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@Teleclashter please have @Dustin back on the show now together you two can make the podcast amazing again!
If we are planning podcast panels that probably won’t happen, we might as well add mr Shaun Thompson into the mix.

I loved the best mate chemistry between him and Craig, and we do get that with Craig and Ryno for sure, but a panel of Craig, Shaun, Dustin and Ryno would be fab. Also, throw JL in too.
First of all well done for all the people being so brave. You are supported and thought highly of for your act of bravery. I want to make it clear that I was shocked to read all about this from the last live show. l however I did know something was up subconsciously.

I am sure many of us did. I started questioning my following of the Dis after Fiasco left and now looking back when the Disneyland team were just dropped. We had a massive fanfare when Steve left but nothing for Fiasco or the DL team vanished. I noticed that Fiasco was regularly spoken over or quips were made about him by Pete.

I hung on untill Deni left. Then once Pete had his rehab and the team dynamics changed I stopped my Patreon as I felt something was off.

The show was once outward looking and I enjoyed Kevin, John's and other experiences of non USA parks and trips. People like Fiasco and Deni who had never been to a non USA park were so outward looking and willing to try new things or had done research on other parks and experiences. Now the show hardly gets over copy and pasting the latest press release from WDW. It's all so insular.

The team just praise each other, are political and we just hear about food intolerances and gym trips from one member! (And I'm a gym junkie who has food intolerances!!!!)

As a UK 🇬🇧 member of this community it's become 'another Disney press release centre'. It's lost direction. And I find myself pressing skip alot.

However I don't believe that all hope is lost. Craig is very skilled and I have a similar job to him. He manages time well and I believe a short break and fresh start could be what he needs to revive the shows. It's difficult making content constantly, and with the choice of onscreen talent he now has it makes it extra hard.

Ryno seems like a good man but I just wish he did more research. The whole JK thing was led by the American media and selected communities and he commented without the true facts. His opinions without looking at the source or UK context made me cringe.

I do feel sorry for the agents now as they must be seeing bookings drop. I will support dreams and the dis once I know none of it goes to Pete.

Over the years I've had disagreements with Kevin (Meghan Merkel - but I was right in the end ;-)) but we made up on twitter and actually I have more of a respect for him. Craig (was offended and I'm still blocked) but that's his choice.

What I'm trying to say is we all had different opinions and life experience and that's what made the dis great, now it's full of people from similar walks of life, ages and life stages and it's full of mutual praise without any spark.

I hope the dis survives or rebrands but in its current form I can't see how it will. It need elders, young people, less politics, less self indulgent people, less reading from press releases and less food intolerances!!!!

I've switched my support to wdwnt but would consider Patreon and the dis again if the show gets back on an even keel.

My thoughts are with the team, the agents and those treated badly and bullied. I hope this is not the end but for the dis but for me and the dis it's as Tigger would say

"TTFN - tar tar for now!!"
Pete is an addict. He has said it often. Explaining away an addicts behavior or why people care about them is impossible. Petes use of his company’s to bring men in, and then dispose of them had been a red flag for a while. The DVC obsession. He was just in rehab. Quickly engaged, then not. None of this should be shocking once you look at it as a whole. The puzzle magically comes together. Pete has been upfront about his demons. Some with in his company’s knew this and used it to benefit them. Guaranteed. others have watched this for so long they were numb and didn’t question him picking a flavor of the month and his behavior with them. This is Dis-Scandal by Bravo.
This has been an absolute shocking few days of discovery.

I have had a lot going on in my life, becoming a mother, twice, in the last couple of years, the first time all whilst battling a pandemic in the most restricted ad locked down city in the world (we spent about 8 months in total lockdown where we weren’t allowed to move more than 5km from our homes, couldn’t take a drive in the car unless for specific purposes among other things) which was so incredibly isolating and difficult. So I haven’t been on the boards in a long time, and I was once extremely active here.

I feel dirty, sick and numb.

@Dustin you're a brave, brave man and I wish you all the best and hope this has been somewhat cathartic for you.

@Teleclashter I’m so sorry you’re being caught up in this. You’re a great man, and it’s clear you’re doing the best you can given the circumstances.

