Has anyone used David’s Vacation Rentals?

You’ll find renters on the rent/trade board who will sell you points and make a reservation for you at less money per point. We do own DVC, but we have rented 2 times from people on these board when we run out of points of our own and need a few more nights somewhere. It’s been a very smooth process for us, and worked out well. It does take some trust with the person you rent from, but both times we made sure the person we rented from has posted frequently on these boards, posted recently on the boards, and one even offered references.

Going through any agency will cost more, but may give you some peace of mind that it’s a reputable company who will find points with another renter if your reservation falls through. You can also buy separate trip insurance if you are worried about the need to cancel. A few extra hundred dollars might be worth securing thousands on a vacation rental.
So if I book with David’s or dvc rental, is my reservation 100% booked or can the owner of the dvc cancel at anytime and I’m out of the money?
The ONLY way to have your reservation 100% is to book direct with Disney. With any agency there is no promise they can keep. If the owner backs out, or is arrears, and you dont find out till the week or day before you fly, What company is going to be able to get you what you paid for. Even if they try to make it up to you and pay Disney direct, well there might not be availability at the resort, or any resort. |That is the risk you take for the discount you get. If you can sleep with that,,,then I would recommend the rent boards here instead.
As an owner, I won't rent thru them. Their actions during the pandemic left a sour taste in my mouth and their new rental terms are very unfriendly to owners. DVC Rental store sponsors the disboards and would get my business if I wanted to use a broker to rent out my points.

I have sold points through David’s many times before the pandemic and had a great experience. Speaking of actions by David’s during the pandemic, are you aware of people still fighting tooth and nail with airlines, insurance companies, condo owners and other travel related businesses trying to get their money back? Friends of ours are still battling with travel companies. Some companies took drastic measures to survive….. not that I agree with David’s actions but they were tame compared to some others but I understand your concerns. Crazy, Crazy times.
I have sold points through David’s many times before the pandemic and had a great experience. Speaking of actions by David’s during the pandemic, are you aware of people still fighting tooth and nail with airlines, insurance companies, condo owners and other travel related businesses trying to get their money back? Friends of ours are still battling with travel companies. Some companies took drastic measures to survive….. not that I agree with David’s actions but they were tame compared to some others but I understand your concerns. Crazy, Crazy times.
Yes, I'm aware of those issues. But other DVC rental companies handled the pandemic in a much more consistent, professional and efficient manner. And David's new force majeure terms are a deal breaker. Why would any owner agree to those stipulations?
Yes, I'm aware of those issues. But other DVC rental companies handled the pandemic in a much more consistent, professional and efficient manner. And David's new force majeure terms are a deal breaker. Why would any owner agree to those stipulations?
The new contract language is a deal breaker for me . It heavily favors the intermediary and renter and the owner is doing all of the work with the exception of finding a renter and the owner is paying heavy commission.
I have sold points through David’s many times before the pandemic and had a great experience. Speaking of actions by David’s during the pandemic, are you aware of people still fighting tooth and nail with airlines, insurance companies, condo owners and other travel related businesses trying to get their money back? Friends of ours are still battling with travel companies. Some companies took drastic measures to survive….. not that I agree with David’s actions but they were tame compared to some others but I understand your concerns. Crazy, Crazy times.

David's is a little different in that it's a broker and not the supplier. While there are a lot of people fighting directly with airlines, cruise lines, hotels, and car rental companies, David's is not one of them. They are closest to a travel agent, an intermediary as per their contract.

That said, I don't know of many (if any) intermediaries in which the supplier (owner) issued refunds and those funds did not make it back to the customer (renter) and were kept by the intermediary.

It's one thing if that supplier isn't issuing the refund to the intermediary but once it's issued, they should have passed it along.
Heck, they could have even kept their commission for all I care and returned the refund less the commission amount. But for them to ask sellers for a refund then withhold the returned funds from the customer...that was wrong. And I think they realized it was wrong which is why they changed how they went about it but they wronged a lot of people prior to doing so.

All in all, I owe Davids though. Thanks to that experience, I started renting on the boards on my own and essentially split the difference. That has been an extra $1200 in my pocket that I wouldn't otherwise have and saved those who rented from me about $1200 combined as well.
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David's is a little different in that it's a broker and not the supplier. While there are a lot of people fighting directly with airlines, cruise lines, hotels, and car rental companies, David's is not one of them. They are closest to a travel agent, an intermediary as per their contract.

