
C.Ann, I'm obviously not from NY, but I'll be going Dec 1-8 (just booked air tickets) and I'll be by myself. I just saw your post and I wanted to say "hi" and say how glad I was to see you considering going!
C. Ann - there were quite a few solo woman at DIS-CON last year, and I envision even more this year. I was with my family last year, and I will be solo at DIS-CON 2. Hang around this board for awhile, and by the time DIS-CON rolls around, you'll think you've known everyone for ages! :D Oh - I'll be at the Swan Dec. 1-8.
Sorry John, I just booked flights last night... I haven't had to do the driving (or riding) in the car thing since 1983 so I am a bit spoiled there! Maybe next time ;)

C.Ann, believe it or not, I am a shy person... very shy actually (I know hard to believe but in RL I am very very shy) and it took me several months to let myself be coaxed into going. I wasn't going to go until a friend from the DIS brought it up to me in January and by March I had decided I was going to go. You'll know people!!!! You already know a bunch. You may not know their faces but you know their names and a bit about some of them. I know that even though I am going solo, the chances of me being alone are slim to none... unless I want to be alone! As I said, I will be down there Dec 1-8 staying at (most likely) the Swan, so you'll at least have me to bug if you decide to go ;) :D
Hello, C.Ann! I, too, was nervous going solo to meet DISers that I had never met before, and almost all the soloers (is that a word?) said the same thing. But everyone...and I mean every single DISer was so kind and nice. I met some friends for life.

A lot of us met before the official convention for a group meal at the Wilderness Lodge Resort Whispering Cafe for a very fun get together and a Resort Holiday Tour.

Here, we introduced each other and laughed and ate and laughed and laughed some more.

One of the DISers said that we got to know each other by talking on this DIS-CON board and then we seemed to know each other by the time we met.

Here is a link with pictures and names to our DIS meet last year and all the fun that we had. It's my trip report from day one.


I hope to get to meet you.

Sincerely, RaySharpton

What a beautifully sweet post!

I'm from WNY and going solo. I'm a little afraid of flying by myself, but I'm not worried about things when I get ther because my sister will be there and she's been to so many meets she knows EVERONE!!! I'm arriving on Dec 3rd and going home onthe 9th. I'll probably be a bit shy when I first get there, but after I get to know everyone, watch out!
C.Ann, I wish I could live closer to you as well. Unfortunately we have PA between us :( I am not so worried about flying alone. Heck most of the flying that I've done in my life has been alone and I just flew to Chicago and back by myself just a week and a half ago. I am nervous about being alone. So when I went to pick my resort to stay at, I intentionally picked one where I knew others would be. Not necessarily that I have to be right by them, but honestly there is something more comforting to me knowing that I could very likely have someone to ride home with from a park at night and the like. Kind of silly sounding I know, but that is how I am.

I used to feel like I would be "left out" until a few people convinced me (one in particular) that I have nothing to worry about and that I will never be alone unless I want to. I didn't go to DISCon last year but I am sure it will be a very true statement for you. I am a very shy person when I first meet people. You can ask those I met when I went to Chicago. They can tell you I am quiet and shy at first. But once I get to know people, I do so much better!!! I realize DISCon will be difficult for me, but I know I won't regret doing it.

I know there is a HUGE list of "unofficial" meets for DISCon and by the number of those I see if you wanted to be with people, trust me it looks like you could find a group to be with every waking moment if you like. I did tell you before (and meant it) that you can hang out with me if you like as well. So as I said, you may not know faces, but you'll at least know a few names when you get down there.

Don't worry about fitting in either. You are a wonderfully kind & dear person with a great sense of humor... I think you'll do just fine ;)

So there is a huge long ramble and I'll end with a tiny prayer that you'll be able to talk yourself into it ;)
Yeah, we need all the newbies we can get. Sometimes I feel left out when the talk gets going on all the stuff from last year. I'll be meeting some of these people at Barb's picnic this summer, so I'm hoping that takes some of my nervousness away. I'm more worried that they won't like me as much as they like my sister!!!
I went solo to DISCon I and had a great time. I'm flying down from Albany Dec 2. I'll be at BWV (and OKW unless I get the rest of my BWV days off the waitlist) until Dec 9.

I’m from Rochester, NY, and I’m seriously considering attending this year. It sounds like great fun and a great group of people. However, I’ve never traveled anywhere alone. My family will probably think I’ve flipped out – they don’t quite get my Disney obsession. I’m also very shy (usually too shy to post!), but I’d really like to go. Although finances could definitely keep me from attending, I hope my fear doesn’t. If I go, I’ll most likely fly – oddly enough, I have no fear of that.

Hi Diane. I was just in Rochester Monday and again today...boy was it hot there. We were at Bishop Kearny High School for dance competitions.
Originally posted by Diane
....I’m also very shy (usually too shy to post!), but I’d really like to go......Diane

You can't be THAT shy, Diane, you have 4 posts in just under 3 years. :D When you get down to DIS-Con, you will see there is no shyness, at least that lasts longer than 5 minutes. Would love to meet you. :wave:
No matter how shy you are and no matter how nervous you are about vacationing alone for the first time....are you guaranteed a fabulous time! There were so many of us female, solo travelers last year and we all faced the exact same worries/fears/anxieties/etc. And it was right after 9-11, so we had added issues. Once we got there, no one could stay 'shy' for long.....everyone, and I mean EVERY SINGLE PERSON turned out to be so so nice and warm and welcoming. You couldn't help but have a good time. If there is a DIS'er or two that you know is coming to DIS-Con and who, from things you've seen them post about, you think you'd like to meet and hang out with, start forming a friendship here on the boards and let it spill over into PM's and e-mails.....and you won't be able to stop yourself from attending DIS-Con! Honest, that's how it works. ;) :D

I hope noone will let shyness keep them from trying this out. :D

Debbie (CDooBee), where are you? You were 'shy' before DIS-Con, remember? ;) :D You should tell your story a little here. It might help someone else. :D

Sorry, I’ve been away for a few days for the holiday. Yes, it’s been a very hot and humid summer here. I’ve spent the last several days right up by Lake Ontario, on Little Sodus Bay. It was much cooler there for the most part, with a nice breeze.

It seemed kind of foggy over the bay and the lake, and closer to Rochester - over Irondequoit Bay. We read in the Oswego newspaper that it had something to do with wildfires in Canada (Montreal? Quebec?). Have you noticed anything in your area?

I really hope I can make it for DISCon II this year. I’d really like to meet all the nice people here. Even though I sometimes feel like I’m eavesdropping, I enjoy reading the posts.



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