Airlines canceling night-flights to Vegas?

Girls Scout Leader

<font color="red">Brave And Fearless Leader Willin
Nov 10, 2001
We are flying to Vegas next Thursday, for the first time ever. One of the other adults going (jsut 4 adults this kids:p ) heard at bowling last night that a travel agent specifically said that all night flights to vegas and other populated areas are being cancelled due to national security.
I called the airline (Spirit Air) last night and they said they never heard of such a thing. Taking a non - night flight is out of the question for us...way too expencive. Anyone have trips coming up that the night flight was cancelled?
we have people from our company that take red eye's all thetime. There are some booked every week. Good luck!
I just was on a night flight from Kansas City to Richmond last Thursday.

I was looking into booking a red eye into Atlanta for DH 2 days ago and they were still available.

Sounds like rumor to me :)
Where do these things come from? Why would it be less secure to fly into a major population area at night? As I recall the only terrorist incident using commerical airliners occured during the DAY!
The airlines are cancelling all kinds of flights due to declining passengers and declining profits. They aren't just cancelling night flights. However, keep checking with your airline, as flights can change at any time.
The night flights out of LV are popular because you can checkout of your hotel at noon and still have 10 hours to gamble or whatever before your flight. We stayed near the airport one time and flights were constantly going out around 11pm to 1am
my mom is on a night flight to dc in a few weeks. i doubt this is true.
Uh, not true. Vegas has TONS of night flights every day.
we have a night flight into vegas no word on cancalling yet.


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