The ABC's of a BSN Celebration! Trip Wrap up; Final Thoughts (7/11)

There will never be another time like 2020 to have visited Disney World
That's for sure! And while I do wish most of 2020 never happened (we did have some good parts too for sure) I am so happy and grateful that we did get to go to WDW a few times that year to experience it that way. When we went in July 2020, just about 10 days after the parks reopened, it was a GHOST TOWN. Eerie, neat, fun, strange. Will never forget that nor watching things reopen and crowds increase over our following trips! The best part of those 2020 trips was seeing how happy the CM's were to see guests back :goodvibes
I think Morocco Pavilion is underappreciated. We've only toured it a few times. The museum is a great place to cool off in hot weather and a good reason to stop there. :)
I agree. When we were there in early June it was totally ripped up too; not sure what exactly they're doing but sure it has to do with Morocco no longer sponsoring it; makes me sad.

@Steppesister since you have the infamous penile wall in one of your pictures I'll mention that we went back to say hello in June and it's covered up! There's a DOOR over it - did you see that?
All caught up. I do love to wander through Morocco. My grandson was supposed to be Aladdin in the school show last year and I was so excited to have found him a Fez he could wear. Then the world turned upside down and I still have a Fez in the plastic Disney bag. No school show and it was his last year at that school.

My other favorite land is the United Kingdom or Canada. They both have some fun things to explore.
Beautiful pictures of the Moroccan pavilion

This one is so nice to spend time in.

We really enjoyed WBG, the food and drinks yummy
I think Morocco Pavilion is underappreciated. We've only toured it a few times. The museum is a great place to cool off in hot weather and a good reason to stop there. :)
Hey, Sue! :) (I am not sure I ever knew your name before you came to my rescue. :) ) I agree, very underappreciated. The artistry, IMHO, is honestly so intricate and all authentically hand done that it just just begs a giant applause and its due time. I loved the museum but was a fan of the prior exhibit of Moroccan artifacts of living with clothing and weapons etc... The one now is okay, but I think a bit too specific with desert racing.
That's for sure! And while I do wish most of 2020 never happened (we did have some good parts too for sure) I am so happy and grateful that we did get to go to WDW a few times that year to experience it that way. When we went in July 2020, just about 10 days after the parks reopened, it was a GHOST TOWN. Eerie, neat, fun, strange. Will never forget that nor watching things reopen and crowds increase over our following trips! The best part of those 2020 trips was seeing how happy the CM's were to see guests back :goodvibes

I agree. When we were there in early June it was totally ripped up too; not sure what exactly they're doing but sure it has to do with Morocco no longer sponsoring it; makes me sad.

@Steppesister since you have the infamous penile wall in one of your pictures I'll mention that we went back to say hello in June and it's covered up! There's a DOOR over it - did you see that?

It did have some good parts, but most especially at Disney. Loved having all the rides be mostly walk-ons!! Did NOT like that a lot of my favorite dining places weren't open. It was pretty slow in January too so I can only imagine how July felt!!

The sheer joy that the CMs must have felt as they got their callbacks was indeed incredible to watch and see unfold.

As for Morocco... it is indeed VERY sad. I don't know what led to the demise of the sponsorship, but I (and I hope I'm wrong) don't foresee great things happening with the refurbs.

I was so hoping someone would see and comment. It doesn't surprise me it was you. :lmao: I'd seen the loss of our "monument", which makes my above statement hold even more credence. While it doesn't surprise me since too many abused the silliness, I was a bit sad to see something originally erected for that pavilion go.
All caught up. I do love to wander through Morocco. My grandson was supposed to be Aladdin in the school show last year and I was so excited to have found him a Fez he could wear. Then the world turned upside down and I still have a Fez in the plastic Disney bag. No school show and it was his last year at that school.

My other favorite land is the United Kingdom or Canada. They both have some fun things to explore.
It's such a great pavilion to meander in and while I do love it, I do wonder if the merchandise will meet the same demise as Norway, France, or worse,.... Canada.

I hope that someday you can give him the fez and tell him that whether he was in the play or not, you are proud of him and that while it wasn't fun for any of us, it was an historical time - maybe a trip to Disney for a re-do or something?

The UK is very lovely and I think so pretty with the English gardens. And I think Canada is a over-looked and most people don't even know the falls are back there. Just wish the merch was better, or even existent.
It's such a great pavilion to meander in and while I do love it, I do wonder if the merchandise will meet the same demise as Norway, France, or worse,.... Canada.