It’s ridiculous to lay blame on the team for not knowing that Dustin had been SA or to imply that they should step in and intervene in what, to them, was a consenting, adult relationship, regardless of whether it was in the workplace.

One thing I haven’t seen mentioned here or elsewhere, is Ms Madeline.
I do hope that she’s ok and that she is protected from seeing or hearing any of this. She seems like a good woman and I feel that a scandal like this would destroy her.
First time poster…long time listener/watcher. Ex-seasonal cast member MK…first Center Street USA food service (1994).. transferred to attractions summers (1995/1996) Skyway/Alien Encounter…final short stint at Disney Vero Beach as a lifeguard in 2002 after 9/11 temporarily screwed my dreams of a career in aviation following college…but Disney always took me back because I always left on good terms. This entire situation sucks for all involved…but for the sake of the bulk of the Dis Team who have invested heavily in this endeavor and have families to support…I ask everyone to consider this…Everybody falls down in life at some point or another. Our mistakes don’t define us…it’s our ability to learn and get back up in life that matters. Pete put his team in an impossible situation…but just try and remember the years of hope and inspiration this channel has given to people…the good accomplished (Give Kids The World, etc.)… nobody can take that away. I can only hope that the spirit of this channel that Bob originally embodied can not only survive but thrive in the days to come…give them a chance.
It appears that my original post on Patreon is being criticized by plenty of people including @Tonyz particularly, so let me clarify. Dustin and Pete brought me into this company as a freelancer in late 2012 before going part-time in 2013 and then full-time. When I say I found out about the allegations (Dustin's) the same way as others, it's because it's the absolute truth as Dustin has clearly stated. And I was truly shocked. The DIS was an abnormal place to work from day one and something like Pete and Dustin dating was presented to me as consensual and normal. There was plenty of fighting along the way that seemed like red flags to me, but I'm never going to be one to judge anyone's relationship. When Dustin chose to leave, I supported him doing what was best for him.

You can choose whether or not to believe me when I say I was not aware of what happened with Dustin before or during my time working with The DIS even with Dustin saying flat out we didn't know. You can choose to believe me or not when I tell you that John told me he knows Dreams needs a bigger presence on the show and that means he and Kevin returning but they need a new studio because the reality is it's impossible for Kevin to navigate into a narrow door and down a narrow hallway into an extra bedroom that was our studio.

Right now, I'm just trying to do my job to the best of my ability and I'm waiting to hear more the same way everyone else is.

Ok fair enough. I still don't really know what to believe. I'm upset that one of my little happy places has been shattered this week and I find it difficult to believe that the people who worked there are just as shocked as we are all.

The timing of the new studio announcement just seems like an insane coincidence. Maybe you guys really were in the dark... but try to look at it from the fans' perspective. It seems a little tough to swallow.

I know it's still very early and I'd like to hear more in-depth reactions from everybody. And if Craig namechecking me is supposed to make me feel bad for questioning what the team knew... it doesn't. It sucks the situation you guys were put it, yes, but we're entitled to our opinions and to more information about what happened *IF* we want to choose to continue supporting the DIS, DU, etc.

But the mentally of "I just kept my head down, ignored all the red flags, and did my job" repeated by everyone personally will not sit well with me.
If the allegations are true (which I have no doubt they are). I think the whole thing is very sad. Dustin was very brave and I’m glad he is now in a better place where he feels strong enough to share his experience. As for the other team members, Dustin himself said none of them knew the truth and I fully believe that, all they knew was that him and Pete were in a relationship together. I have been a viewer of the Dis forever and I think although I don’t know any of them personally, I think I’ve got to see enough of them over the years to see their true selves. I watched Ryno’s channel last night and saw how genuinely shocked/confused/angry/sad he was, as the rest of us were at finding out about this. He said he had spoken to Dustin. Dustin said he had kept what really happened from his family and friends. Ryno wished that he had confided in him and felt guilty that he couldn’t have been there for his friend during the time it had happened. He also said that Craig is absolutely devastated by it all, saying he has never seen him this upset.

