Amazing things can happen at WDW


been there, done that, TRYING to go back
Feb 16, 2000
We rode Buzz Light year for the first time. My DS rode with my DH with his camera, water bottles, camcorder and backpack. Yes, I know I should have taken some of then items. Shame on me.

Anyway, when my DS & DH got off the ride, my DH forgot to take the camera. It fell off it's clip.

After about 1/2 an hour my DH noticed it wsa gone.
We went back to Buzz Lightyear and the camera had been returned.

Amazing things can happen :)

The camera would be gone at any amusement park here in NY / NJ / CT area !
That is amazing. I'm glad you got your camera back. My DD lost her wallet in our room on checkout day and didn't notice it until we were several hours on the road. I called ASMO and they told me they would check and to call back. They found the wallet and FedEx'd it to us at no charge. Her $50.00 cash was still inside. It's easy to take these things for granted because it's Disney, but I'm very appreciative of the honesty and kindness I've experienced there.
My DH left a bag of souveniers (a poster and ornaments) at the curb when he packed the rental car for our return to the airport. We made a quick stop at one of the parks, so it was about two hours later when we dropping off the car that we realized it. We called the resort, nothing had yet been returned to thier lost and found. I was advised that since it was a merchandise bag and it wasn't an item left in the room, there was a slim possiblity of it being returned.

However, the "magic" of Disney seems to bring out the best in all of us. By the time we arrived home, there was a message that our bag was found and brought to the front desk. They shipped it to us the next day at no charge!
Was having a "not so good day" anyway, but
it turned out bad then VERY good. Left my backpack
set with my boys and they forgot to pick it up when
they met me at the restaurant. One of the reasons
I was so upset was all our money and tickets were
in the backpack since we were moving from AKL to
POR that day. Everything was in that backpack.
Did not notice it was missing for at least an hour.
We went to the Prime Time for lunch when I noticed
it. Our waitress was SO KIND. She did not bother
with the routine "fun stuff" cause she saw how upset
we were. She reminded us this was Disney and
took my husband to a phone to call Lost and Found.
TURNED IT IN! It turned out to be a wonderful
day (and yes, the waitress got a VERY NICE tip).
Disney is wonderful!
At AK while dancing the Electic Slide with the African Women,just before you cross the bridge, My DD's $20. red sweat shirt with Pooh over the front hand pocket, went missing. Lost and found never did get it.

I guess someone else needed it more than she did,altho that was her 1 and only coat.
While on our first family trip to WDW (Thanksgiving 1993) I lost my wallet at MGM studios. I "thought" I threw it into my purse that was next to my husband who was sitting on a bench. About 2 hours later (on the bus ride back to the Poly) I realized it was gone! I immediately went to guest services who called MGM lost and found. A Beach Club employee had found it and turned it in. Everything was, credit cards, room key... Needless to say, I was VERY thankful that Thanksgiving day! After we got home, I wrote a letter to that employee's (I had his name) boss to commend him on his honesty.

I have since found a wallet and car keys at 2 different local stores. Of course I turned them in, knowing what a scary thing it is to lose something.
While we were there nov 2000 we went to the county bear
jamboree. I set a souviner bag on the bench next to us
It had a picture frame in it & a pair of mickey earrings for DD
It must have fallen behind our bench
When we got up it was gone (& I had forgotten about it)
walked out not even to the outside
walked back in & it was gone - someone had taken it
checked & no one turned it in
I was bummed - had to rebuy the two items

My parents were there with us also - we stayed at CBR
When they got home they got a postcard from Disney
That they left something behind. My dad called & said yes
they did leave something behind because he could not
find a roll of film & was sure that was what it was
Boy was he surprised when he opened the box & it was
my mother's teddie nightgown she had left on the bed post
Disney sent that at no charge
When my DD was 7 we were staying at the PO. One day at Epcot when she reached into her baby brother's stroller for her autograph book, it was gone. She was very upset b/c it had all of her autographs from the parks & the character meals in it. We assumed it had fallen out of the stroller and asked at a souvenier stand if it had been turned in. It hadn't, but we were instructed to check at a certain shop. When we asked there they did not have it but insisted on giving my daughter a new one. That was our first Disney magic moment of the day. When we got back to our room that night there was a message on our phone from the bellman at the then DL resort saying one of their guests had found her book on the bus, luckily she put her name in it, and they tracked us down to our room. We walked over to get it & he told DD that he'd been trying to get her more autographs all day. Two magic moments in one day!
Many years ago I was at Disneyland in CA and lost my drivers license. I didn't even realize it was gone until I got home. A few days after arriving home I got an envelope in the mail from Disney. It had my D.L. in it. I was so thrilled to not have to go get a new one. I never did figure out where I dropped it! I was very grateful to the CM that was considerate enough to drop it in an envelope and mail it back to me.
My DH lost his driving Licence also, at Typhoon Lagoon. We presumed he would not see that again. Same thing, Disney returned it to us in the mail aprox 1 week after we returned home.
A couple of years ago two things happened to our family that stuck with me. My (then 6 yr old) boy got his first Mickey Ears, complete with his name sewn on the back, and we were waiting to meet Captain Hook (for a photo). Hook leaned on top of my boy's head, and 'broke' one of the ears. We weren't crushed (they only cost about $3 back then), but it was unforturnate. Without any request from us, about 3 minits later Mr Smee shows up with a new hat, complete with the name WILL sewn on the back. The little guy (and his Dad) were impressed.

