Ash and Rob's first ever time to DLRP 2/12/08 to 5/12/08

Have a great time, what a lovely couple you are!! Looking forward to a nice trippie with lots of photos :thumbsup2
Well everyone I made it to Disneyland Paris this time after missing it in December, I think we took about 150 pictures between us so this trip report could take a while so bare with me, also this is my first trip report so if anyone has any comments feel free to tell me.

Day 1: Sat 28th February

Today was traveling day down from Edinburgh to London Kings Cross, as Rob (DBF) was working on the Saturday morning we were unable to go on the train until 3pm. Train journey down to London was fine but long and boring.

We arrived into Kings Cross at 7.45 and checked into the Travelodge at Kings Cross. Hotel was pretty basic but it was only a bed for two nights. We decided to have dinner in the hotel room and had a dinner of Pot Noodles!!!

Day 2: Sunday 1st March

Up the next morning and we decided to head to Covent Garden for a wander and a bite to eat before going to see the Lion King. After a rather expensive trip to David and Goliath we had lunch at a small café called Muffinski’s which I can really recommend for a nice place to have a quiet panini and cup of coffee in the centre of London.

After lunch we headed over to the Lyceum for some Disney magic to put us in the mood for Paris. I have to say the Lion King was amazing and anyone in London should definitely go and see it as it put us in such a Disney mood.

After a scary ride on the tube back (I hate the underground!!!) we got a McDonalds and took it back to the hotel and ate it while we watched Dancing on Ice in Bed. We had to be up at 4.30am so we were asleep by 10.

I’m so sorry I have rambled on a bit (especially as I haven’t got to Disney yet) I will continue writing tomorrow but in the meantime I will leave you with a couple of pictures (of what is to come in the rest of the report)


Great start and glad you got there eventually.

I wanted to see the Lion King when I was in London for work in December but it wasnt showing on Monday evenings which is the night we had a theatre trip planned - it sounds amazing though.

Im looking forward to hearing more about your time at DLP
I can't wait to read the rest of your report - I've got four months to fill so need to know details lol :-)

Looking forward to the rest :-D

Lisa x
Sorry I have not continued with my report soon, just been busy at work and rehersals for my upcoming musical.

Day 3: Monday 2nd March

Up at 4.30am and ready to head out the hotel by 5, walked the short walk from the hotel to St Pancreas and got all checked in, very quick and no problems and even put on my ears to get me in the Disney mood (did get some very weird looks from some people but I just figured they were jealous because they weren’t going to Disney!!!)





Eurostar left prompt at 7am and soon we were arriving into Lille station. We had to wait an hour for our connecting train in Lille station but we were soon on our way on the TGV double-decker train to Disneyland Paris.


We arrived at Marne La Valle station just before 12pm and got the bus to the Santa Fe hotel. Check in was very quick and we headed to our block of 42, which if you have stayed at Santa Fe you will know it is situated at the very rear of the hotel, furthest from the buses and main building, but this didn’t bother us as we walked to the park every day anyway. The room was basic but it had everything we needed, my only major gripe was the bathtub did seem to be very small.

After we dumped our stuff in the room, we headed out in the search of some Disney Magic. We quickly found the route to the park and can’t believe how quiet the walk was every day. We decided to head to the Disneyland Park first.

After the obligatory Main Street and castle pictures


we headed towards Big Thunder Mountain (but not before indulging in a marshmallow on a stick)


and see what the wait was, it was at this point I started to panic as the crowds were huge and everything seemed to be at a standstill. The queue for Big Thunder Mountain was at 60 minutes but the fastpass return time was for an hour later so we grabbed one and headed over to phantom manor but unfortunately this was having technical problems. While walking we decided to be tourists and use the map, however Rob got confused so had to go into the map


We then moved onto Indiana Jones, enjoyed it but wouldn’t rush back.

It was at this point that we started on our hat obsession; this started at Disney World and has continued since then




I am going to have to continue this part of the trip tommorrow as I am falling asleep as I write this, to be continued ........

I completely understand the hat obsession - my two daughters were photographed with just about every kind of strange head gear in WDW!

I especially liked it when Rob had to go into the map!!:)

Can't wait for more!
Firstly I would like to apologize for the lack of trip report recently, been very busy with my amateur dramatics but that is my show over so I now can focus on carrying on with this trip report.

When I left you we were trying on hats (a silly thing that we always do) from here we went on Pirates of Caribbean, which I enjoyed more than the one in WDW this is due to the fact that I don’t really like the Johnny Depp character in the ride.

