45lbs to WDW 6/2011...Oh YES!

It can be so hard to make good choices while eatting out. I think you did well at the salad bar even if it wasnt' 100% on your plan. :thumbsup2 Try not to be too hard on yourself! Positive thinking is so important to staying motivated. Good luck getting your kids back to school. It's such a busy and exciting time of year.
sometimes you just want to avoid them! I love my mil. I really do. For the past 24 years she has called EVERY Saturday morning to invite us all (plus any guests we might have) to dinner. If we say we can't make it, she says, "How about Sunday?" If thats no good, "How about Monday?" then "How about Tuesday?" If the mountain will not go to Muhammad, Muhammad will come to the mountain. As time has passed, my in laws have become less creative with their meal planning. Used to be that we'd never know what was for supper, but now if its Tuesday, its Chinese. Wed, spaghetti, Friday fish, or Saturday: the big meal (meat & potatoes). This week was Boiled Ham Dinner. Now, not to sound ungrateful but...yuck. This is an all carbs, all fat meal. I'd have avoided it, but dh loves it & I don't cook it, so off we went, me figuring I'll have salad. Surprise! No salad, but guess what? She made me my most favorite dessert in the world!

If you see my mil, you want to hug her. She's teeny weeny, almost 70, cute as a button and sweet as pie. I love her. So when she proudly pulled out the Boston Creme concoction she made especially for me, I felt kinda guilty about wanting to run screaming from the room. Not her fault, she didn't know about my diet. I'd known dinner was going to be a bust, so I ate lightly all day...coffee & protein shake for breakfast, lots of waters, protein shake at midday. Then for dinner, I ate about 1 c. cabbage, about a fistfull of boiled ham 120 cals, a serving of kielbasa 200 cals & water for approx 400 fatty, sodium packed calories. When she pulled out the dessert, I felt really badly...she'd made a huge pan of this stuff...which I normally dive face first into...but I said, just a small...no, smaller than that, please...slice. But I'll bet its about 400 calories. well, maybe not, but I can't even venture a better guess so lets leave it at that. All in all, it was probably a 1200 calorie day...with no workout yet again. Can't wait for Monday and my regular routine to be back!
It was take the boy back to college day!! A bittersweet day as my college junior son returns to school...let me tell you, it ain't easy when the college kids come home for summer. The first month is all about them getting used to living with their parents again, the second month for us was our son being gone on an east coast tour with his band (does he call his mother?! Not often enough) & the 3rd month is trying to get him to stay on top of all the stuff he should have been doing the first two months. Then boom! he's leaving. Nowhere near enough hugs were had. Plus side: his dorm suite is a 3rd floor walkup & he has tons of musical equipment. Heavy musical equipment. The cardio workout was not an issue.

Breakfast was a quick protein shake & coffee 170
Lunch was a taco salad w/ chicken & lots of guac 500 cals
dinner 3 ham rollups with mustard & 1 sl. swiss cheese 170
almonds 100 calories
misc. drinks 350

1290 calories, but again, I'm guessing on the salad as no nutritional info was available.

I am really hungry tonight, & can't sleep...so I'm facing my worst nightmare head on: up late w/ no one around & full cupboards. I will overcome temptation. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. Or so I think I remember...
I know what you mean about well meaning MILs. Last time I was on a diet we went to my MIL house for a visit and she offered to cook us dinner. She proudly announced that she was cooking jambalaya and it was "fat free." I was scratching my head trying to figure out how a meal based on buttery rice and sauage could be fat free. Then my husband shows me the box from the mix she was using and, sure enough, the mix it fat free.... until you add in the butter, rice and sausage. Not wanting to hurt her feelings I smiled and ate my "fat free" meal. :lmao:

I think you did a good job limiting the "damage" at the family meal. Things shoud be easier now that you are back to your regular routine.
You did a great job at your MIL's house! :thumbsup2 You made sure to watch your calories all day long and then portion controlled your favorite pie. Great job!!!:cheer2:

Sending a gentle :hug: your way. I bet moving day for your DS was a bittersweet day for you. Is his college close by for an occasional visit?

I hope you have a great day today!:hug:
Hi, Toystoryduo! Thanks for the hug, I appreciate it! Yes, his college isn't far from us at all really...about 45 minutes away...but it might as well be 10 hours away. Once he gets there for the school year, he's pretty wrapped up. I'll go take him to lunch & shopping once in awhile, but not nearly as often as I did when he was a freshman...he's a junior now.

