1 New Year's Resolution Realized with only more good things to come!


<font color=blue>WINNER of the world's worst limer
Jun 2, 2002
My New Year's Resolution was to lose 50 pounds this year. I know it's a drop in the bucket when you are looking at someone who started at almost 400 pounds, but I decided that I had to start somewhere and 50 pounds sound like and achievable goal. I decided the first step was to see my doctor. Over the past 3 years, I have gained over 70 of the 92 pounds that I have put on in the past 11 years. The reason for the surge was related to illness and honestly a right good amount of depression and as it turns out a failing thyroid.

In January, I went to see my doctor. I was put on an antidepressant because something had to change. With all of the stress over Baby M and then/now Gabby's mom's illness, I was just about to crack. The change that the meds made to my mood was HUGE and for some reason with that, I just lost my appetite. I started to eat less and less. I had lab work done that showed that my thyroid was going bad, again, it had suffered a few years ago after Lupron, but bounced back, but now I am going to need a Synthroid every day. That also helps to boost your metabolism. Then because I was doing better overall, but still having anger and anxiety issues, they added another medication and the desire to eat anything is practically gone.

So, here we are on June 1st and I knew from last week's doctor visit that I was close, but as of this morning, I have officially dropped 50 pounds and I am under 350 for the first time in over 4 years. For a 40 something, this is quite amazing. I also made a deal with myself that if I can get down below 300, I will actually hire a trainer and join a gym. I can't imagine actually working out at a gym, but my lifestyle is changing and thankfully for the better in so many ways. Gabby even says that it's like being with me when we first met. My mood and attitude are so vastly different and I feel really bad that so many folks around me have suffered because of it, but I quite obviously inherited the family chemical imbalance, because the meds have made such a drastic change.

Anyway, I thought that I would share that with you guys. For once in my life, I actually made a resolution come true. :upsidedow
Wow, that is really awesome. Weight is such an eay thing to find and so hard to lose again. I need to drop 50, too. The thyroid thing, I know a few people omn synthroid, they all complain that it makes you hair fall out. I hope ot dopesn't do that to you.

Good luck with your journey to fitness.
That is such a wonderful accomplishment! I hope you continue to feel better and that your weight loss adds to your improved health! ::yes::
Congratulations! :thumbsup2

"If you can dream it, you can do it"
Congrats!!! That's great!! It seems like you have a good outlook and plan. Start with small, achievable goals. Bravo for it!
Congrats! You have made a huge step and probably the hardest to make. That is awesome. I wish you the best!


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