yuck. Don't use dirty words on the DIS.
Snow is definitely a four letter word
Douglas is a Cutie pie
Love the resort airline check in! We used it for the first time, what a difference!
We love this, another thing Disney does that sets it apart from other vacations
The sad face with the thumbs up
I really can’t follow directions, Andi just gives me the eye roll 🙄
Yay, love when the bus is waiting. I’ve had pretty good luck on recent trips *knock on wood* although I’ve definitely had my share of running to a bus only to find out it’s full
It is always nice to see a bus waiting and if you can sit a huge plus! We have had a few buses take off as we are running to them, that is a bummer!
That burger looked really fresh and yummy! And good riddance on that family, smaller lines for the rest of us! All the blogs are making Disney too popular!
This was a really good Impossible burger with the sauce and pepper jack cheese
That is definitely on my list for next time, I was way too full on my last trip since I was solo and had a full entree, but when my mom and I go back we need to try this!!
Put this on your to try list so yummy!
This is my favorite meet and greet, I love meeting them together! I’m so sad I missed meeting them in town square in their celebration outfit
I love this meet and greet, we usually try to see Mickey in MK and didn’t this trip. We did see both with the Birthday outfits on, very cute!
Wow that is crazy! I think the longest I have waited is 20-30 minutes. I’d be so stressed, I don’t have pre-check! I’m not sure how common delta clear is, but I had a coworker who was going to miss his flight due to long lines and he bought clear on his phone and then popped right to the front!
I was stressed for all the people, this was the longest wait I have seen posted!
We have one that opened five minutes away, their waffle fries are the best ever. Plus the chick fil a sauce, just don’t pay attention to the nutrition info for the tiny little packets
It’s really good and the waffle fries yum! We still don’t have one in Duluth.
That’s the worst thing to come home to, our cat sitter said our December trip was the last time she will help out for our winter trips, it would always snow over a foot and she’d have to walk through it to get into our house :sad1: So hard to leave sunny FL for snowy cold MN!
It really did look like I was on the North Pole. I love being in Florida in the winter hate coming back
o cute! :lovestruc At least coming home to pets makes it not so bad!
The pets are always happy to see us.
Thanks for taking us along on your trip. I’ve loved reading about it. You certainly packed a lot into your last day! I’m somewhat jealous of people who can use resort airline checkin as we have to leave an extra hour or two earlier than you and lug our suitcases the whole way to the airport ourselves:crazy2:
Your ride photos made me laugh 😂 They are just brilliant. I think it’s so lovely that you and Andi get to enjoy these trips together. Special times indeed.
Crossing my fingers for you ( and the rest of us tbh) that you manage to get back to WDW in the near future:goodvibes
Thank you so much! It was so enjoyable having you reading along and commenting!
I am the worst with following directions for the ride photos. Andi just gives me the look, like really mom!
This was a very fun trip and zi am so glad we did get this trip in!
I am acting like we are going in August, however hard to say. I do not want to wear a mask on vacation. I wear one all the time and just yuck!
Thank you Carole. I love having you following along. I know Disney isn’t your thing so it means so much to hear from you and your nice comments!
I am totally acting like we will be going in August. I looked at changing to September except the prices were higher, this was odd to me. I am still looking.
Douglas is so sweet and such a fun little pet for Andi! Very low maintenance!
We are all doing fine at this time. I am watching The Last Kingdom on Netflix and love it. Have you watched that one? It is set in the 9th century with the Saxons and Danes! Really good!

Caroline, your trip reports are always fun to read. And you always make Disney very appealing again......lol......

Will keep my fingers crossed for you August happens. I`m still being completely positive while being realistic at the same time.....you should see the thoughts my brain has at times!!!! Hope you don`t have to postpone again.

Oh my goodness, there`s something on Netflix I haven`t watched???????? :rotfl: No, haven`t seen that one. It sounds like one we`d enjoy though. Currently watching Good Girls.....it`s funny with a slice of black humour......a lot of black humour! But, very light hearted and easy to watch.....it is one of those, oh we`ll just watch another episode and then you see it`s 1am.....oops.

Will have a look at it. And will keep watching for updates from you.....:wave2:
I sure ate like a champion this morning, carrot cake cookie and red velvet cake pop. I was on a sugar high!
I bet!
That girl is not happy unless she is a galactic hero 999,999 or nothing else will do!
A spoiled saver of the galaxy??
That is suppose to be the sad look of our last morning in MK as you can tell I can’t follow directions haha 🤣
The fried rice was good just not as good as the other items!
Ah! Okay. :)
Ahh the if and when makes me sad....
:( Yeah, me too.
That happens so many times and people just blame Disney! I have watch so many times people going up to the FP line and asking what is this and how do I get in this line:confused3
The eternal conundrum. Be a good person/DISer and tell them... or lie and keep the line shorter! :laughing:
It is so good and don’t eat it separately it needs to be all together to really enjoy the awesomeness
Okay! :)
Some Disers on here have global entry, I wonder if you can do that? It makes your custom wait shorter and precheck is part of it from what I understand.
hmmm... I'll have to look into that, then.
I just read your TR and your time there sounded so lovely!!! It made me miss Disney even more than I already do!
My fiancé and I stayed at CSR the same time as you! It was our first time there and we absolutely loved it.
I enjoyed seeing all the veg options for meals and snacks, I am a fellow veggie and sometimes forget about a lot of good snacks especially in WS because there are so many. I tend to get the same things every time!
I hope everything works out for your August trip, we had to move our May trip to the end of September, so I’m crossing my fingers and toes that everything works out and everyone gets to enjoy the magic again soon.

I just wanted to pop in and say how wonderful reading your trip was! I will definitely follow along next time!😀
Just enjoyed your trip and you are so correct. Always something new to discover just by reading your report. Hurry WDW and open open open ! When it is safe.
in the meantime be sure to check out all the new things Disney is sharing on the DisneyParksBlog.com Yesterday was halfway to Halloween Day and they shared a virtual Fireworks with Jack Skellington Hosting ... amazing to watch him walk out of the Castle to the delight of entire crowd of Halloween Party guests! Disney is so magic! And be sure to check out Olaf’s new song on the Disney+
I am with you love letter. Thank you DIsney.

Stay positive with your future trip planning and thanks for a great report.
Thank you for joining in!
I love finding new things and activities at the parks!
I have been watching Disney+ and streaming some of the live shows! It makes me happy and sad all at the same time,
We love our hot August trips and hope to go this year!
Nice to spend some time in MK on your last day, especially to say goodbye!

Sounds like a great time in AK! You sure are a Landry's VIP!!

Yuck to arriving home to so much snow!

And hello again Douglas, he looks so cute!
This was a nice way to spend our last day!
I bought more Landry’s gift cards on special this month. I now have enough for the next several trips. I’m so glad the cards don’t expire.
I love traveling to Florida in the winter and hate coming back home!
Little Douglas is a ray of sunshine!


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