9 more days and my daughter wakes up with a fever!


Earning My Ears
Mar 28, 2014
:sick::sick::sick: She's 2 1/2. I'm just praying myself, husband and my 5 year old don't catch whatever she has and that she's better by next Saturday!
Good luck - 9 days is better than 3! Lots of time to get over it and you and DH will stay healthy (fingers crossed)!
We've got 4 kids - can't tell you how many times we've headed to the beach with someone running a fever and hitting urgent care on the way down - or during vacation! In fact our first family disney trip I had oldest DD to doc for ear infection day before we left!
Good luck hope she recovers quickly! Perhaps it's an ear infection? If that seems likely especially if you're flying I would try to get her seen so she has a chance to recover before the trip.
Load up on vitamin c and maybe have Airborne ready for the flight in case anyone's resistance is low. Flying and the massive crowds at WDW expose us to all kinds of germs - Take caution.


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