That said, I don't know of many (if any) intermediaries in which the supplier (owner) issued refunds and those funds did not make it back to the customer (renter) and were kept by the intermediary.

It's one thing if that supplier isn't issuing the refund to the intermediary but once it's issued, they should have passed it along.
Heck, they could have even kept their commission for all I care and returned the refund less the commission amount. But for them to ask sellers for a refund then withhold the returned funds from the customer...that was wrong. And I think they realized it was wrong which is why they changed how they went about it but they wronged a lot of people prior to doing so.

All in all, I owe Davids though. Thanks to that experience, I started renting on the boards on my own and essentially split the difference. That has been an extra $1200 in my pocket that I wouldn't otherwise have and saved those who rented from me about $1200 combined as well.
If I have the need to rent points in the future I would do it here on the boards also.
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David's is a business. If you go onto the Disney Vacation Club - DVC-Rent/Trade board, there are many owners selling their points and confirmed reservations. I feel you get a better deal going through the owner direct.
I use David's to rent out my points when I have extras. (Done it a number of times now.) I've been pleased with them every time!
I completely understand needing to add a clause about any potential future closures. It's an extreme situation that may never happen again. I don't begrudge them that.

They make it all very easy! I will continue to use them!
I use David's to rent out my points when I have extras. (Done it a number of times now.) I've been pleased with them every time!
I completely understand needing to add a clause about any potential future closures. It's an extreme situation that may never happen again. I don't begrudge them that.

They make it all very easy! I will continue to use them!
I don't think anyone would have much of an issue with a closure such as the pandemic but using the term " Acts of God" is pretty broad. Orlando is in a hurricane zone so if someone wants to cancel last minute does this qualify? Also I an not keen on having a foreign court where the company resides determine any of my disputes.
I use David's to rent out my points when I have extras. (Done it a number of times now.) I've been pleased with them every time!
I completely understand needing to add a clause about any potential future closures. It's an extreme situation that may never happen again. I don't begrudge them that.

They make it all very easy! I will continue to use them!
My objection to David's current contract is that he requires a cash refund from the owner but keeps that money in his pocket and gives the renter a voucher with a deadline to use it. If he wants me to pay him back what he advanced to me, he should pay the renter back in turn.
I put in a request with Davids for March 2022 and they came back with availability but awaiting points. Now I am concerned reading all about Davids and I think I might go with DVC rental store instead.
My objection to David's current contract is that he requires a cash refund from the owner but keeps that money in his pocket and gives the renter a voucher with a deadline to use it. If he wants me to pay him back what he advanced to me, he should pay the renter back in turn.

This is one of the pieces I dislike as well.
I am looking for May and for BLT. At first David's said there was availability but now says not available. I went to DVC store and they said there is availability. What's up with this?
I am looking for May and for BLT. At first David's said there was availability but now says not available. I went to DVC store and they said there is availability. What's up with this?
yeah…that’s what’s confusing to me too
DVC availability changes from minute to minute as owners book and make changes. It also depends on what size villa you’re looking for, view, how many nights, etc. I’d check with owners on the Rent & Trade board here as well as work with the brokers as to whether you can waitlist or what other options you might have.
Yes, availability is constantly changing. What was available at 12:00 might not be available at 12:05.
I used them twice this year due to excess points from last year.
I understand the objections.
But, for me, they make it very easy to rent points. I received the money the day the reservation was made.
I don't want to be the one finding a renter, trying to collect the money, dealing with administrative issues.
I used them twice this year due to excess points from last year.
I understand the objections.
But, for me, they make it very easy to rent points. I received the money the day the reservation was made.
I don't want to be the one finding a renter, trying to collect the money, dealing with administrative issues.

Exactly - you sum it up so well. I don't want to deal with the stress of collecting money from a renter, worrying about if they're honest or not. With David's, I make points available to them, and they rent them for me. It's so easy. All my experiences have been positive.
Have any of you rented points rather than sold them? What is the best place in your opinion as a renter (consumer)? Thx


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