How are you handling rising food and energy costs?

It's like you have to go through the big circle below the turkey ad versus the link they have on top for weekly savings. I know what you mean about that, I've gone in one way and never get the option for the circular.

I shop at HT about once a month to just pick up the loss leaders. One of my favorite types of jarred spaghetti is Rao's. It's very expensive normally, in every store, but HT is the only one who puts it on sale about once a month. Granted, the sale is running about a $1 a jar higher than 2 years ago but I like it and use it. So I'll be going tomorrow.
Costco sells Rao’s. 2 large jars for around $10. Sometimes less when Costco puts Rao’s on sale.
It's like you have to go through the big circle below the turkey ad versus the link they have on top for weekly savings. I know what you mean about that, I've gone in one way and never get the option for the circular.

I shop at HT about once a month to just pick up the loss leaders. One of my favorite types of jarred spaghetti is Rao's. It's very expensive normally, in every store, but HT is the only one who puts it on sale about once a month. Granted, the sale is running about a $1 a jar higher than 2 years ago but I like it and use it. So I'll be going tomorrow.
Publix has put Rao's on sale--sometimes as a BOGO, even. But, you're right, the price HAS increased. I don't get it for home so much as for my DD19. She's in an on-campus apartment (just a couple miles away), and has trouble keeping on weight. She must have gotten that from her dad! Anyway, I try to have some quick meal choices available for her, and she likes Rao's, so I keep an eye out for specials.

I'll be hitting "The Teet" tomorrow, as well. Possibly Publix, too--ride this "$10 off" coupon wave for as long as I can. BTW, the new Harris-Teeter is supposed to be the largest H-T ever. I'll probably go to the closer, smaller one, though.
WinCo has the "buy $150 get a free turkey" starting on the 14th. DD1 decided to not buy groceries last week (used what we had which is plenty) and to go shopping on the 14th. Now DD2 is going as she is taking the day of since it was their dad's birthday. We will make one turkey on Thanksgiving and give the other turkey to DD2's MIL as she cooks turkey for Christmas. I am one that watches prices because I'm fearful of the economy right now. Eggs that were $2 a dozen are now $3.99 a dozen, 4 pack of margarine was $1.25, now $1.89, I did notice butter was going for $3.29 which I thought was a good price but we already have 2 and don't need more. The marking rise of price is those little individual Walmart pies that were 50 cents are now 75 cents LOL The little higher pricers here and there don't seem like much but if you put 50 things in your cart and they've gone up 50 cents, that's an additional $25 you didn't spend before. Even though we can afford these higher prices, it does mean we are taking away what use to be "fun money". That $25 a week would have killed my budget years ago when first divorced with 4 kids. It probably would have meant no Christmas so I can understand those that are struggling right now.
First you get ahead on your bills that you can. I have over a thousand dollar credit in my electric, oil, and Comcast. It’s very easy to get ahead just pay a little extra each month than in no time you will have a bunch of credit in there. If I want I don’t have to make a payment on them things for at least a few months if things get really bad for me.
Second for food we eat out a lot less. Saves a lot of money of course.
Heating the house I know my Akita will be happy this winter as we will keep the house cooler.
Saw a video someone posted in their grocery store where a can of soup…just one can cost $6.89! It was for Annie’s Organic soups, but still. Yikes!
Saw a video someone posted in their grocery store where a can of soup…just one can cost $6.89! It was for Annie’s Organic soups, but still. Yikes!

We were in St. Thomas earlier this year and that was about the average price of soup, just Campbells! I do not know how anyone can afford to live there year round, I have never experienced grocery prices like that before!
Costco sells Rao’s. 2 large jars for around $10. Sometimes less when Costco puts Rao’s on sale.

rao's has their own website as well that sells their products. looks like you can get an initial 10% discount if you sign up for emails, and they do discount if you buy a full case (which they will let you mix and match on). i had no idea the number of products they produce-i've only ever seen the pasta sauce.
Costco sells Rao’s. 2 large jars for around $10. Sometimes less when Costco puts Rao’s on sale.
And that would be what I call expensive, LOL. Though for spaghetti sauce, not for specifically Rao's because that's dirt cheap for the brand. I think they are up to $8 now around me.

