$456 Southwest Credit....can I sell it?


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
I have a $456 Southwest Credit....can I sell it? It has to be used by early November. We've been to California and Florida since January 2009. We can use it, but if we can't I'd like to sell it rather than lose it. Thanks, Sandra
Truth be told.....NO you cannot sell your credit. Ebay will not allow the listing of airline credits for sale anymore. If Southwest finds out that you sold your credit it could become null and void.
Lots of people still do it. I just do not think that it is worth the risk.

Thanks! Then I better start planning another trip! :cool1:
Actually, I had a credit that was about to expire in April, and the rep at Southwest told me it was fully transferable. So if you have a friend or someone who can use it, they can. Southwest has noway of knowing if you received something from the person you gave the credit to. I sold my credit to a friend and they had no trouble using it. You could always call Southwest and see what your options are. Maybe they could even give you a refund?

Good luck.
You can 'give it to a friend'.....wink wink

Which is perfectly legal.

Perhaps I might be that friend. When they were being sold on ebay they were going for about 75% of the face value.
Last year we used someone else's credits on Northwest. All they needed was the serial numbers on the vouchers. They did not care what the names were on the vouchers.

I am guessing the same deal would apply.....
I asked about ours from our Sept trip and yes they are transferable and no they don't care what you do with them, whether you give them away or sell them, they don't care...
When you say it has to be used by November, do you mean that you have to pay for flights somewhere by then, or that the trip has to be completed by then? If you just have buy the flights by Nov for future travel, maybe you would be able to use it for a winter trip next year.

I wouldn't waste it now booking something you don't really want...hang onto it for awhile and see what specials come out for the fall or winter.
When you say it has to be used by November, do you mean that you have to pay for flights somewhere by then, or that the trip has to be completed by then? If you just have buy the flights by Nov for future travel, maybe you would be able to use it for a winter trip next year.

I wouldn't waste it now booking something you don't really want...hang onto it for awhile and see what specials come out for the fall or winter.

You must complete the travel by the date on the voucher. In this case it's November something.
We fly Southwest all the time. Many times we have booked and had to cancel and ended up with credits. You just have to put in the number on the credit as partial payment. It is really quite easy. They don't ask for names only numbers so anyone would be able to use it.


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