<3 Belle <3


Jan 7, 2010
Since my girls are getting a little bigger (HippieGirl is 4.5), my parents have decided to give us experiences rather than presents during gift-giving opportunities. For Christmas, they got our family Annual Passes, and spent a long weekend with us (12/17 -12/21) at WDW. We had an amazing time (My mom and I keep saying to each other - "Man, Disney really knows how to do it!) but the best part of all was meeting Belle in EPCOT.

We went to EPCOT on Saturday, December 19th. We decided to tour the WS and get lunch in Morocco. We ran into Princess Aurora in France, who was so sweet and charming. She spent so much time with HippieGirl and really seemed to care about what my daughter had to say. My parents, HippieDaddy and I were all in tears watching how in awe my daughter was, as Princess Aurora is her favorite princess.

Then, moving on to lunch, we happened to see Belle. HippieGirl wanted to say hi and the line was fairly short, so we stopped. (She had previously shown no interest in Belle or Beauty & the Beast before.) Belle was so charming and sweet, and encouraged us to come back in 1.5 hour to meet Beast. We went on and had an amazing lunch in Morocco and came back at the appropriate time to meet Beast.

Again there was a short line, and when it was our turn, Belle turned to HippieGirl and greeted her by name! She said, "Oh Beast, here is my friend Sophie that I was telling you about! Sophie, I'm so glad you came back to meet the Beast." :love::love::love:

1.5 hour later - with kids before and kids after, and Belle was able to greet my daughter by name! We were all speechless. When I mentioned it to HippieGirl afterward, she said, "Mommy, Belle said that we were friends, so of course she knew my name. That's what friends do! Belle is my favorite new friend. I love her!"

We called when we got home and got an address to write a letter about outstanding cast members. However, I just wanted to share online too in case any CMs are around and happen to know Belle. My dad even said that after the price of APs, and getting a Disney resort for 5 nights, and dining and everything, hearing Belle greet HippieGirl by name was worth every single penny.

Pic of Belle with HippieGirl


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