I just buy the cheap spaghetti sauce, or just tomatoes. I add my own fresh garlic, peppers, whatever to it. Even the expensive stuff is garbage really, just add your own stuff and it's so much better it's not even comparable.
And that would be what I call expensive, LOL. Though for spaghetti sauce, not for specifically Rao's because that's dirt cheap for the brand. I think they are up to $8 now around me.

I just buy the cheap spaghetti sauce, or just tomatoes. I add my own fresh garlic, peppers, whatever to it. Even the expensive stuff is garbage really, just add your own stuff and it's so much better it's not even comparable.
We all know how to do that. In fact, I make a good bolognese sauce on my own. Personally, to get it the way I like it, it takes about 3 hours of simmering. I don't want to do that much anymore, nor do I want to make batches and freeze it. I don't have enough freezer space, nor space to buy a freezer.

Sometimes when I get home from work, I want to do the bare minimum but still enjoy my food. I don't want to saute things, and add to things, and so on. I just want to open that jar of Rao's and enjoy it--which I do. But only specific flavors (green bell pepper and mushroom or Italian Sausage and Mushroom).
We all know how to do that. In fact, I make a good bolognese sauce on my own. Personally, to get it the way I like it, it takes about 3 hours of simmering. I don't want to do that much anymore, nor do I want to make batches and freeze it. I don't have enough freezer space, nor space to buy a freezer.

Sometimes when I get home from work, I want to do the bare minimum but still enjoy my food. I don't want to saute things, and add to things, and so on. I just want to open that jar of Rao's and enjoy it--which I do. But only specific flavors (green bell pepper and mushroom or Italian Sausage and Mushroom).
This. I make my own spaghetti sauce often, but sometimes, you just need jarred sauce. Some days, I have a kid with a half-hour turnaround between school and evening activities. Same kid won't eat chunks of tomatoes (he's fine with sauce and ketchup--it's a texture thing). And my college kid simply doesn't have the time, between a double major and a part-time job.

I also have a son with autism--we have a tough time getting him to cook his own hot food (he'll eat soup, straight from the can, for example). For him, cooking his own pasta while nuking frozen meatballs and adding sauce--it's a huge step up. Not fancy, but if he's ever going to launch, it's a good step.

I also find it a tad ironic that the same guy who's constantly moaning that he'll never afford a house, is lecturing the rest of us on chasing cheap turkeys and using jarred sauce. We all make the choices that work for our circumstances.
This. I make my own spaghetti sauce often, but sometimes, you just need jarred sauce. Some days, I have a kid with a half-hour turnaround between school and evening activities. Same kid won't eat chunks of tomatoes (he's fine with sauce and ketchup--it's a texture thing)

I also have a son with autism--we have a tough time getting him to cook his own hot food (he'll eat soup, straight from the can, for example). For him, cooking his own pasta while nuking frozen meatballs and adding sauce--it's a huge step up. Not fancy, but if he's ever going to launch, it's a good step.

mine on the spectrum finds that most food items are only edible if they are associated with either ranch dressing, taco sauce or marinara (smooth not chunky-EVER). even when i was making homemade sauce i always kept jarred on hand-it was how i managed to camouflage and sneak some foods he had deemed inedible into his school lunches (won't eat meatloaf to save his life but if i broke it up, put marinara on it and told him it was a 'meatball sandwich' he inhaled it :thumbsup2)

ya do what you gotta do
And that would be what I call expensive, LOL. Though for spaghetti sauce, not for specifically Rao's because that's dirt cheap for the brand. I think they are up to $8 now around me.

