2 Kids, Little Sleep & A Great Holiday!!!


Earning My Ears
Sep 3, 2009
Hey all

Thought I would share our DLP experience which we got back from at around midnight last night.


Monday 14th Sept - Thursday 17th Sept


Me (Louis) aged 34
The missus (Elaine) aged 27
The daughter (Seran) aged almost 2
The nephew (Jake) aged 5 3/4


We went with EasyJet from Liverpool (Lennon) airport, not the best of stories to be honest and I have to admit I'm more than a little disgusted at their lack of organisation. We arrived the night before and stayed in the Holiday Inn at the airport which was good for what we needed, clean, the kids had one bed and we had the other, breakfast from 4am (our shuttle bus to the airport was at 5.30am). Only complaint (of sorts) was the little one waking in the middle of the night for 2 hours and not wanting to go back to sleep in a hurry!

Got to airport just before check in opened but in Liverpool ALL EasyJet flights queue in the same area with about 10 check in desks open, whihc basically meant a longer queuing time for all involved. I did notice that when it was close to check in closing for a few flights a woman called passengers from the queue forward to avoid missing their flights, great stuff, however, they didn't bother doing that with Paris, so by the time we checked in it was 10 minutes until BOARDING closed, we had to run from the check in desks, try and grab some coffee and milk for the little one and then throw it away immediately because we weren't allowed to take it though and weren't told what was where or anything, then ran to security, they held us up even though we told them our boarding was about to close, we had 2 kids and it was check ins fault we were late! FINALLY got through (no thanks to the security woman, I understand she was doing her job but a bit of helpfulness could have cost her nothing). Got to the boarding area with seconds to spare (there were nothing but stair but luckily there was a man on his way down who gave me a hand as our buggy is heavy!) and got on the plane with no problems. Good problem free flight, arrived on time, got luggage no problem and private taxi shuttle bus was there on time (minus car seat which we had ordered but never mind).


Stayed in Cheyenne first time (12 years ago), Newport in 06 and Sequoia Lodge this time, was clean and all of the staff were extremely friendly and helpful. We arrived at around 11am and they let us check in straight away as it wasn't too busy, so we got to get our luggage to the room, grab a change of clothes for the kids and get straight into the park for a full day (almost)...

GOOD POINTS: Clean room, helpful and friendly staff, VERY close to Disney Village if walking, awesome power shower!

BAD POINT: Buffet is NOT recommended at all, €26 per adult and not good at all... Pool was closed which we weren't told about at time of booking, which wasn't the end of the world as who comes to DLP to swim anyway!


Headed into the park for about lunchtime, after queing to meet Mickey first of all (which went down pretty well considering jake hated the characters the first time we went with him and Seran is not quite 2 yet) Jake was hungry and demanded a hot dog so we headed to Caseys and got a large meal and a kids meal between the 4 of us for €12.95 which was pretty reasonable as the dogs were huge and the fries plentiful. Then headed into Discoveryland and straight to Buzz Lightyear ride on request of Jake, Seran loved everything we did here, its great to see their little faces for the first time! Spent the rest of the day with zero plans and ambled around the park aimlessly until it closed at 7pm. Went back to the room then to clean up a little 'accident' that an over excited Jake had then back to the Rainforest Cafe where we both had the €19.95 deal for a main and a dessert while Jake had a kids meal which he shared with Seran to save money - neither of them ate a thing and Jake fell asleep on the chair beside me while Seran had grumpy fits periodically!!! Then back to the room and straight to bed for the kids, which would have worked well apart from the fact that Seran freaked out at midnight and screamed solidly until 2am! Still, turned off the alarm and got some sleep eventually!