I missed writing for a couple of days...to be honest, my diet is so darned dull its losing zing for me! But every day is a challenge & an opportunity. I haven't fallen off the wagon yet, & don't even feel tempted. Well, thats a lie...late at night, when everyone is asleep, I am VERY tempted. But I keep thinking, "nothin' tastes as good as thin feels"...

I didn't work out for a few days, but started up again on Monday...I felt it! i've done these videos a thousand times before, but on Tuesday, I was feeling the Turbo Sculpt workout I did on Monday morning. Hips & thighs were definitely worked out.

I can't remember what I ate on Monday...I know I was behaved though, so I'm not stressing...

Tuesday: every day starts with the coffee & protein shake, then I had 5 ham and turkey rollups for lunch. I got this new pub mustard thats really nutty & oh so flavorful. Take the ham or turkey, layer some mustard, and some veggies (cukes are really good) & voila. Served with a side of almonds & you've got a nice meal for about 275 calories! I'm all about skipping the cheese these days.

It was super duper hot here on Tuesday (temps around 97) so the idea of cooking dinner was a bad one. I hate to cook, will avoid it at all costs, & even though dh enjoys cooking, he didn't want to face the hot grill. We ordered subs out...I love this because I can eat the innards & toss the bread easy. I got a cheeseburger sub w/ tomatoes & mayo for approx. 400 calories. Washed it down with 2 cranberry lemonades & I was at 600 cals. A total of 1045 calories for the day...not too shabby. I am definitely beginning to feel hungry at times...not starving, but a little empty, so water is really helpful..& I love to add the Crystal Light peach iced tea into it, to add a little flavor.

Wednesday was an ok day...I had a tough time with energy during my workout on Tuesday, so I knew I had to have the protein shake BEFORE I exercise. But I just wasn't into my Turbo Jam Cardio Party...to be honest, I don't really like this workout. I'm not a big fan of martial arts moves...they seem abrupt. The instructor doesn't count out her moves or give change up warnings very well, so it feels awkward, and at times I don't think her moves gel with the music at all well. So as I'm sweating, I get irritated with the video & had to switch it out after 20 minutes. I still got in 35-40 minutes of cardio, but I like to move start to finish, you know? Breakfast was the protein shake, no coffee. 130.

Mom & I headed to the hairdressers & then out for lunch...I haven't gotten a hair cut in almost 8 months!! so it was definitely time. Lunch at Applebee's was their Spinach & Shrimp salad...OMG, soooo good & only 273 calories. I did have a white zinfandel w/ that for 106 calories.

Dinner was a salad w/ grilled chicken breast, 260, followed by 1/2 c. coffee (it was too hot) 20 cals...then a bag of almonds later 100...

I logged in at 889 cals for the day. But I haven't counted my Crystal lights at about 35 calories for a grand total of 924.

BTW, Dh and I watched "Whats Eating Gilbert Grape" on Netflix...I liked it alot. Leonardo DiCaprio was pretty amazing in it...& he was just a kid!!popcorn::
Sounds like you are doing great with your food choices. Keep up the good work! :thumbsup2

I've never been coordinated enough to keep up with the dance/cardio videos. I get fustrated and tend to give up. I hear a lot of people like Zumba. Maybe you could pick up one of those videos.
You are doing a great job!! Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

I've had that happen with workout DVDs before. I know when I get frustrated with a DVD, it's time to shelf it for awhile or give it away. I have done Zumba before and it really is a lot of fun! :banana: If you have a local library that lets you check out DVDs, you may want to give it a try. It's a fun workout and it's supposed to burn a ton of calories too. :)
Thanks, gals! Because of you, I've looked up Zumba, and that looks like fun! I'm definitely going to check that out & try it. Yesterday I did a fun DVD by Karen Voight...its nice because she does a bit of cardio, then weight work for the arms, then more cardio, then leg work, more cardio, then abs...you get the idea. Changing up the routine sure made it go by quickly. I'm a teeny bit sore in my hamstrings today, but thats a good thing!!

Food....I'm dreaming of carbs...I'd love an English Muffin, please. But NO! Not worth it, I'm not messing up now.

Yesterday was coffee & protein shake for breakfast (170), a handful of peanuts for a snack mid day, & 3 deviled eggs for lunch (275)...a handful of nuts for snack...lots of raw veggies (mushrooms, zucchini & summer squash) while dh made dinner which was a small chicken breast and sauteed veggies (see above)...say 160 for the peanuts, & 225 for dinner (it was so lean and light, I barely felt like I ate anything!...but then...everyone went to bed. I was alone. With the fridge. & many cravings. I started label reading and thought to myself...if I mix this cream cheese with some whipped cream, thats only 2 grams of carbs & maybe it'll taste like cheesecake. Don't laugh. It really wasn't bad. For about 165 calories. Ok...I'll be brutally honest. We also bought these mini drumstick ice creams...they're 160 calories for one. Before I did the mock cheesecake, I ate the top off one of the drumsticks...& gave the rest to my dog. I'll log 80 calories for that indiscretion...:sad2:

All told 1075 calories for the day. To be honest, I think I might be eating too little. I don't want carbs, but I think I could ease the cravings with a little something something.

