DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

I saw it mentioned earlier and I'm also very curious if we'll start getting anecdotal reports from those applying for DAS on 4/21 for a 5/20 trip as well, or if these changes don't actually occur until 5/20 for trips on 6/19 and beyond. I assume we will start to hear anecdotal evidence from people applying for DAS on 4/21 and hopefully Disney will release information about the Return to Queue and any other accommodations they will be offering on or before this.
Our trip begins on May 26th so I'll schedule a pre reg on April 27th. Will come back and report.
I didn't say it was equivalent. There are people on here who said they cannot stand in LONG lines due to some medical issues. For example, some people said their medical conditions make them susceptible to overheating, so they can't stand in long lines outside. So, for them, they can still buy Genie+ to use LLs. There is nothing keeping them from doing so.

For people who need flexibility, there will now be a line return option. We don't have the details on that yet. My guess is that, if you need to leave the line due to a medical condition, you may be eligible to return to the same ride later and use the LL. So, for people who need flexible return times, they MAY be able to get that with the line return option. We don't know yet because Disney hasn't released those details.

However, it sounds like some people will find their needs accommodated with the line return option. If what they need is just shortened wait times, they can still buy Genie+. Some people might benefit from both, buying Genie+ but also using the line return option.

One thing is clear, though: DAS is meant for people with pretty severe developmental disabilities. I think we all have people in our lives whom we know who suffer from extreme disabilities and can even get violent around others as they wait in long lines. DAS is meant for them. For others, there will be many other accommodations available to meet their needs. For flexibility, there will likely be a line return option for them. For shorter waits, they can buy Genie+.
You really just don’t get it do you?
G+ and DAS don’t work the same.
Buying G+ would get them on pirates ONE TIME. But what is pirates is their favorite rides and they want to ride it again. G+ won’t allow that. So they have to use standby. But they cannot use standby because the line is 65 minutes long, and for them it is not feasible.

So it’s not like you can just say I’ll stand there for 65 minutes and wait because I love this ride.

G+ would have to allow them to be able to book a ride again, without standing inside a 65 minute line.

If only there was a system in place like that… OH WAIT..

You really cannot compare G+ to DAS. The only thing similar is that you tap a button on your phone to “book” it and get a time to come back.
Wow just wow. How dare you speak for the entire Crohns community. I'm glad it works for you and your dad but you have zero, absolutely zero right to say someone that has Crohns doesn't need DAS and is part of the DAS abuse. Come do a theme park day with my child who has Crohns disease and then see if you have the audacity to speak for our Crohns community.

Wow, it's not about "audacity." I said I'm glad Disney is offering multiple different accommodations to meet the needs of people with different disabilities and medical conditions instead of just doing a blanket DAS accommodation for almost all disabilities. It's not what a lot of people need.

I'm not trying to speak for everyone in the Crohn's community. Everyone's case is different. My uncle, who is now deceased, had severe Crohn's and had part of his colon and intestines removed and had a colostomy bag. When it filled up, they had to stop whatever they were doing to change his bag. Sometimes, he'd have to be late for things because it would happen right before he left to go somewhere! He couldn't help it, and we just had to be flexible. For him, having a line return option would have been great. When needed, he could have let the line and returned to it later when it was a better time.

My dad has Crohn's as well. His symptoms are not as severe as many, but it's enough to make him nervous during travel. For him, to be able to leave the line and return would make a big difference for his WDW vacation. As I said before, he also has prostate cancer, which causes urgent urinary needs. Being able to leave lines and return would help him there, too.

For me, I don't have Crohn's. I have IBS-D. I can go a few days with no symptoms, but then I get a flare up and have to be near a bathroom for hours. I get little to no warning, so the scariest parts of my WDW trip are usually being on the bus. What if it hits me near the start of the bus ride? I can't wait 20 minutes for the bathroom.

For all of us, we'd benefit most from a line return option. I think it's SUCH a great option for people with medical conditions that require emergent bathroom use. However, shortened lines are not the accommodation I (or my dad or uncle) need. That's why I never applied or DAS. How does a shortened line help me if I get struck with abdominal cramps and need to leave immediately to use a bathroom? It doesn't matter if I have 10 minutes left in line, an hour left in line, or am at the loading area. I need to leave.

If you feel like a shortened line does help your child on your trip, then absolutely you can still buy Genie+ to book LL for shorter lines. But if an issue crops up with a bathroom emergency, won't it also be good for your child to be able to leave the line and later return? I'm just glad Disney is working to accommodate the needs of guests instead of just doing blanket DAS passes for most medical conditions and disabilities. In your case, you may benefit from line return, and now that will be available! And if you still need shorter lines, you can still do that buy getting Genie+. So now you actually have two strategies to help!
🙌 This.