DAY 2:

Headed down for breakfast a little late after last nights shenanigans with Seran, reasonable selection of foods, no bread left for toast though and the kids weren't keen on the cereal as the milk is so different to ours. Into the Studios park for a little after 10 which was plenty early enough for the Studios which doesn't offer the free magic hours like the main park does. Did Stitch Live first - AWESOME, such a good show very creative and extremely funny, then Elaine took the kids to Playhouse Disney Live while I nipped off to go on Tower of Terror (also awesome, squeezed 2 goes on actually and because I was alone I skipped half the queue so they could fill the single spaces!). Found time to squeeze everything in, highlights of the day were Stitch Live, Tower of Terror, PHD Live for the kids (they loved it apparently) and the Back Lot Tour which was really interesting actually, plus the Catastrophe Canyon bit was brilliant for the kids and Jake thought there was a real dragon in the pit in the Reign of Fire area! Biggest downer was the Crushes Coaster actually, a huge long queue for a very disappointing ride, Jake hated it as did Elaine while I thought it was just very diappointing, could have done with more light to show the kids stuff, its darker than Space Mountain inside! Amusing moment was when the other two were in Crushes Coaster I noticed Buzz Lightyear and Remy the rat arrive outside and although Seran was asleep I thought I would amble over anyway and get a picture and an autograph for Serans book, the CH for Remy was English and a really nice guy called Paul, I asked him if Remy was 'English ' or 'French' today and he replied English so I ended up having a half silent coversation with Remy for 5 minutes, very funny! After the Studios headed back to the Park till 7.30 then headed to Planet Hollywood where we wisely booked a table for that time, took forever to get served however so we were still back REALLY late and Seran wouldn't go to sleep until 2am again after learning 'You Can Fly' on Peter Pans Flight and singing it over and over again till we went a bit crazy! HIGHLY recommend the ribs in PH, gorgeous meal! Great value for money as well especially as we took out copy of 'The Brits Guide To DLP' and got 20% off so the kids ate free!!!

DAY 3:

Full day in the park where we squeezed everything but Dumbo, Pinnochio and Snow White in, good day, met characters, caught the parade but the lack of sleep caught up with us and Elaine didn't feel too great so we got the kids nuggets and fried in McDonalds (FINALLY they ate somethign!) then headed straight back to the hotel for about 8 and stayed there for food, went to the Beaver Creek Restaurant (is that right) for the buffet which the kids didn't partake in, but Elaine ate nothing more than a chicken wing and I barely ate anything but dessert and a few chips as it was BAD food... the manager was really nice though and took Elaines meal off the bill so we only paid €33 for my food and drinks, which is why I made the most of 4 desserts lol!!! Back to the room afterwards where Seran eventually fell asleep in her buggy after a walk and didn't wake until the following morning (thank you god).

DAY 4:

LAST DAY!!! Up at 7am to get to Cafe Mickey for 8am breakfast, managed to finish packing, check out and leave luggage at entrance in this time too! Bit of a rip off as for €45 we got the same breakfast as in the hotel but with additional bacon, sausages, potatos and eggs. Still worth it for the amount of time spent with the characters up close and more personal.

Went into the park after breakfast, did Dumbo twice in a row then went on all the rides the kids had liked best again before heading to the Studios to FINALLY meet Stitch (our favourite)! Managed to meet loads of characters throughout the day and the CH Paul from the Tuesday was with Goofy this time and snuck us off for some private photo opps with him without the idiots who were trying to barge in front of Seran and Jake.

Back to the hotel for 5.30pm for pick up by taxi at 6.30pm, worst airport experience EVER at CDG afterwards and anyone else on the forum who was on the 21.50 flight to Liverpool will agree with me I'm sure! Home on time though and picked up by Nannie who got us home for midnight where the two of us literally fell into bed!!! Up at 7am this morning with the monkey however and I am SHATTERED while Elaine slumbers on upstairs in bed because she has a toothache lol!


Jake getting picked out of the audience by Stitch in Stitch Live (the second time around).

Seran meeting the characters for the first time.

Serans face on Dumbo.

Jake and Seran holding hands and walking through the park (he is a boys boy, doesn't hold hands).

Chatting to Remy the rat for 5 mins!

Prince John at the character breakfast, pretending to slap Elaine and then looking terribly guilty as Seran burst into tears because the big lion hit her mummy!

Seran singing 'You Can Fly' the entire time EXCEPT for when Peter Pan asked her to sing it to him!!!

Personal touch with Goofy and Captain Jack Sparrow.