I hope that someday you can give him the fez and tell him that whether he was in the play or not, you are proud of him and that while it wasn't fun for any of us, it was an historical time - maybe a trip to Disney for a re-do or something?

The UK is very lovely and I think so pretty with the English gardens. And I think Canada is a over-looked and most people don't even know the falls are back there. Just wish the merch was better, or even existent.

I plan on giving him the Fez just keep forgetting to take it to him. He knows I am very proud of him. My grandson is Autistic and he knows how much I helped fight for him to get the help he needed. That he got the part was such a great thing and I was so looking forward to seeing him in the show. I told him after his struggles this year that if he can get through the last 3 years of high school with at least all B's I will take him to Disney if he wants that. He is very bright just struggles with school. His one sister has the same deal but for straight A's. So far she is 3 years with them, only 2 more to go and she will do it. She is a very determined young lady. The oldest has a similar deal but it's if she can get half of the money while maintaining decent grades I'll pay the rest and we can go to Scotland. Their father is the one who has all the health issues so it gives them something to work towards and keeps their mind from worrying about him all the time. The youngest was just 8 when her father had his 1st stroke.

I do agree about the merchandise. So much of it has become so generic. The gardens are one of the reasons I love England, it does remind me of my trips to the UK. I love to wander a bit and that was how I found the waterfall in Canada, another lovey spot and the view from the top of the stairs gives a great panorama.
I plan on giving him the Fez just keep forgetting to take it to him. He knows I am very proud of him. My grandson is Autistic and he knows how much I helped fight for him to get the help he needed. That he got the part was such a great thing and I was so looking forward to seeing him in the show. I told him after his struggles this year that if he can get through the last 3 years of high school with at least all B's I will take him to Disney if he wants that. He is very bright just struggles with school. His one sister has the same deal but for straight A's. So far she is 3 years with them, only 2 more to go and she will do it. She is a very determined young lady. The oldest has a similar deal but it's if she can get half of the money while maintaining decent grades I'll pay the rest and we can go to Scotland. Their father is the one who has all the health issues so it gives them something to work towards and keeps their mind from worrying about him all the time. The youngest was just 8 when her father had his 1st stroke.

You are an AWESOME grandma!! I love how you advocated for him and got him the resources he needed to progress and succeed in all of the areas he wanted to!

And what a great way to offer incentive for doing their best- TRAVEL!! You have some smart cookies there! Despite some tough circumstances, it sure sounds like they are thriving and no doubt you are a big part of that! Kudos to a job well done!!

I do agree about the merchandise. So much of it has become so generic. The gardens are one of the reasons I love England, it does remind me of my trips to the UK. I love to wander a bit and that was how I found the waterfall in Canada, another lovey spot and the view from the top of the stairs gives a great panorama.
Shopping used to be so fun there. (all of EPCOT), now it's perfectly ho-hum.

I have some other places higher on my bucket list (East Africa and Italy) but I would love to visit the British Isles again and see the smaller villages outside of London.
You are an AWESOME grandma!! I love how you advocated for him and got him the resources he needed to progress and succeed in all of the areas he wanted to!

And what a great way to offer incentive for doing their best- TRAVEL!! You have some smart cookies there! Despite some tough circumstances, it sure sounds like they are thriving and no doubt you are a big part of that! Kudos to a job well done!!

Shopping used to be so fun there. (all of EPCOT), now it's perfectly ho-hum.

I have some other places higher on my bucket list (East Africa and Italy) but I would love to visit the British Isles again and see the smaller villages outside of London.

Thank you I try to be there for all 8 of my grandkids. The oldest is now married and gave me my 1st great grandchild this year. When he was younger he was my Disney travel buddy. We are already planning the baby's 1st trip and of course I will be going.

I had a wonderful example and HUGE shoes to follow. My grandmother was the greatest and I have always said if I can even be 1/10th the grandmother she was I will honor her memory. I knew unconditional love from her. My oldest granddaughter struggled with virtual learning this year and was worried I would be disappointed in her. I told her there is NOTHING she can ever do that would make me not love her and I will always be there for her no matter what. I managed to get an awesome picture yesterday of all 8 grands and the great grand yesterday. The first time they have all been together at one time.
Thank you I try to be there for all 8 of my grandkids. The oldest is now married and gave me my 1st great grandchild this year. When he was younger he was my Disney travel buddy. We are already planning the baby's 1st trip and of course I will be going.