My AAP at Universal - and my DAS at Disney until now, apparently - allows me to monitor my body and, after my wait time has passed and my return window is available, to proceed to the attraction - after waiting the same amount of time as everyone else in line but without the dehumanization and humiliation of repeated walks of shame to the bathroom. This accommodation allows me to access attractions while retaining my dignity.

The sheer disregard and dehumanization in this thread is astounding.
Louder for those in the back!
I think the new changes coming to DAS sound terrible on paper, but am also holding out to see how things truly unfold. I think Disney did a really bad job with the press release.

The other thing I would like to add to those saying that Genie+ is a terrible alternative, lets not forget that Genie itself will also potentially be changing from its current state. Disney did say last May that changes were coming. It was highly speculated by many in the know, the same who also broke the news of DAS, that changes to Genie were to have be come earlier this year. Those changes were delayed due to the changes coming to DAS.

While I agree the current state of Genie+ is a horrible alternative, lets see what actually happens to both DAS and Genie before getting too worked up.
For many people, having a scooter is a necessity. They still have to pay to rent it. For you, maybe a shorter line is a
As far as buying Genie+, it's an elitist thing to tell people they should spend more money when some families must have a savings plan in order to take a Disney trip with their family member who has an issue(s). The extra money might be a hardship. What you're not factoring in is that just the medical issue itself can cost families many thousands of dollars in addition to insurance. Telling people to just buy Genie+ is a flip answer to a complicated problem. People cannot help their neuro, physical, mental issues and telling them to spend more money to solve a problem is unkind.
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Wow just wow. How dare you speak for the entire Crohns community. I'm glad it works for you and your dad but you have zero, absolutely zero right to say someone that has Crohns doesn't need DAS and is part of the DAS abuse. Come do a theme park day with my child who has Crohns disease and then see if you have the audacity to speak for our Crohns community.
Yea I'm not going to touch most of what she / they said because - wow. But, there is one thing they said that I think is a fair consideration - "If you're not having a flare, then you don't need to be skipping the line all day every day. You can wait in lines."

I think this is an important consideration of DAS and DAS abuse / use. I have family members with DAS, I have a mum who is passed who used DAS. I've talked to and engaged with lots of people who use DAS. For some of those folks, like my mom, they would only use the DAS if they felt like they absolutely needed to, for others, they use it because they CAN. Many people, including those I know, have conditions that do "flare", Chrons, Anxiety, ADHD, physical issues, etc. On some days, at some times, they may need that DAS, other days, times, whole vacations - they might not. But several of those I know or have spoken to, use it regardless of their actual need on any given day/time. They may be well medicated, they may not be having a flare, they may be having a good day. But they have it, so they use it like its an FP system. I have NO idea how to prevent this, or if it should even be prevented. But it is a fair point to consider in the larger discussion.
You’ll know more once you apply. I would wait until then to make decisions. Hugs. My MS husband adores Disney and is feeling so abandoned. We also have a daughter with ADHD. I know how you feel.
I hope we do hear more mid April. Those of you registering for April 21st on, please post back your experiences. I hope, like the poster several above, that most will still be accommodated.

During FP, it was never an issue. But we did several trips without in in the new post covid Genie + era and they were honestly miserable trips (in the parks). I just assumed with did not qualify for DAS until at the pool we bonded with another ADHD family who told us about DAS and what qualified. We called and DS immediately qualified. DAS has been a game changer for my family.

When you have a lifetime condition like ADHD, since I don't know different, I don't consider it a disability if you will. We just take meds, have school accommodations etc. It's just a daily part of life that has always been there. I don't make a thing out of it because it is our normal. I realize we have different brains and processing skills than others, but I don't know any other experience nor do I think of myself as a family all covered by the ADA, but we are. I'm uncomfortable even asking for DAS and under the current/ soon prior we 100% qualified.
I just want make sure folks understand that other accommodations does not automatically mean the announced return to line option. They might expand on that later, they might announce other accommodations before May 20th, they might say "Genie+ users will now be able to have an unending return time if they qualify to X program".