The shoving and pushiness of everyone that wasn't English and all the teenagers and adult who seem to think that they are more entitled to get in with the characters BEFORE the kids who were ahead of them in the queue!

The miserable faces of people in the parks in general (for no reason!) and also the fact that adults who were obviously there without kids kept scowling at any kids they saw screaming with enjoyment and excitement - I wanted to slap them and say 'YOU'RE IN DISNEYLAND!!!'

Poor Jake who got so tired on the way home that he just kept crying until we had been in the car on the way home for 20 minutes.

Elaine getting sick and also her poor aunt dying (which was expected, just not while we were away). She was a total trooper though so fair play to her considering!

Seran and her lack of sleeping habits!

The buffet in the hotel and in Cafe Mickey.


Overall we had a few down moments and we are extremely tired after a complete lack of sleep and an emmense amount of walking but we did have great fun in the daytime, thoroughly enjoyed it and would do it again in a heartbeat but out of season again as I hate queues and would have killed someone probably lol! Maybe Christmas or Halloween before it gets busy next time and would probably Eurostar it next time too. Maybe even Florida! :banana:
Welcome home! :goodvibes

Glad to hear that you had a great holiday!! :) Sorry to hear about Elaine's Aunt :hug:

Glad that you managed to have a great time despite the lack of sleep - I think we may have similar problems next week! :rotfl:
Welcome home! :goodvibes

Glad to hear that you had a great holiday!! :) Sorry to hear about Elaine's Aunt :hug:

Glad that you managed to have a great time despite the lack of sleep - I think we may have similar problems next week! :rotfl:

Thanks! Sadly she passed away on the Monday (the frist day of our holiday) and was buried yesterday (the last day). It was expected though, she was very old and very sick so she is in a better place.

As for you, have a great time!!! I would HIGHLY recommend getting the kids fed and watered between 5 and 7 in order to get them to bed nice and early and up for a better day the next day!
:goodvibes thanks for posting your trip report.
The character scrums are just that often, scrums. I can't honestly say though that us Brits are blameless with the pushing and shoving there either, in my experience.

Definitely agree that the character meals are the best option for avoiding the scrums :).

I hope you get some sleep now, and that Elaine feels better soon :hug:,
:goodvibes thanks for posting your trip report.
The character scrums are just that often, scrums. I can't honestly say though that us Brits are blameless with the pushing and shoving there either, in my experience.

Definitely agree that the character meals are the best option for avoiding the scrums :).

I hope you get some sleep now, and that Elaine feels better soon :hug:,

She says thanks! She just got up - still with toothache but a lot better for good amounts of sleep, my turn tonight!

I didn't have any trouble with most people in queues at all to be honest, in fact ended up chatting to loads of people in queues and character scrums too, most people we had runs ins with were other nationalities which is quite upsetting as I always try to be civil and speak the language of the person I am dealing with as best I can!

One thing I did notice with a few of the characters, Stitch and Buzz Lightyear especially, is that as we waited patiently while others pushed and shoved, it paid off, Stitch spent about 3 or 4 minutes longer with us than anyone else and Buzz made sure we were seen to even though he was being yelled at from all directions! They tend to notice if you aren't shoving and pushing I think...
Great trip report!:thumbsup2 again sorry about Elaines aunt:flower3:

Did Seran enjoy Stitch Live? When i go in Jan my DS will just of turned two......im hoping he will like it and sit still......He wants to go all over the place at min, hard to keep him still.

also ive never done Playhouse disney? what actually is it:confused: is it a show or a play area.....ive not really read much about it:)

One thing about going with DS is also the lack of sleep we may have, he doesnt really sleep well like he does at home when we our away (strange surroundings etc). Im hoping he just tires himself out during the day and sleeps all the way through (fingers crossed:rotfl:).
Great trip report!:thumbsup2 again sorry about Elaines aunt:flower3:

Did Seran enjoy Stitch Live? When i go in Jan my DS will just of turned two......im hoping he will like it and sit still......He wants to go all over the place at min, hard to keep him still.

also ive never done Playhouse disney? what actually is it:confused: is it a show or a play area.....ive not really read much about it:)

One thing about going with DS is also the lack of sleep we may have, he doesnt really sleep well like he does at home when we our away (strange surroundings etc). Im hoping he just tires himself out during the day and sleeps all the way through (fingers crossed:rotfl:).