I just wish I lived closer to them. Even after my move, I'll still be a fair bit away from the ones I"m moving closer to. But closer is better. Sadly, it'll take me further from one. I hope you will get to enjoy that trip with baby's first soon and it'll be so magical for everyone!!

I had a wonderful example and HUGE shoes to follow. My grandmother was the greatest and I have always said if I can even be 1/10th the grandmother she was I will honor her memory. I knew unconditional love from her.

Sounds a lot like my grandmothers (both). Loved them so much!!

My oldest granddaughter struggled with virtual learning this year and was worried I would be disappointed in her. I told her there is NOTHING she can ever do that would make me not love her and I will always be there for her no matter what. I managed to get an awesome picture yesterday of all 8 grands and the great grand yesterday. The first time they have all been together at one time.

So many of our kids (I'm talking society-wide) struggled. My heart breaks for what we put them through and I hope they can recover soon- collectively speaking.

I'd love to see the photo if you are comfortable posting it! :) What an exciting occasion for everyone!!
I had to edit it down so hopefully it won't be sideways. I used my phonPXL_20210704_001712755~2.jpg

The boys weren't as happy and the little guys are always goofy.

I am very fortunate that my kids all live about 5 minutes away and my grandson is only about 15 minutes away.
You Believe this Bathroom?!!

The night we 3 went to Jaleo, we happened to be going by way of Morimoto. I talked it up a bit to Mik and before we knew it, we were at the podium politely asking for a reservation 2 nights from then. Lo and behold, one was actually available, so we snatched it up as a perfect end-of-the-trip sit down meal. I’ve been there a couple of times in the past and both have been better-than-pleasing. I can’t think of anything I’ve gotten that was not good, and given the right trip circumstances, I’d go there again. I have yet to try the famed Short Ribs that @ChunkMonkey raves about.

But first a prelude! Just like the last time we dipped into DTD, (yes, my friends, I’m still going to call it that as it rolls off the tongue better) we’d split up as Mik and MEK were now besties and I at times like to be a loner. They went on ahead of me while I got a few last hours at AK. I found them on the Homecomin’ Porch drinking Moonshine Punches from MEK’s refillables listening to some live music and just enjoying the pleasant evening. By now, at the end of our trip, of course, the temps had warmed up and it was nearly perfect without a parka. :rolleyes: Anyway, the plan was to head to Jock’s for a pre-dinner drink. Apparently, those 2 needed a pre-pre-dinner drink. Then again, so did I as I had just finished my Frozen Chai latte with a couple of shots of Baileys which was the biggest waste of money ever. Seriously, I think it won the prize for "Most Disappointing Disney Purchase Ever". Live and learn. Anyway, I met up with them, and after they finished up their sippers, we headed for Jock’s where we were promptly told it’d be a 30-minute wait for a table. Fantastic.

I put our name in nonetheless and luckily we found some cushy sofas to wait on while we listened to some live music on the stage that’s between Jock’s and the Boathouse. To pass the time we got to enjoy the antics of a local celeb “Eddy Maserati”. I had no idea he was thing, passing him off as “quirky” at best, so no photo. I aspire to be like him putting all judgement aside and embracing the ‘tude of living in the moment enjoying the sights and sounds to the fullest.

As we were waiting, Karilynn joined us for a last hangout for the trip, but unfortunately couldn’t stay for the dinner at Morimoto; I can’t remember what her plans were instead. Finally, our party of 4 was called and we headed in. I was sad, of course to not get the diving bell table, but will remember to request it next time I go. I’m usually pretty good about making sure I tell the host staff that we are willing to wait for a better table at check-in but forgot this time around. Instead, we got a corner table inside which wasn’t so bad. Honestly, I had made sure to put this into the itinerary because of the theming and BGM that I love so much.

I had no idea what to get and didn’t want to splurge on another souvenir mug as I’d blown my space and wad on other stuff earlier in the trip. Had I known that my green Reggie’s Revenge (the one I literally RAN back to get a couple trips back, remember that particular debacle?!) was cracked I would have. I didn't discover that until a few weeks after we go back. I ended up ordering a Greyhound, Mik ordered a whiskey flight, MEK ordered a beer on tap, and Kari got a Coke. Then we waited practically forever. I cannot to this day figure out what took so long as there were like 6 parties even in there to serve. Sad too cuz if tips are to be made, this in not the way.