But the one that sticks with me most didn't involve CM's that much. On the same trip we were riding a Diz bus to the Very Merry Xmas Party, and Will and another little girl decided to sing Jingle Bells. With no prompting, just about everyone in the bus joined in. A little thing I gess, but the kids got a big charge out of leading the choruses.

there's always others to talk about at WDW, but thats enuff boring stories for now..

hakuna matata. :cool:
I dropped my wallet out of my pocket at Country Bear Jamboree one year. Didn't realize if for about 30 minutes, then went back and asked the CM if I could pop in between shows to look for it - I told her exactly where I had been sitting. She said "yes" and told me to wait by the doors until after the show. She left, then came back a couple of minutes later - with my wallet! She had crawled around int he dark on her hands and knees to find it! I was so flabbergasted I forget to check her name. I reported her kindness to (I forget who??), and I hope they could identify her from the time/location. I now stow the wallet a little more securely!
Last year, my youngest DD left her fanny pack sitting on the bench at the AKL while we waited for the bus. We didn't discover it until we were getting ready to go through the turnstiles at the MK. My husband had to bus it back to the AKL and look for it. He found it; someone had found it and turned it in at the front desk. It had about $60 cash in it, but that wasn't so bad. It had her autograph book which had a couple of years of signatures we had worked on!

On the same trip last year, I lost my $200 Maui Jim sunglasses on the bus. They were never found :( It should teach me something, but I get headaches easily from the sun glare. Very few sunglasses help me. And I am USUALLY very careful with them. I will be leaving next week with a new pair. Wish me luck :rolleyes:
My friend and I split up in Tomorrowland. I would buy two hot dogs from a cart, and she went to buy some beverages. I got the hot dogs, and was walking over to where she was purchasing the beverages to wait with her, and a seagull flew into me, knocking one of the hot dogs out of my hand. Someone else in my group; was also buying a hot dog, so I handed her money and asked her to buy me another one. The cast member who was working at the hot dog cart had seen what happened, so she told me to keep my money and gave me another one. That woman just made my day!! It certainly is the little things.

I do have to say though, that when that seagull flew into me, it turned into a three ring circus. Seagulls from MGM flew into the Magic Kingdom to get a piece of my hot dog. Not to mention everyone in a 100 foot vicinity staring and pointing at me as I watched in disbelief as hoardes of seagulls devoured that hot dog. It makes me laugh out loud just thinking about it!!!! :)
While at Blizzard Beach last week, we rented a locker to hold our wallets and misc. items. While getting ready to leave, my husband put his wallet and our camera on top of the lockers while we got the remainder of our items out. Well, we left and were headed to the exit, when I wanted to take a picture of sometihing, when I realized the camera was gone, and my husband did not have his wallet, which contained a large amount of money.:(
He immediately went back, and there they were, not even touched. Ofcourse, you can leave your belongings on a lawnchair here, and no one will touch it, so I was pretty impressed with people at WDW!!:smooth:
Originally posted by SnackyStacky
I do have to say though, that when that seagull flew into me, it turned into a three ring circus. Seagulls from MGM flew into the Magic Kingdom to get a piece of my hot dog. Not to mention everyone in a 100 foot vicinity staring and pointing at me as I watched in disbelief as hoardes of seagulls devoured that hot dog. It makes me laugh out loud just thinking about it!!!! :)

That reminds me of osmetihng that happened to me... I was walking to the boardwalk here with a few of my friends and we had some ice cream, the seagulls started SWOOPING down on us! we ran for our lives!


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