As of May 16 Disney has 31.2% of North American Box Office


Nov 20, 2013
No other Studio has ever come close to what Disney is doing this year. The more I look at their results and the movies they still have coming out the more I realize how much they will blow by Universals record set just last year. Disney will blow by 2 billion around the 4th of July if not sooner. There is little doubt that they will reach 3 billion this year and it is not beyond the relm of possibility that they could reach 4 billion.

On worldwide box office they should reach 4 billion by next Sunday and with Alice and Finding Dory they should reach 6 billion also by the 4th of July.

The biggest question for Iger on the next call is what they will do with all the Studios profits. They have to keep investing in the parks. More expansion in Orlando and California are no brainers but maybe another international park. India has lots of potential as does Brazil. I would like to see Disney expand in other countries before Universal does. Back on Shanghai Disneyland since they can only take 25% of their cut of the box office out of China they should have lots of money for expansion and growth their and possibly other cities in China.

Disney has a great future. The fear of ESPN is way over blown. Media is more a tool to advertise the movies and parks. It can be a great distribution platform in the future when they learn how to deliver the networks via the internet and advertise directly to each consumer. Direct advertising has unlimited potential and as long as Disney continues to be king of content they will do great.


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