We don't know yet and all the speculation about being offered nothing is just speculation until either more info comes or folks are actually denied when they try to register for DAS.
Another thing im worried about is the open end return time. We never join another line while waiting on our time, but we do often go over the return time. For example if our ride time is 20 minutes if my son is trying to self calm it make take an hour before we can get in the return line. Has anyone heard if that is changing?
Wow, it's not about "audacity." I said I'm glad Disney is offering multiple different accommodations to meet the needs of people with different disabilities and medical conditions instead of just doing a blanket DAS accommodation for almost all disabilities. It's not what a lot of people need.

I'm not trying to speak for everyone in the Crohn's community. Everyone's case is different. My uncle, who is now deceased, had severe Crohn's and had part of his colon and intestines removed and had a colostomy bag. When it filled up, they had to stop whatever they were doing to change his bag. Sometimes, he'd have to be late for things because it would happen right before he left to go somewhere! He couldn't help it, and we just had to be flexible. For him, having a line return option would have been great. When needed, he could have let the line and returned to it later when it was a better time.

My dad has Crohn's as well. His symptoms are not as severe as many, but it's enough to make him nervous during travel. For him, to be able to leave the line and return would make a big difference for his WDW vacation. As I said before, he also has prostate cancer, which causes urgent urinary needs. Being able to leave lines and return would help him there, too.

For me, I don't have Crohn's. I have IBS-D. I can go a few days with no symptoms, but then I get a flare up and have to be near a bathroom for hours. I get little to no warning, so the scariest parts of my WDW trip are usually being on the bus. What if it hits me near the start of the bus ride? I can't wait 20 minutes for the bathroom.

For all of us, we'd benefit most from a line return option. I think it's SUCH a great option for people with medical conditions that require emergent bathroom use. However, shortened lines are not the accommodation I (or my dad or uncle) need. That's why I never applied or DAS. How does a shortened line help me if I get struck with abdominal cramps and need to leave immediately to use a bathroom? It doesn't matter if I have 10 minutes left in line, an hour left in line, or am at the loading area. I need to leave.

If you feel like a shortened line does help your child on your trip, then absolutely you can still buy Genie+ to book LL for shorter lines. But if an issue crops up with a bathroom emergency, won't it also be good for your child to be able to leave the line and later return? I'm just glad Disney is working to accommodate the needs of guests instead of just doing blanket DAS passes for most medical conditions and disabilities. In your case, you may benefit from line return, and now that will be available! And if you still need shorter lines, you can still do that buy getting Genie+. So now you actually have two strategies to help!
That's great that a leave the line will work for you, but you need to stop generalizing it will work for everyone with bathroom issues. People have a right to be worried about that. You said this: "DAS is not the accommodation we need! If you're having a flare up, it does NOT help to wait 20 minutes in a LL. You can't go 20 minutes without access to the bathroom during a flare like that. DAS is not the proper accommodation for bathroom needs like IBS-D, Crohn's, and prostate cancer." You don't even have Crohn's so don't speak for people with it.
Another thing im worried about is the open end return time. We never join another line while waiting on our time, but we do often go over the return time. For example if our ride time is 20 minutes if my son is trying to self calm it make take an hour before we can get in the return line. Has anyone heard if that is changing?

This is something I'm very curious about, too. With IBS, sometimes it will take about 2 hours for my medication to really work and for me to be able to return to an activity. I'm hoping if you need to leave a line and have a medical issue, then there is a lot of flexibility on when you return. I also am interested in knowing if this needs to be pre-planned before you use it. Like, will we need to make a call to Disney to get a return to line accommodation set up? Or will it just be there for everyone? Will there be flexibility on return time for everyone, or just people with medical needs?
Wow, it's not about "audacity." I said I'm glad Disney is offering multiple different accommodations to meet the needs of people with different disabilities and medical conditions instead of just doing a blanket DAS accommodation for almost all disabilities. It's not what a lot of people need.

I'm not trying to speak for everyone in the Crohn's community. Everyone's case is different. My uncle, who is now deceased, had severe Crohn's and had part of his colon and intestines removed and had a colostomy bag. When it filled up, they had to stop whatever they were doing to change his bag. Sometimes, he'd have to be late for things because it would happen right before he left to go somewhere! He couldn't help it, and we just had to be flexible. For him, having a line return option would have been great. When needed, he could have let the line and returned to it later when it was a better time.

My dad has Crohn's as well. His symptoms are not as severe as many, but it's enough to make him nervous during travel. For him, to be able to leave the line and return would make a big difference for his WDW vacation. As I said before, he also has prostate cancer, which causes urgent urinary needs. Being able to leave lines and return would help him there, too.

