Am I crazy???


<font color=blue>tagless traitor<br><font color=co
Jun 30, 2006
Ok. As a Disneyland veteran I know that summer crowds can be a pain. However, DBF and I want to take a day trip up to Disneyland before our big fall trip in October. We are both dying to go and want to get one last glimpse of the 50th stuff before it goes away! I also want to see Electric Parade!!
We are planning on going a Sunday toward the end of August. We will probably get the Southern California resident 1 day park hoppers. Do you think crowds will be as bad as June/July or do you think they will have lessened a bit?
I dont think its crazy. I would plan to get up early and be there about 1/2 hour before opening. Make the most of the day! Use fast pass, eat quick meals at odd times, and plan on it being a long day!
Yep. I was planning on getting there as early as possible. DBF isn't going to like it though...he works at a bank and Sundays are his only days to sleep in.
Too bad though, gotta make sacrifices for Disney!!! I will be dragging his sleepybutt out of bed! :lmao:
Anyone else have any advice on how to make the most out of this visit??
Not crazy at all! We enjoyed getting to see the 50th stuff twice, kinda sad that when we go next year it'll be gone. End of August I think would be good, a lot of schools go back the last week or two in August.

As far as making the most of it? Well I guess in my head I'd try to figure out what I REALLY wanted to see that day. Plan out the favorite rides and attractions you are for sure wanting to do. I agree with eating fast meals at odd times! Getting there early is good, and taking advantage of the cool evening hours is a must (and seeing the electric parade too! :)
Tell him he can sleep in the car on the way there, bring him a pillow. :LOL

What is important to you, to make it a good trip? Do you want to ride the rides, watch the shows or find some different little thing to enjoy?

I like to go for different- take the train around the park, ride the vehicles up/ down mainstreet, watch the sword in the stone ceremony, look for Push the talking trash can in tomorrowland, ask if you can "drive" the Mark Twain, paddle the canoes, look for the 50 golden mickeys- take pictures of them! Make some 50th anniv pressed pennies, take time to people watch from the porch on mainstreet, watch the flag retreat ceremony in the evening, watch the rededication ceremony in the morning, watch the 50th movie with Steve Martin, visit the art gallery, ride the jungle cruise at night, watch Mickey climb the matterhorn- and that should about fill your day. :lol
Thanks for the tips!
I guess I'm just feeling a little anxious because I used to be a passholder and since my pass expired..I haven't been in 8 months!
I think my DL skills are getting rusty. :rotfl2:
Kidding. But I just want to make this day trip be as magical as possible. DBF and I are college students who have not done ANYTHING this summer due to strained finances. We need a good disney day to cheer us before school starts. :wizard:


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