A few EVC ??'s


DIS Veteran
Jan 20, 2003
After much debating between DH, I and my MIL. We have decided to rent an EVC for our upcoming trip for my MIL. We have reserved one with Randy's. I have a couple questions:

1) What happens if the battery dies out in the middle of the afternoon???

2) Is there some sort of rain cover or something we should buy? What does everyone else use in case of rain?

3) MIL can walk, but has difficulty and weakness. Can she park the EVC w/ the strollers or is there parking? She doesn't need to transfer or anything. She can walk in line and wait for awhile (it will actually be good for her). The whole EVC rental was because there was no way she was gonna be able to do even 1/4 of the walking involved at Disney.
Welcome to disABILITIES

Simple answers

1. As long as you keep the ECV plugged in overnight in your room there should be no way to run out of power during the day. Most ECV batteries are good for about 25 miles at full power with full weight. Most people onbly do about 8-10 miles in a day at WDW.

However, if it does die you can call them; they should be able to replace it within an hour.

2. I don't know about Randy's, but Walker provides a plastic shower cap to put over the control box. That is the only part that does need protection; you don't want the electronics to be damaged.

For the rest, if it rains youo can have a poncho covering both you and the ECV. Also, there are lots of places where it can be parked covered.

3. Most mainstreamed lines have spaces right at the loading area where you can leave the ECV and be sure to take the key with you. Often one of the CMs will put the ECV into "freewheel" and push it to the unloading area. It depends on the attraction.

As far as restaurants and stores, you can use stroller parking or park right iinside the entrance.
Here's a link to a thread about boarding. Some of the rides have moving walkways for baording and getting off the rides. These may be a problem for her if she is unsteady or needs a little extra time for boarding. Otherwise, your idea about getting her out of the ecv and walking some is a great idea. Also, she will miss a lot of the more challenging driving in enclosed places if she leaves the ecv outside of rides/
This link to the official Disney site includes a link to the Guidebooks for Guests with Disabilities at each park. These include information about rides with moving walkways.

If she doesn't think she will need any extra time or space for boarding, you can choose to park the ecv by the strollers if you like. One caution though, some of the lines are longer than they look. For example, Pirates has a lot of the queue inside the building where you don't see it from the outside. The line for Bug's Life winds around the Tree before you get to the theater, so it's kind of a walk. Same thing for the Safari at AK. The big hint I have would be to ask the CM at the ride entrance how far it is (and also if the posted wait time is accurate) if you are concerned about her ability to wait/walk in the line.
I had a problem with the ECV loosing power during my last trip. Was fully charged and wouldn't go an inch!! So I got on my cell phone and called Walker. They were absolutely fabulous! They said they would be there in 30 minutes. Exactly 30 minutes later they arrived with a brand new fully charged ECV!!

You can park the ECV with the strollers. I have done this on numerous occasions!! I hate being ushered to the front of the line unless my leg/ankle is acting up that day!! I have a condition that is not readily apparent so sometimes I get really nasty looks from those around me! I just ignore it and go on!! No need ruining my vacation trying to walk all the time and then being in pain for 3 weeks when I get home!!

I would definitely recommend Walker though!! They are awesome. They drop off at the hotel and they pick it up when you are done!!
I usually rent a WDW ecv (or zip zips as DD calls them) because of a bum knee and back injuries from an accident. I can park it and walk into rides, restaurants, etc.

When you go to park, a CM will sometimes point you to a place. If not, I will ask "is this ok?" It is funny how it will not be in the same place when you come out of an attraction. Often a CM will see me looking puzzled and point me in the right direction. I have found they move them about half the time.

Never again will I take one in a shop, though. One day at Epcot, I got one of the older models and the front bumper was bent back. Well, I didn't notice this until the bent part caught on a jewerly rack and pulled the whole thing over!!:blush:
Oh boy!! That would be something MIL would do. Me and DS don't actually plan on spending much time with DH and MIL in the parks(her's and mine personalities clash way toooo much!!). Anyhow, I'm trying to make sure DH is armed w/ all the right info so that he and his mom have a good time too. This is a first for all of us. And DH and MIL are both the uptight sort who don't bend w/ the wind easy. So preparing them ahead of time is the best thing for both of them.
Originally posted by kilee
After much debating between DH, I and my MIL. We have decided to rent an EVC for our upcoming trip for my MIL. We have reserved one with Randy's. I have a couple questions:

1) What happens if the battery dies out in the middle of the afternoon???

This happened to me (with my very own pampered and coddled ECV) last month. Contact a CM. Wherever you are, contact a CM. They know the location of the closest phone, bus, mechanic, electrical outlet, etc. When Cash's handle harness came apart in a ladies room stall at MGM (talk about isolated!) I alerted an attendant who was changing the paper towels and she radioed for the closest maintenance-type employee to bring wire and a pair of pliers . I was in a panic because I had a PS for dinner at the Prime Time Cafe in ten minutes. Well, the maintenance man showed up about the time they were calling the PTCafe to tell them I'd be late...By the time all the little problems were solved (I had slipped on the floor and scraped up my arm...) there must have been ten CMs gathered around doing something to smooth my way... All turned out fine. Dinner was excellent, Cash's harness held together with the Disney-wire until I got home a few days later, my arm healed without a scar...

Also, never go anywhere on your ECV without your charging cord or charger.


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