A Touchy Subject

Zanzibar said it for me-and let alone toddlers, on the way to Melb we had three 7? 8? 9?yo boys behind us-as well as the non-stop loud talking & giggling & the kicking of seat behinds, it was the topics of conversation that got me. Think silly little boys obsessions with anything crude and rude-I got fed up hearing them giggling about supposedly one catching his parents "wrestling naked" in bed every Sunday morning and so on with obvious made-up crude additions then add some toilet humour-I never had a boy but I am sure they are not all a bad as them?????? We just thought thank god this isn't an 8 hr to Asia or a 13hr to Europe or the US. It was getting on for 11pm and they were in full throttle!

:) That's boys at that age for you! Mine thinks it's hilarious to make farting noises when I walk into the toilet :(

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Zanzibar said it for me-and let alone toddlers, on the way to Melb we had three 7? 8? 9?yo boys behind us-as well as the non-stop loud talking & giggling & the kicking of seat behinds, it was the topics of conversation that got me. Think silly little boys obsessions with anything crude and rude-I got fed up hearing them giggling about supposedly one catching his parents "wrestling naked" in bed every Sunday morning and so on with obvious made-up crude additions then add some toilet humour-I never had a boy but I am sure they are not all a bad as them?????? We just thought thank god this isn't an 8 hr to Asia or a 13hr to Europe or the US. It was getting on for 11pm and they were in full throttle!

I find young kids between the ages of about 6 and 10 to be the absolute worst on planes! Much worse than babies and toddlers generally are. Of course, they're not all like it, but the bad ones are REALLY bad!
Yeh hopefully he shakes it off quickly-is it a flu-cold thing? Dose him up on olive leaf extract if so - I am impressed with how effective it is after a girlfriend got us onto it a year or so ago.
and don't forget to pack whatever he'll need to help his ears also if its that sort of disease, especially for landing.
No it's some sort of stomach bug! :(

He was up through the night and this morning but has been settled for most of the afternoon, he is just exhausted now.
No it's some sort of stomach bug! :(

He was up through the night and this morning but has been settled for most of the afternoon, he is just exhausted now.

Poor DH! It would be awful to fly suffering the after effects a tummy bug :sick:
Ugh-even worse. Poor thing-nothing worse than flying on a long trip even in recovery stage. Fingers crossed he has kept it to himself and by the time you are on the plane he is feeling much better. OK I'll change meds recoms to Inner Health+ (or similar acidopholus bifidus-type product) for all of you as a preventative! Have a safe and wonderful trip.


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