A family first - March 1 - 5 (Day 4)


Sep 16, 2007
Day 4 - Thursday 04 March 2010.

Another early start beckoned this morning. Hayley and the kids all got up, showered and dressed whilst I headed outside to grab some food. Whilst eating, a plan for the day started to form and we decided that we were going to make sure that we got onto Crush's coaster.

We headed to the park and went in for the first 1 1/2 hours of EMH. We were one of the first people in the park, so we were able to have a walk around Fantasyland whilst making sure we got onto Peter Pan before it filled up later in the day. About 9.30am, we left the park and went over to the Studios to await opening. We were in no such luck to get onto Crush early though, due to the fact that thje turnstile we stood at, broke down with one of our tickets inside it!! We got to Crush eventually to find the obligatory 60min+ queue. Due to the height restriction on the ride being low enough for all of us to go onto it, we queued up anyway and eventually got on. I spotted a HM as we were going round and was well happy with myself!

Crush ridden, we went over to Stitch live which was starting in English a few minutes later, so we made sure that we went in. Emily and Dan sat at the front and Emily's face was a picture as Stitch started talking to the girl next to her! She's still not sure how it all works, but you thought it was amazing!

We headed back into the Magic Kingdom for lunch and ate at Casey's again (I love the food here). We then decided that we were going to try and meet some more characters and wandered into Fantasyland. As we went in, we saw Princess Aurora by the Sword in the Stone. There was a huge crowd around her and she was signing a few autographs, but I took Emily towards the Stone anyway so that she could at least see Aurora, not thinking for one minute that we would be able to meet her.

Aurora spotted Emily in my arms (I think the long blonde hair, ridiculously cute smile and pink Disney Princess dress might have had something to do with this :thumbsup2) and she beckoned Emily forward. Emily sat on the wall that runs around the outside of the Stone and Aurora sat down next to her. Asking Emily who her favourite Princess was, Emily replied Sleeping Beauty. Emily was given a big hug and after an autograph and a photo, we left Aurora to see everyone else, whilst Em ran back to Hayley to tell her what had happened. Hayley had seen it all, but Emily was ecstatic!

We had a walk around the rest of the park for a couple of hours, going into the Swiss Family Robinson's tree house and getting some great photos of the park. We met a few more characters, Baloo and the Sheriff of Nottingham come to mind. Daniel booed the Sheriff when he saw him :lmao: which I thought was brilliant. The Sheriff then chased Dan round in circles for a couple of minutes!

As we were at Disneyland in March, we decided that we would celebrate Dan's birthday (even though it wasn't until the end of the month) and we made our way over to the Lucky Nugget for the afternoon tea party that they had. There was a lot of sweet dishes there (I can't remember anything savoury), and Jamie after a few minutes said that he had had enough as he didn't want to be sick :thumbsup2

Dan was given his birthday cake and his eyes widened as he saw it! Mickey Mouse came and said hello before being joined by Pluto and Donald.

The three of them were out for ages and they eventually left us. Most of the people in the Lucky Nugget left as well after that, but I said to Hayley, let's wait in case some more characters come out in a minute.

There were no more than 15 people left in the Lucky Nugget (5 of them were us) and Mickey, Donald and Pluto came back out again! They spent about 30-45 minutes messing about with the kids and having all sorts different photos taken. Mickey then danced with Hayley for a few minutes before they all had to leave. We talked to the kids and told them that it's very rare that an opportunity to spend that much one on one time with the Characters will present itself, so that they had been very lucky!

We hadn't realised, but we had been in the Lucky Nugget for over 2 hours, so when we left, the park was about to close! We walked down Main St towards the gates, talking about everything that we had done that day!

We went to McDonalds and the kids all had some food from there, before we mad our way back to the DCR. Dan and Em were asleep within seconds no doubt dreaming in a land far far away. Jamie was sat up for a while talking to me and Hayley about everything and how much he was enjoying himself, but also a bit sad that this was to be our final night in the DCR.

We all went to bed ready to be up the next morning to make the most of our final day.


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