traveling with an ecv

  1. A

    ECV rental Help!

    Hello! How is everyone’s experience renting an ecv from gold mobility scooters? Are we able to drop off each day and pick back up in the morning or do we have to take it with us? We won’t be staying on site so this may be an issue for us.
  2. TillyMarigold

    Anyone want to help me think through ECV/crutches + DAS + infant? Feeling overwhelmed ...

    Hi everyone! I am so sorry this is a novel, but I didn't want to make a million new threads. And I know there are a threads about all this, but I'm having trouble synthesizing all of them into one complete plan. I greatly appreciate anyone patient enough to help me work this out. This trip is...
  3. JJZMgailey

    Dreams Unlimited Travel Podcast | Traveling with a Personal Scooter | 09/26/19

    In this episode, John and Kevin discuss their experience of traveling with Kevin's personal scooter that's used for his mobility issues.

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