While we waited, Kari and I, the backstory/theming geeks, googled the Easter Eggs found there that help tell the Jock Lindsay/Indiana Jones story. There are many. The site we used to do a little treasure hunt was this one:

She and I spent the next little while, you know, the forever it took for our drinks to show up, snapping photos of all the things. In no particular order here’s what I got:

(A hit tip to R2-D2)

Finally, our drinks were served, and I was less than amused. I mean… seriously?

Sure, Mik’s Whiskey Flight was probably the best Booze value on property, but really? Is this how a Greyhound, or any other mixed drink should ever be served? A mix-it yourself monstrosity?!! I mean, WTH? Here’s some booze and juice served separately in glasses and some ice in a paper cup?! Okay…… :confused: We all burst out laughing and suddenly any semblance of a tip vanished. Maybe, maaaaaaaaaaybe he figured I’d want to take it with me since the drinks took so long, but we never said we were in a hurry. Mik’s flight was generous, as I said, and even between the 3 of us drinkers, we couldn’t finish it. We paid our bill, said goodbye to Kari, and headed to Morimoto.

We were seated immediately at a pretty crappy table, but beggars can’t be choosers and it was a last-minute ADR, so I can’t complain. The place is a bit on the noisy side, and I’m pretty much deaf so a lot of “HUH?!” and “What was that?” was going on. I am sure I exasperate most of those I interact with- sorry the masks didn’t help but even with no masks at our table, it’s loud and I struggled. Somehow, we were able to decide what to get despite that and were ready to place our order when the server came by.


it’s no secret I’m obsessed with Disney bathrooms. Honestly, the company should hire me to design their restrooms because the theming in each one, except that monstrosity (the word of the day) in the World Showplace, kinda geeks me out. And now, here I am presented with yet another Disney bathroom encounter, and this one…? Well, this one just made me burst out laughing in my stall. Like legit giggling that probably made the other users wonder what kind of whack-job was in there with them. I mean… who the hell puts poster-sized photos of boyband members in an upscale restaurant that has mosaic art, crystal chandeliers, and silk wall hangings in other places? I’m sorry if I don’t get it, I mean I 100% understand they are Asian, and SUPER popular with the teen girl set. My own daughter was OBSESSED with BTS and Winner. I even supported that to the point I traveled with her to San Fran for a BTS concert a few years ago. But, in a signature dining place with $30+ sushi? I’m stymied. And more than a little amused to the point of creeped out. This, to me, is just… odd. In fact, I was still laughing so hard when I came back to the table, that I MADE MEK go in there and take some photos for me cuz I didn’t want to when someone else was in there. She too thought it was bizarre. So, Morimoto Bathroom, I dub thee, Bizarre Boy Band Bathroom- you win in some fun categories.

Now, onto the food and drinks….

Mik was WAY done with alcohol, and I’d only had one drink that evening, so got a Lychee Martini: Absolut Elyx and Soho Lychee Liqueur-$14.00 which was phenomenal. Sooooo good! She stuck with green tea and MEK got another beer.

Meantime, the table next to us provided some people watching opportunities. It was a group of young folks, early 20's?- some were WAY too intoxicated to be out and extremely flamboyantly dressed, and those that weren’t were obviously wishing beyond all hope that they hadn’t ventured out with this particular party. Best guess is that it was a birthday party of some sort gone wrong. It was so awkward and honestly, I was sad for the whole affair. Sometimes, as they say, it’s hard to look away from a train wreck.

It didn’t take long for our food to arrive and the food we’d ordered was pretty standard fare for what Morimoto has to offer. After our week of rich and complex foods, I guess we were in the mood for some simple fare. So not much commentary is required.

Miso Soup: miso broth, silken tofu; cup $9.00; bowl $12.00

Morimoto Gomoku Fried Rice: duck, chicken, pork, shrimp, vegetables, spicy house sambal sauce $31.00

Wok Sautéed Chinese Vegetables: seasonal greens, garlic $14.00

… and some sushi. Sorry, no idea what kinds, except that I think it was 3 different fish and we ate it all.

We left full and enjoyed what we got and that’s all that counts, right? The next morning, we checked out and took our ME back to MCO and called it one more trip in the books.

Next up: Zanzibar and Beyond, then a Trip Wrap-up with highlights! 😊
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