I think it’s all so awful that one mans actions have destroyed so many both directly and indirectly. I know so many that are as angry/upset as I am and would like to hear more from the company, but I realise that due to the complicated nature of Pete’s involvement and how intertwined he was with everything, as well as other stuff going on (Amex), they will obviously need to be consulting legal advice so that they can protect a lot of people’s livelihoods from his many inexcusable actions and limit the damage he has done.

I know a lot of the team however are personally in shock at what has happened and many have expressed this online including Corey, Ryno, Steve, Fiasco, Craig and JeniLynn. So I would implore all the Dis fans out there to send there love and support to not just his victims (even the ones who haven’t come forward) but to the other members of the team that were just as in the dark as us all and who over the next couple of months will be going through hell. I hope that the rest of the team can rebuild a safer environment away from this monster, so that something like this will never happen again and hopefully the Dis can continue without him.
Waking up hoping that calmer heads prevail today. I can’t not say what’s on my mind, so here goes…

The allegations surfaced. People were mortified. A response was requested. People were not satisfied. Either its too much, too little, the wrong people talking, its not what people want to hear….it just didn’t matter. Some (not all) were looking for the one thing that they wanted to hear and if they didn’t hear it, well dang it…they’re still not saying it right.

These are real people. Real people with real lives going through an incredibly real time that we are just seeing from outside the fishbowl. My heart goes out to all of them. This is an incredible amount to go through and is made that much more complicated by having to address public perception every inch of the way. At the end of the day though, who is really most affected by this? Its not us. Its them.

I also can’t help but say one more thing. Be careful what you wish for. There is a very damaged soul in all of this that was in a very dark place before the allegations came out. Does this mean we need to just look the other way? No, of course not. Do we need some assurance that he will not be in a position of power again? Absolutely! Do we need to wish for complete and utter financial ruin for him? I hope not. I haven’t lost my empathy chip quite yet and while I wish for justice, I do not need to see heads roll.

If we are asking people to be better, we need to start doing the same thing ourselves. This whole maelstrom, the case, the settlements are certainly serving. Let this play out. Be patient. More answers are coming. We just simply can’t hear what even those involved don’t know yet.

I am realizing that I am just one person outside the fishbowl that feels like they can make a difference. I may completely fail here. I’m okay with that. This isn’t about me. I wish healing for all. I just don’t want any more damage to anyone as a result of this.

This is my plea for calmer heads to prevail today. I meant what I said in a thread a few days back, which now seems like years ago. The only thing that can destroy a community is the community itself. I am just asking for some reflection today on how much more destruction we need to make ourselves feel better in this.

To the team members (and the community too)—Love you all and hoping every day brings more healing❤️
I watched Ryno’s channel last night and saw how genuinely shocked/confused/angry/sad he was, as the rest of us were at finding out about this. He said he had spoken to Dustin. Dustin said he had kept what really happened from his family and friends. Ryno wished that he had confided in him and felt guilty that he couldn’t have been there for his friend during the time it had happened. He also said that Craig is absolutely devastated by it all, saying he has never seen him this upset.
Where was this on Ryno’s channel? Was it on his Patreon?
I watched Ryno’s channel last night and saw how genuinely shocked/confused/angry/sad he was, as the rest of us were at finding out about this. He said he had spoken to Dustin. Dustin said he had kept what really happened from his family and friends. Ryno wished that he had confided in him and felt guilty that he couldn’t have been there for his friend during the time it had happened. He also said that Craig is absolutely devastated by it all, saying he has never seen him this upset.

Was this on ryno’s YT? I can’t find a post from last night on his channel?

Deleted? Or am I looking in the wrong place?
Where was this on Ryno’s channel? Was it on his Patreon?
Look up “Ryan Ryno Calvin“ as the YouTube channel. It’s the Live “Barbie/movies video”. 1 hr 21 minutes, 20 seconds is where he made some small mention… lasts until 1 hr 24ish minutes. I think it was sufficient enough for the time being. Especially with what they are able to say at the present time.
Waking up hoping that calmer heads prevail today. I can’t not say what’s on my mind, so here goes…

The allegations surfaced. People were mortified. A response was requested. People were not satisfied. Either its too much, too little, the wrong people talking, its not what people want to hear….it just didn’t matter. Some (not all) were looking for the one thing that they wanted to hear and if they didn’t hear it, well dang it…they’re still not saying it right.