The weekend worries me..I'm meeting up with a group of friends in North Carolina (flight permitting) for a weekend estrogen fest. One of these gals is a chef...she's been planning the menu for weeks. I haven't had the heart to tell her I'm restricting myself so much (she already thinks I'm an uptight sort)...so I'll just try to make the best choices I can. Send me positive karma, girls!! I'm going to need it.:lovestruc
I don't know much about South Beach Diet but would it be possible to mix in some "good carbs" like brown rice or multi-grain bread? That might help ease those pesky carb cravings without sabatoging your weight loss.

I've never been a fan of the no carbs diets (for myself I mean) but I know some folks swear by them. I guess I am just to bread dependant. I was in college and waitressing when the Atkins diet was HUGE. I remember people would order their bacon cheese burgers with no bread and then ask for extra bacon with ranch or sourcream to dip it in. Come on now.... that can't be good for them.

Have a great time with your girl friends this weekend. Make the best food choices available, try to control your portions but most importantly HAVE FUN!! :dance3:
Hi Everybody!! Hope everyone had an awesome Labor Day weekend! The weather, despite Earl, turned out beautiful & I had a wonderful with my friends in North Carolina. It was a huuuuge estrogen fest...Friday night was 9 women, & 7 dogs. Its hard to remember that far back as to what I ate, but I was super good all day long, knowing that one of my friends is a chef & I'd be teetering on a chocolate balance beam all weekend. Once I arrived, which was around 9pm, we all ate. There was German spaetzel (which I'd never had before) and meatballs with a mushroom sauce. I had small servings of each (2 meatballs and one small spoonful of the spaetzel)...but the downfall of the evening was wine, wine wine! we sat up laughing and drinking and joking and talking till 3:30 in the morning. I was in my teacups for sure.

Saturday am was so great...I was a little sour from so much wine, so eating light wasn't hard. Southerners like their grits and I'd never had them before so I took about a tablespoon. It was ok...I don't get them. I also had a small serving of scrambled eggs, and some sausage (not links but these little round patties). It was good. Now another one of my friends is a personal trainer, so she ran a couple of us through her Ab Attack workout, using the Bender ball. Man oh man! I work out regularly, & I was amazed at how weak my abs were. I felt a little tight when we finished, but thought that wouldn't make a huge impact...let me tell you what: I was so freaking sore on Sunday & Monday that I had to run right out & buy my own Bender ball & workout DVDs. I LOVED it! Its not quite the same without my friend Jackie pushing me to the limit, but I'm hoping to feel the burn again tomorrow.

For lunch, we made a huge Waldorf salad (chicken, grapes, nuts w/ mayo & a little horseradish sauce.) & dinner was White Chile w/ pork & these baby sized corn muffins. Ok...I ate 3 of the corn muffins. Then my trainer friend had baked a chocolate cake, which I had a teeny slice of & then supplemented with fruit & some more wine...not quite as much as the night before.

Sunday was my day tofly home, but I had breakfast: grits and sausage...I'm ok if I never have that again...and fruit. & coffee of course.

Once to the airport, I blew it. it was as if something went off in my brain, like, "Oh, I'm in an airport, calories & carbs don't count here...." really rookie mistake! I had california rolls & some mini crab cakes. They were good...but were they worth it? I dunno...

I had such a great time, I'm not wasting energy looking back & beating myself up...whats the point?

Monday was ok...salad for lunch, salad for dinner...one glass of wine in the evening, but thats it.

Now I'm home & back to my routine. Here's hoping I can get right back on track!!
Glad to hear you had a fun weekend with your girl friends it really sounds like a blast. You should be proud of the portion control you practiced when faced with all that yummy foodl!! (BTW as a native New Yorker who recently moved to North Carolina, I really don't get grits either)

I'm also glad you are not beating yourself up for any dieting missteps while you were away. I think it's good practice to cut your self some slack when on vacation but be sure to get back on track once at home.

Have a great day!
Sounds like you had a great weekend!:thumbsup2 How did yesterday go getting back into your routine?

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!:hug:


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