Thanks again for the kind words about Elaines Aunt...

Playhouse Disney Live is basically a giant puppet show which includes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, My Friends Tigger & Pooh, Little Einsteinds and Handy Manny. I didn't see it but I have seen videos and Elaine said it was REALLY well done and they get the kids singing and dancing as it isn't quite as intrusive as the bigger characters and they look like they do on the TV shows so your DS should love it!

Stitch Live was nothing less than brilliant, its an interactive video show, I don't want to spoil it by saying too much but it is really funny for adults and for kids, I am a huge Stitch fan and so is Seran and she did sit on the floor and watch the whole thing yes, its hard not to, he's massive and on a huge screen in front of you talking to you directly lol!

Yes, we were hoping she woudl exhaust herself during the day but it didn't work out so well for us, she doesn't like to sleep when we're away either, I think its just all too exciting! She did sleep for an hour or so during the day every day but nighttime was a bit of a mare to be honest lol! We ended up letting her watch TV until she passed out basically lol!

Enjoy your trip! I hope it isn't too cold!
Thanks Louis:thumbsup2

Stitch and Playhouse both seem Brilliant! i cant wait to see DS face when he watches them:lovestruc

DS usually has a little nap in the afternoon.....saying that past few days he has'nt been having them. we were going to try keep him awake all day but he is grumpy without a nap.....so hopefully he will have a little nap around the park, but still sleep well!.
glad you had a good time

we are using easyjet from liverpool for our trip

lets hope its goes ok

glad you had a good time

we are using easyjet from liverpool for our trip

lets hope its goes ok


Its grand as long as you get there REALLY early and a good while before check in if you want to grab a coffee or check out the shops before boarding!
Its grand as long as you get there REALLY early and a good while before check in if you want to grab a coffee or check out the shops before boarding!

our check in opens at 08.05am so we will be there for about 07.45

I would HIGHLY recommend getting the kids fed and watered between 5 and 7 in order to get them to bed nice and early and up for a better day the next day!

Thanks for the tip!! Will try and keep to the bedtime routine as much as we can!! ;)
Thanks for the tip!! Will try and keep to the bedtime routine as much as we can!! ;)

I think it's just REALLY hard to stick to there, there is so much going on that kids under 3 or 4 just don't understand they have to sleep to enjoy it all the next day lol!
Loved your TR, we're going with our daughter next week and she will be 22 months so I can relate to the screaming sessions at night, Matilda's done this a couple of times in the past and its like something out of the Exorcist! :rotfl: Probably just excitement and confusion at being in a different place and not her normal bed etc. Difficult for you guys though, you did well to get to the parks at the times you did given the lack of sleep!

I'm sorry about your wife's aunt :hug:
Loved your TR, we're going with our daughter next week and she will be 22 months so I can relate to the screaming sessions at night, Matilda's done this a couple of times in the past and its like something out of the Exorcist! :rotfl: Probably just excitement and confusion at being in a different place and not her normal bed etc. Difficult for you guys though, you did well to get to the parks at the times you did given the lack of sleep!

I'm sorry about your wife's aunt :hug:

Thanks for the kind words, it's tough to be back considering she missed the funeral and all, on top of that we all have the flu now! She is showing symtoms of Swine Flu as well which isn't great!

Yeah, we got to the parks on time, well later than planned actually, we slept an awful lot when we got home though lol! I think Florida is better in that respect because in Paris you feel like you have to cram it all in quickly as you don't have a lot of time there, whereas in Florida you have 2 weeks most of the time and can do a park, have a day off, do a park, have a day off etc etc...
Time spent chatting with Remy, I am so jealous!

I KNOW!!! It was a proper conversation as well! I asked Paul his CH if he was English today and he said yes (so was Buzz) and I had a little chat with him and he nodded and shook his head etc...! I love Remy, we have a little grey gerbil with a pink nose who, when he stands on his hind legs looks JUST like him, hence his name... Remy lol!


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