These are real people. Real people with real lives going through an incredibly real time that we are just seeing from outside the fishbowl. My heart goes out to all of them. This is an incredible amount to go through and is made that much more complicated by having to address public perception every inch of the way. At the end of the day though, who is really most affected by this? Its not us. Its them.

I also can’t help but say one more thing. Be careful what you wish for. There is a very damaged soul in all of this that was in a very dark place before the allegations came out. Does this mean we need to just look the other way? No, of course not. Do we need some assurance that he will not be in a position of power again? Absolutely! Do we need to wish for complete and utter financial ruin for him? I hope not. I haven’t lost my empathy chip quite yet and while I wish for justice, I do not need to see heads roll.

If we are asking people to be better, we need to start doing the same thing ourselves. This whole maelstrom, the case, the settlements are certainly serving. Let this play out. Be patient. More answers are coming. We just simply can’t hear what even those involved don’t know yet.

I am realizing that I am just one person outside the fishbowl that feels like they can make a difference. I may completely fail here. I’m okay with that. This isn’t about me. I wish healing for all. I just don’t want any more damage to anyone as a result of this.

This is my plea for calmer heads to prevail today. I meant what I said in a thread a few days back, which now seems like years ago. The only thing that can destroy a community is the community itself. I am just asking for some reflection today on how much more destruction we need to make ourselves feel better in this.

To the team members (and the community too)—Love you all and hoping every day brings more healing❤️

I’ve been grappling with the same feelings today (it’s 10pm where I am) that, I’m disgusted about what has come to light, and I cannot be ok with someone doing this and potentially having it swept under the rug, but all day I’ve had a gut feeling that this could end very, very darkly.

He’s a complete narcissist, so I don’t think at this point self harm is a massive risk, but it quite easily could go that way.

I’m not suggesting we don’t demand better of him, but I think as a community, we should rally behind his victims and the team and focus our energies on lifting them up rather than focussing in tearing him down. Ultimately the same things should come of it but maybe with a less darkly negative potential on the very worse end of the spectrum.
It appears that my original post on Patreon is being criticized by plenty of people including @Tonyz particularly, so let me clarify. Dustin and Pete brought me into this company as a freelancer in late 2012 before going part-time in 2013 and then full-time. When I say I found out about the allegations (Dustin's) the same way as others, it's because it's the absolute truth as Dustin has clearly stated. And I was truly shocked. The DIS was an abnormal place to work from day one and something like Pete and Dustin dating was presented to me as consensual and normal. There was plenty of fighting along the way that seemed like red flags to me, but I'm never going to be one to judge anyone's relationship. When Dustin chose to leave, I supported him doing what was best for him.

You can choose whether or not to believe me when I say I was not aware of what happened with Dustin before or during my time working with The DIS even with Dustin saying flat out we didn't know. You can choose to believe me or not when I tell you that John told me he knows Dreams needs a bigger presence on the show and that means he and Kevin returning but they need a new studio because the reality is it's impossible for Kevin to navigate into a narrow door and down a narrow hallway into an extra bedroom that was our studio.

Right now, I'm just trying to do my job to the best of my ability and I'm waiting to hear more the same way everyone else is.

Craig I completely believe that is what you were told, so that is all you can go by. I also believe that you are still in the dark about what will happen. It is really a hard situation for all involved with the company.
Look up “Ryan Ryno Calvin“ as the YouTube channel. It’s the Live “Barbie/movies video”. 1 hr 21 minutes, 20 seconds is where he made some small mention… lasts until 1 hr 24ish minutes. I think it was sufficient enough for the time being. Especially with what they are able to say at the present time.
Maybe he edited the video I’m not seeing anything

Edited: Never mind I misread your time stamp. I agree this is enough for me for now.
Look up “Ryan Ryno Calvin“ as the YouTube channel. It’s the Live “Barbie/movies video”. 1 hr 21 minutes, 20 seconds is where he made some small mention… lasts until 1 hr 24ish minutes. I think it was sufficient enough for the time being. Especially with what they are able to say at the present time.
I just watched the spot you mentioned above but he doesn’t talk about it as mentions higher up?

Where has he said that Craig is the most upset he’s ever seen him?
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