Marathon Weekend 2022

Thanks all for the fun meet ups over the past few days and the Goof Troop marathon!! It was good to see everyone, and I look forward to more adventures in the future!

ETA: hope the DATW crew is still standing at this point.

TSA check lines at MCO were still pretty long this afternoon… it took my daughter about 45 minutes to get through (only about 5 minutes for me in the Pre-Check line)
They were feeling no pain at The Rose and Crown...
I'm hoping that others here can make me feel a little better about an important pre-race aspect that absolutely surprised me: SLEEP! I got into bed at 6:30 after taking a Melatonin thinking that I would all asleep by 7:00 and be good to go for the marathon after a nice 7 hours of sleep. 8:00...9:00...10:00 passed and I'm freaking out. I couldn't fall asleep until 11:00 and ended up with only three hours of sleep before my first freaking marathon!?! Thank god for adrenaline and proper hydration/fueling to get me through 26.2 miles. I crashed HARD on the car ride home. ANYWAY, did anyone else have a similar experience in the past or this weekend? Any recommendations on how to deal with this for the future?
I slept poorly the night before driving down, and then had difficulty getting to bed before 10 or 11 each night that I was there. So I’ve spent the last five days running on 2 1/2 to 4 hours of sleep.
Home now, and my cat is running around the living room and rolling around on the carpet. She's happy :) I had Mears effectively no-show and had to take a taxi to the airport. I will be calling and politely demanding a refund. And my 10K shirt pilled where I carried my purse :( At least I eventually turn my race shirts into a quilt.
A moisture wicking quilt?
What was strange was that I didn't start to feel this way until I sat down on the bus. I felt fine on the course. Well, I may be playing fast and loose with the word "fine" here but I felt pretty ok considering the circumstances. I don't think I tend to sweat much more than average, but I have come to realize that I must not have hydrated enough. I guess it just didn't hit me until after the race was over. Next time I'll carry water with me, and maybe something salty. This was my first marathon and I've got a lot to learn, so it's a good thing I have this community!

I'm a huge proponent of Tailwind. I started carrying a hydration pack with a water/tailwind mixture during my long runs and races and it has worked wonders during and after.
I’m still torn. I know I made the best choice for the future but those pesky thoughts in the back of my mind still pop up and make me think myself a quitter.

Yeah, I think it's inevitable in any situation that we second guess ourselves. I finished this marathon undertrained and recovering from injury (sssshhhhh, don't tell my GP and sports med docs) in 5:25--a personal worst by over 90 minutes. while I was out there, I told myself "you've made it farther than you expected, don't feel bad if you have to run/walk or just plain walk" and I was okay with finishing then. But now, I'm disappointed. It's irrational, but it happens.

I'm hoping that others here can make me feel a little better about an important pre-race aspect that absolutely surprised me: SLEEP! I got into bed at 6:30 after taking a Melatonin thinking that I would all asleep by 7:00 and be good to go for the marathon after a nice 7 hours of sleep. 8:00...9:00...10:00 passed and I'm freaking out. I couldn't fall asleep until 11:00 and ended up with only three hours of sleep before my first freaking marathon!?! Thank god for adrenaline and proper hydration/fueling to get me through 26.2 miles. I crashed HARD on the car ride home. ANYWAY, did anyone else have a similar experience in the past or this weekend? Any recommendations on how to deal with this for the future?

Make peace with the fact that you may not sleep, but amazingly you will make it through. I sleep poorly away from home, and on this trip could have run Dopey with how poorly I slept and how early I woke up Fri/Sat/Sun, but somehow, it doesn't seem to hurt. It's not that I don't try, but your brain & body tend to do what they want!

and my younger son is now itching to be 18 so he can run Dopey😂

I saw a kid at MK still in his Dopey bib on Saturday and if he was 13 I would be surprised. I don't know how he managed to get the bib, but he was most definitely not 18.
For those who had asked about my car, it looks like the transmission had been overfilled, leading to aeration and venting of fluid. But the Ford dealership in Cordele checked it out and sent me on my way no charge (!) and I got home uneventfully.
Great meeting you guys. A little sore this morning, but getting around ok and thinking about finding a half for a PR. Not sure if I’ll do another Dopey, but I’ll be on an accomplishment-high for quite a while after this one.
I'm a huge proponent of Tailwind. I started carrying a hydration pack with a water/tailwind mixture during my long runs and races and it has worked wonders during and after.
The Powerade for most of the stops seemed watered down, or maybe that’s just the blue flavor, but at the stop coming out of AK it tasted salty. Was that batch doctored?
Me too. If I wait, then my appetite is trashed. If I eat something right away, I can continue to eat. Probably a blood sugar thing, once you get too low, you're sick from it.
Incidentally the guy right in front of me in the corral Sunday had a gallon-sized baggie with 2 peanut butter sandwiches in it. Just kind of jammed into his fuel belt. That was some galaxy-brain stuff and I was very jealous. Not that I'm doing this again, but if I did, I'd rely less on gels and more on real food, it seems to agree with me better. DH and DS met me outside HS on Sunday with a croissant and it was exactly what I needed at that point.
Hmm, sounds like an Uncrustable might be just the thing.
The Powerade on the course has always been mix (as far as I can tell) and can vary wildly depending on who measured and shook it up.
Yes, it was definitely a powder mix this year for the Powerade as I took two cups at the same stop towards the end of the marathon, and the first one was super, super concentrated while the second was extremely watered down. Most other stops seemed to have the mixture within an acceptable range, although there was still some variation of concentration.
Anybody have bus problems today? Because we were in the last corral, we didn’t get on the bus until 3:00 (usually on the 1st bus) from Beach Club! For the first time for us, the bus driver went to the wrong place! She took us to where busses picked up after the race, right beside the All Star pick-up sign. The CM’s turned her around to take us to Epcot for regular security/walk to corrals, but then we got held up in traffic, so it took a LONG time to get off at the runner drop off. We didn’t make the meet up, but had plenty of time for security, portas, hike to our corral. We still waited for over an hour before our s6 corral started. I was actually grateful for the “getting lost,” because, at least for a while, I was warm and off my feet in a nice seat! Now, how can I get on the “lost” bus tomorrow?
I was on that bus from Beach Club too! I was stressing out but it did end up being nice in the end.
Yeah, I think it's inevitable in any situation that we second guess ourselves. I finished this marathon undertrained and recovering from injury (sssshhhhh, don't tell my GP and sports med docs) in 5:25--a personal worst by over 90 minutes. while I was out there, I told myself "you've made it farther than you expected, don't feel bad if you have to run/walk or just plain walk" and I was okay with finishing then. But now, I'm disappointed. It's irrational, but it happens.
I feel you on this. Am quite disappointed but you saw me at mile 25 there was no way I was going faster. Sunday I could barely lift my left leg, right knee was swollen and could barely bend it. Monday I could pick that left leg up about a third of the way and bend the right knee some. I am hoping things continue to get better. I see my PT on monday. But yeah still disappointed.
50 minutes to get through security
Arent they great? Flown out of a lot busier airports and none of them are that bad. Difference is they cram everyone into that tiny little security screening and leave multiple screening lanes closed. Locals officials need to demand more. Unacceptable
Just got back from Magic Kingdom. My feet are a disaster. I have blisters on the soles of both of my feet (several on the ball area, one on the heel). I am feeling very disheartened because these foot problems (I have so many) are the plague of all of my goals. :(
Do you run with body glide on your feet or any other blister aid?


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