For me, I don't have Crohn's. I have IBS-D. I can go a few days with no symptoms, but then I get a flare up and have to be near a bathroom for hours. I get little to no warning, so the scariest parts of my WDW trip are usually being on the bus. What if it hits me near the start of the bus ride? I can't wait 20 minutes for the bathroom.

For all of us, we'd benefit most from a line return option. I think it's SUCH a great option for people with medical conditions that require emergent bathroom use. However, shortened lines are not the accommodation I (or my dad or uncle) need. That's why I never applied or DAS. How does a shortened line help me if I get struck with abdominal cramps and need to leave immediately to use a bathroom? It doesn't matter if I have 10 minutes left in line, an hour left in line, or am at the loading area. I need to leave.

If you feel like a shortened line does help your child on your trip, then absolutely you can still buy Genie+ to book LL for shorter lines. But if an issue crops up with a bathroom emergency, won't it also be good for your child to be able to leave the line and later return? I'm just glad Disney is working to accommodate the needs of guests instead of just doing blanket DAS passes for most medical conditions and disabilities. In your case, you may benefit from line return, and now that will be available! And if you still need shorter lines, you can still do that buy getting Genie+. So now you actually have two strategies to help!
You ask how shortened lines are helpful in case of a bathroom emergency. First compare in a day how much time you would spend in a physical queue vs using DAS virtual queuing with LLs. You are going to spend much less time in queues, therefore reducing the risk of a bathroom emergency occurring in one.

This is especially important for those like me who have seconds to get to a bathroom on some occasions. LL queue or main queue, I’d probably have an accident, but over the course of my vacation, the huge reduction in time spent in physical queues also means a huge reduction in the chance of that accident happening.

Also, it’s going to be far more practical to get out of a shorter LL queue to run to the bathroom than it is being stuck in the middle of FOP standby with no CMs in sight!
Many people, including those I know, have conditions that do "flare", Chrons, Anxiety, ADHD, physical issues, etc. On some days, at some times, they may need that DAS, other days, times, whole vacations
This is the problem you can have people that have the same exact problems and 1 wants special previliges and 1 is perfectly fine to deal with it. If your Disney/Univesal how do you best deal with that? Accommodating everyone with every problem is just not working which is obvious with the change in policy.
That's great that a leave the line will work for you, but you need to stop generalizing it will work for everyone with bathroom issues. People have a right to be worried about that. You said this: "DAS is not the accommodation we need! If you're having a flare up, it does NOT help to wait 20 minutes in a LL. You can't go 20 minutes without access to the bathroom during a flare like that. DAS is not the proper accommodation for bathroom needs like IBS-D, Crohn's, and prostate cancer." You don't even have Crohn's so don't speak for people with it.

OK, but my dad has Crohn's, so I'm very familiar with it. Are you saying you are a person with Crohn's who doesn't have bathroom emergencies and doesn't have to leave lines? If so, I'm very happy for you. And hopefully that means you don't need medical accommodations then, too. However, for many people with Crohn's (like my dad and late uncle), or ulcerative colitis (like my other uncle), or IBS-D (like me and my cousin), being able to leave and return to a line would be immensely helpful. I know there are some people with asymptomatic Crohn's who might not need accommodations, but I'm glad this accommodation will be available for people who need it. Be thankful, though, if you don't need that accommodation!
I have no idea what this means. It's like they accidentally leaked a draft outline with none of the details filled in yet.
Disneys IT dept is notoriously inept since being farmed out years ago

There have been repeated instances of announcements re changes to methods of operations that are vague to point of being downright confusing.

(Most recent being the changes to DVC moonlight magic resort requirements).

can’t put my finger on whether it’s a site wide issue as to poor communication in their news releases or they are deliberate in their intent to be vague enough (in order to possibly course correct if public sentiment is harsh)
OK, but my dad has Crohn's, so I'm very familiar with it. Are you saying you are a person with Crohn's who doesn't have bathroom emergencies and doesn't have to leave lines? If so, I'm very happy for you. And hopefully that means you don't need medical accommodations then, too. However, for many people with Crohn's (like my dad and late uncle), or ulcerative colitis (like my other uncle), or IBS-D (like me and my cousin), being able to leave and return to a line would be immensely helpful. I know there are some people with asymptomatic Crohn's who might not need accommodations, but I'm glad this accommodation will be available for people who need it. Be thankful, though, if you don't need that accommodation!
I absolutely do need accommodations. I am saying that "return to line" for some people with these conditions would not be reasonable, but DAS is, so they are worried. You saying that people who have these conditions don't need DAS and can just use a "leave the queue option" is a broad statement that may not apply to everyone with Crohn's or other disabilities/diseases.


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