I just buy the cheap spaghetti sauce, or just tomatoes. I add my own fresh garlic, peppers, whatever to it. Even the expensive stuff is garbage really, just add your own stuff and it's so much better it's not even comparable.
I am at the point where I am not interested in making big, fancy, time consuming meals anymore. Did that for years and years. Now it is mostly food from Costco - we love their pre made meals. Add a vegetable and dinner is served.
I also find it a tad ironic that the same guy who's constantly moaning that he'll never afford a house, is lecturing the rest of us on chasing cheap turkeys and using jarred sauce. We all make the choices that work for our circumstances.
Well, the thread does ask "how are you handling rising food costs..." so sorry for interjecting my opinion to not pay 3 times more to have someone else make an inferior product...

Turkey doesn't fit into any sensible discussion on the economy and rising costs as it's a one time thing when talking Thanksgiving dinner.

So, next time people toss up a thread on how to save money or how to deal with rising costs, I'll be sure to come and suggest the most expensive products for the every day living.
Well, the thread does ask "how are you handling rising food costs..." so sorry for interjecting my opinion to not pay 3 times more to have someone else make an inferior product...

Turkey doesn't fit into any sensible discussion on the economy and rising costs as it's a one time thing when talking Thanksgiving dinner.

So, next time people toss up a thread on how to save money or how to deal with rising costs, I'll be sure to come and suggest the most expensive products for the every day living.
Come on guys….let’s all get along please.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Well, the thread does ask "how are you handling rising food costs..." so sorry for interjecting my opinion to not pay 3 times more to have someone else make an inferior product...

Turkey doesn't fit into any sensible discussion on the economy and rising costs as it's a one time thing when talking Thanksgiving dinner.

So, next time people toss up a thread on how to save money or how to deal with rising costs, I'll be sure to come and suggest the most expensive products for the every day living.

I can agree that some convenience foods can be inferior products. I happen to disagree on Rao's. I've also bought the pasta sauce in a jar that's $2.50, "doctored it up", and still felt it was inferior. So different strokes, right. But I agree that on a thread about saving money, it's certainly fine to comment on that aspect. Rao's is expensive. It's not a budget product, and it's not saving me money to buy it. But it is probably one of very few convenience-type products I buy. It's regular price right now has absolutely hit my limit on what I find reasonable. At $9.00 for a 24 oz jar, it's not worth the money to me. But it's worth it (enough) at $7.00 a jar. Still not a bargain by any means but I like it. I just got back from Harris Teeter and got 6 jars of it to get me through to the next sale. Plus Harris Teeter was giving 11% off your total order if you were military/veteran, so it was a bit less painful that way.
Sometimes when I get home from work, I want to do the bare minimum but still enjoy my food. I don't want to saute things, and add to things, and so on. I just want to open that jar of Rao's and enjoy it--which I do. But only specific flavors (green bell pepper and mushroom or Italian Sausage and Mushroom).

I had no idea Rao’s had those flavors. I’ve never seen anything other than plain and vodka in any stores. I’m gonna have to find them now.
Still giving out my $5's to everyone who helps me with anything ever, although these days lots of employees with curbside are told not to so I roll the money in a little bit of paper and tell them where it is in the trunk of my car like my grandma snuck me money when I was a kid.
I had no idea Rao’s had those flavors. I’ve never seen anything other than plain and vodka in any stores. I’m gonna have to find them now.
They have "sensitive" marinara (no onions or garlic), tomato basil, bolognese--a whole bunch of flavors. They also have dry pasta, jarred soups, and stuff in the frozen section (like lasagna). I can't vouch for the taste or quality of these products--never tried them.
I had no idea Rao’s had those flavors. I’ve never seen anything other than plain and vodka in any stores. I’m gonna have to find them now.
Oh wow, Rao's has all kinds of fun flavors.

It's kind of a weird thing to me with all the varieties of sauces available. They have peppers and onions, mushroom, meat, garlic and basil, this and that. I put all of it in my sauce when I make spaghetti so I would have to buy one of every variety and combine it, LOL.

I don't know how anyone survives without fresh garlic or growing your own basil, LOL. I would go broke if I had to buy things like jarred sauces, garlic, and basil.


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