35 by 35

Mom of DisKids

Oct 1, 2008
That is the goal. I would like to lose 35 lbs. by my 35th birthday. I am scared to set too high of a goal, so I am starting with this. At a current weight of 215 and 5'7", I am now officially obese. That is NOT the example I want to set for my 3 kids. I have "blamed" the weight on 2 pregnancies close together, but the honest truth is that I sit on my rear end and I really have an obsession about chocolate. 3 things have triggered this weight loss journey: 1: I am finding myself dozing off while sitting in a chair outside watching my kids run around. I should be running around with them! 2: I recently had a medical scare at my son's soccer game( I collapsed, couldn't breathe, someone called 911.....). It was all allergy related, but my BP was 160/110. Not too good. 3: I am going to the happiest place on earth to make wonderful memories with my family, and I don't want anyone to take my picture. How messed up is that??

So today I got up at 645 and walked the neighborhood.....3.4 miles! I felt great. Multigrain cheerios for breakfast.....and then it all falls apart at lunch!! I need to eat a midmorning snack so that at 1230 I'm not famished and eating anything I can find. I am a SAHM during the week, so the kitchen is always nearby.

The best thing about starting this now is that it's summer so there are lots of fresh veggies and fruits to fill up on.

Weigh in will be on Wednesdays

Goal #1: 15 lbs: pedicure
Goal #2: 25 lbs: new outfit
Goal#3: 35 lbs.: The Haunted Mansion prints I've had my eye on for some time now:)
Just want to say good luck. I have been on a diet since May 1st, and today was my weigh in day, and i have lost 30 pounds. My beginning weight was 238. It has been long, but not as bad as i thought. Once i made it the first week, it really hasnt been as bad as i thought.
I like how you set your reward system, I should do something like that! Keep up the good work, you can do it :)
Day 2 of the adventure. Got up early again and walked the neighborhood (another 3.4 miles logged!) Doing pretty good with the eating. Had a bowl of cheerios for breakfast and a salad for lunch. I filled up my 32oz. jug with icewater. My goal is to finish 4 of those a day, especially in today's heat! 95 and VERY humid. I almost feel like I'm at Disney in July:) Tomorrow will be a challenge. I am picking up an extra 6 hours at work form 7a-1p, then Big Buddy's birthday party for the family. Lots of cooking and cleaning to do still. The menu isn't too fattening. I'm going to smoke some chickens with BBQ sauce, couscous, rolls, a big salad. It's the dessert that gets me every time. I am making cupcakes instead of a cake so I can send leftovers home with everyone and not be tempted by leftover cake! The salad is my mom's idea. She actually called me today and said she would be bringing a salad because she needs to lose some weight. So now I have a dieting buddy!
Worked from 7-1, then came home and got things ready for Big Buddy's 1st birthday party. Grandmas and Grandpas and Uncles came over for a good meal. I did pretty good. Ate salad with a smidge of lite dressing, chicken (no skin) with BBQ sauce, couscous with raisins and almonds and the best part....I only ate 1 cupcake!:banana:That's it!! I also served ice cream and I totally skipped it. I felt full, so I stopped eating. It was that simple. Tomorrow I work 7a-3p, and the DH goes to work when I get home, so I need to try to fit in some sort of exercise tomorrow afternoon.
I got up at 7am and walked my 3.4 miles. This is the 1st time I have started an exercise program, skipped 2 days, and actually started again where I left off. Too often in the past I have fallen off the exercise wagon b/c I skipped a day. I must really be serious this time:woohoo: I just keep picturing myself 1) on August 15th at the fancy wedding I have to attend wearing a fabulous dress and 2) at WDW keeping up with my kids and being 35 lbs. lighter. Off to eat my cheerios:)
You seem to be changing the way you think. It's setting you up for achieving your goal! Great mindset!

So, it's Wednesday.....the scale doesn't seem to have budged! AAGGHH! But that's ok. DH says I look "trimmer" so that's great! And I have walked all 3 days this week. My plan is to walk 6 days, then take off on Sundays since I work every weekend. I guess now I need to work on my diet. I am going to try a food journal. I have heard good things about keeping them so I'll give it a shot. I have noticed that I am not eating as much food and learning to stop when I feel full.
Well, not starting out great. I did walk yesterday, but the eating was ....bleh:eek: Last night, my legs and hips were killing me, the baby was crying (is he sick, is he scared, I have no idea!!!) Then we had massive storms move through at 2am.....I didn't wake up until 655am, and I have to leave the house in about 30 minutes, so there just is no time to walk this am. I may try to fit in something later today, but I won't kid myself. If I don't do it first thing, it's a pretty good bet it won't get done:goodvibes Now, off to work this weekend. Can I really wake up at 430 to walk before I have to be at work??? We'll see....

I am patting myself on the back just for walking 4 straight mornings. That's more exercise than I've had in a long time!:woohoo:
Keep up the great work- I hear you generally if I don't get out there before I need to go somewhere I mostly never get out there.If I shower first to go somewhere forget it I am not doing it 2x.

Just one day at a time, that is all we can do.

I really got off track. Luckily, I didn't put on any weight. I kind of gave up on the walking.....I needed MORE!!! I need weights. So I joined a 24 hour gym. It's so great. It's basic, I can wake up at 5am every day before the family awakes, and I am doing fabulous. Not much weight lost yet, but my shape is changing because I am toning up my upper body. I am amazed that I have been able to get up at 5 am 4-5 days a week to do this. The best compliment I have received so far?? My DH said " I'm very proud of you and I wish I had your discipline." I do take off weekends b/c I have been working every Saturday and Sunday, sometimes pulling 16 hour shifts, and I have to skip every other Tuesday b/c I work the night shift on Monday 11p-7a. But I have done really well. I love to feel sweat dripping down my face:banana:
No workout today b/c I worked the night shift last night. Running on 4 hrs sleep right now! But I have to say, I haven't stuffed my face today. I even went grocery shopping and filled the cart with fruit and veggies:cheer2:

So back to the gym at 5am tomorrow. Hope to get a good night's sleep tonight.
Way to go! I wish I had your dedication...determination, whatever you want to call it. I may have to follow suite and try to change my way of thinking. Luckily you have your mom to go on this journey with. I look forward to hearing about your success! (And yes, there will be success even if you do skip a day or two)
I lost 4 lbs., I lost 4 lbs., I lost 4 lbs......I just keep repeating it to myself. Not much of a workout today. I have had stomach cramps and the fun that goes with it for 2 days, but I did manage to get to the gym. Then it started again. So it was a light 20 minute workout. Crossing my fingers for a better sweat tomorrow.

The 1 thing I am super proud of....last night after dinner I let the kids have a small dessert. I had an eclair, so I gave most of it to the kids, and I took 1 bite. That was it, 1 stinkin' bite! And that was it. I realized I wasn't hungry, so I stopped. The old me would have been in that fridge polishing off a whole eclair (or 2) by myself.


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