New CDC Outdoor Guidance

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People are asking how can Disney check that you are vaccinated. To me, that's not the point of the CDC guidance. It's not to give you a way to prove to another entity you don't need a mask and might could fake it. It's about "proving" to yourself that it's safe to do something. So the CDC has now told you that this is the way to make sure you're safe at Disney or anywhere else.

The purpose of the mask mandate at Disney is to make sure they are doing everything in their power to keep you safe. If the CDC has said, you're safe if you get a vaccine, there is no point for a mask mandate any more in my opinion. I went online to make an appt for my 13 year old today at a Walgreens. There are 10 in my town and all had 20+ appointment spots for TODAY. If you want a vaccine, you have had every opportunity to get it at this point. Only the under-12 crowd can't get a vaccine at this point and we know their level of risk is extremely low, but certainly you can still have them wear a mask or even not come if you feel like there's too much risk. It's now a matter of personal responsibility for your health and risk and time for companies to follow the science and guidance and stop mandating things.
Could not be said better...
We have been told that we are going to follow the science well the CDC now says the science says masks no longer needed indoor or outdoor as long as were vaccinated so let’s all follow the science

Some only want to follow that they agree with.

The same people on my social media feeds yelling follow the science for the last year are now the same ones saying the CDC is insane to give this news out today. Apparently we’re all going to die, numbers are going to go up, we’re going to have another wave and be shut down again.
At this point if you are an adult and not vaccinated that’s on you. I’ve done my part and worn a mask for a year. People can go on wearing one if they want to but it’s time to get back to normal.

Ehh, I wouldn't go that far yet. My state only opened to everyone on 4/19. Then it's at least 3 weeks between doses and another 2 weeks to full immunity. We aren't there yet.
This exactly. My husband and I are vaccinated but my 8 year old isn’t. We will wear masks with her since it would feel weird to have her wear one but mom and dad don’t. I don’t think Disney will lift the indoor requirement until the 11 and unders at least are eligible. I could see outdoor requirement going away sooner

For sure your right to protect your family however you see fit, but all studies show there is virtually no risk at that age. I'm not saying kids haven't gotten sick or died, but statistically that change is super small.
Ehh, I wouldn't go that far yet. My state only opened to everyone on 4/19. Then it's at least 3 weeks between doses and another 2 weeks to full immunity. We aren't there yet.

Agreed. we are getting close though and that is a good thing.
% of adults completely those who are effected. We are done with this's over.
What? Studies have shown kids can spread it. Teenagers are just as efficient spreaders as adults. And while rare, younger kids can transmit ( it’s just less likely). There are several case reports of kids be the patient zero. So it is based on % population for herd immunity. Herd immunity is not factoring likelihood of being symptomatic or being hospitalized (all of which kids are at decreased risk).
Ehh, I wouldn't go that far yet. My state only opened to everyone on 4/19. Then it's at least 3 weeks between doses and another 2 weeks to full immunity. We aren't there yet.
A reasonable point which is why I think they should say, the mask mandate ends 5 weeks from today. Then everyone has had time to get fully vaccinated from this announcement.
Some only want to follow that they agree with.

The same people on my social media feeds yelling follow the science for the last year are now the same ones saying the CDC is insane to give this news out today. Apparently we’re all going to die, numbers are going to go up, we’re going to have another wave and be shut down again.
That is a no no to social feeds - it's over, we can move on!
I assume just like over the past year with guests who could not/would not wear a mask, you can chose to reschedule at a later date that is more comfortable for your family.
No i'm good. we booked thinking we were going to have to wear them anyways. so i wouldnt reschedule.

i do think we should be careful until everyone, and i mean everyone can get a vaccine. It's not approved for kids yet, so it still is a concern for those of us with kids under 12.
This exactly. My husband and I are vaccinated but my 8 year old isn’t. We will wear masks with her since it would feel weird to have her wear one but mom and dad don’t. I don’t think Disney will lift the indoor requirement until the 11 and unders at least are eligible. I could see outdoor requirement going away sooner

Not to derail, but the point of masks for kids was to protect adults and the vulnerable. They've never been at any statistical risk from COVID, so if you're vaccinated, and you can assume that everyone else who wants to be vaccinated is vaccinated, you don't need to worry about them for the kids, either. Up to you, of course, but it's not serving any scientific purpose.
..even vaccinated people may have reasons for wanting to continue to use a mask, ranging from a different tolerance for risk to regular contact with someone who is immunocompromised. Dr. Anthony Fauci said that "they [who will continue to wear masks] shouldn't be criticized," while [White House pandemic advisor Andy] Slavitt said that "as a rule, we're anti-side-eye."

Just wanted to make sure everyone realizes that some may chose to wear masks after business start to lift their restrictions and there's nothing wrong with that.
This exactly. My husband and I are vaccinated but my 8 year old isn’t. We will wear masks with her since it would feel weird to have her wear one but mom and dad don’t. I don’t think Disney will lift the indoor requirement until the 11 and unders at least are eligible. I could see outdoor requirement going away sooner
Same boat...mine are 8 and 9.
What? Studies have shown kids can spread it. Teenagers are just as efficient spreaders as adults. And while rare, younger kids can transmit ( it’s just less likely). There are several case reports of kids be the patient zero. So it is based on % population for herd immunity. Herd immunity is not factoring likelihood of being symptomatic or being hospitalized (all of which kids are at decreased risk).
The scientific facts are what I am following - children present less than 1% of the risk - I am not disagreeing with your opinion, however, the science simply does not support the continuance of wearing masks or social distancing. There will be those who argue the facts and that is fine - wear the mask, social distance...most of us choose not to - and follow the science.
No i'm good. we booked thinking we were going to have to wear them anyways. so i wouldnt reschedule.

i do think we should be careful until everyone, and i mean everyone can get a vaccine. It's not approved for kids yet, so it still is a concern for those of us with kids under 12.
It’s not a concern for this Mom of 3 under 12..... For those who are concerned they can keep their kids masked up for however long they think is necessary.
..even vaccinated people may have reasons for wanting to continue to use a mask, ranging from a different tolerance for risk to regular contact with someone who is immunocompromised. Dr. Anthony Fauci said that "they [who will continue to wear masks] shouldn't be criticized," while [White House pandemic advisor Andy] Slavitt said that "as a rule, we're anti-side-eye."

Just wanted to make sure everyone realizes that some may chose to wear masks after business start to lift their restrictions and there's nothing wrong with that.
I think for some people, masks are going to be here to stay during cold and flu season in some areas.
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