After this we wandered back down to Big Thunder Mountain as our fastpass return time was fast approaching, I fell in love with this ride and thought it was much better than the WDW version.

We were starting to feel rather tired after this so we decided to have a slow walk back to the hotel and unpack and then have a nap before returning to the village for dinner.

Once we had refreshed back at the Santa Fe we headed into the village, where we had 7pm reservations for Planet Hollywood. I have to say I was not that impressed with this restaurant. The restaurant was very busy, it was very noisy and we felt rushed throughout the meal. Rob had LA Lasagna


and I had a chicken ceaser salad


but we didn’t really fancy deserts. Due to the fact that we were up early that morning we decided just to head back to the hotel and have an early night.
Day 2: Tuesday 3rd March

Up early and refreshed this morning ready for our first ever EMH but before that we had booked a 7am (eeeek!!) breakfast at the santa fe hotel. To be honest we were not very impressed with the breakfast and although we had booked for the following day we decided against going back. We had a few croissants and a cup of tea, I would of liked to have had some fresh fruit but I am pretty sure it was from a tin and I have to be careful as I am highly allergic to pineapples so I decided against risking it.

After the mediocre breakfast we headed back to the room to freshen up before taking a slow walk to the park for EMH at the Disneyland Park. We arrived a little before 8 but they allowed us entry into the park, we decided to head into Discoveryland first. Walked straight onto Buzz lightyear and when exiting there was no queue so they allowed us to stay on and re ride (yay!!) After we had ridden Buzz a few more times we headed over to Space Mountain, I was a little apprehensive about this as I wasn’t sure what to expect but ended up loving it, the lift off is great and the ride just doesn’t slow down. We re rode this a few more times before heading into Fantasyland (but not before a silly hat photo!!!)

, now something I should not really admit too but after 4 times visiting WDW I had never ridden Dumbo so I was very excited at long last to ride this with only a 5 minute queue. Well I enjoyed it but I am so glad I didn’t queue an hour when I was in WDW.

After my trip on Dumbo we headed onto Snow White which was good but I felt it moved really fast and you couldn’t take in the atmosphere, I found it was the same in Pinnochio although I actually enjoyed this ride aswell. We also rode Peter Pan which would have been good if it had not been for the screaming child placed behind us who was obviously not enjoying the ride.

Coming up……. Do we make the stampede and make it onto Crush
Well sorry to keep everyone waiting for the rest of the trip report, been a bit busy but hopefully everything has calmed down a bit now.

So after we finished riding Peter Pan the plan was to head over to the Studios and join the queue for Crush before it opened. Well we made it over to Crush and there was already quite a queue but we joined it and waited and then waited and waited some more, 10.30 came and went and still no movement. Eventually a cast member came round the queue explaining that they were having technical problems and that we could wait or we could come back later. We decided to come back later and figured we could ride it later on in the day. After we left the queue we noticed that the Magic Carpets had opened so we jumped on, I really enjoyed this ride and thought it was much better than Dumbo.

After this we wandered over to Tower of Terror and waited in the 15 min queue, I really loved it as I got a huge fright as I wasn’t expecting to drop where we did!! We did this a few more times and it got better every time. We then decided to do the Armageddon Show, we enjoyed this but couldn’t believe the amount of toddlers that had been taken in screaming and yelling as they were absolutely terrified which kind of ruined the experience for everyone else in the room. Rock n Rollercoaster was next and we enjoyed this as well and rode this a few more times. Next up we stopped for lunch, we weren’t that hungry and didn’t really want a sit down meal so we stopped for a bite at the backlot express. I got a Mickey Pizza and a packet of crisps and Rob got a smoked salmon sandwich.


Once we had finished we decided to head back to the room and chill out as we felt a bit drained and always enjoy Disney when we take it easy. On the way back through the Disney Village we looked at all the menus for the sit down restaurants. We had planned to eat at Annette’s Diner that night but we just didn’t fancy a burger again. So we decided to blow our budget and eat at The Steakhouse, we made reservations for 7pm once we had done that we headed through some shops and Rob decided to try on some hats





after this we headed back to the hotel.

Coming up next….. Do we have a nice meal and does Rob have an amazing birthday?
Hey again guys

So where I did leave you, oh yeah we were heading back to the hotel to chill for a few hours.

After chilling out and freshening up we headed back to the village, we had a nice relaxing walk and soon arrived at the Steakhouse a few minutes before our 7 o’clock reservation. We were seated at a nice table towards the back of the restaurant although we did notice a large portion of the restaurant near the window was roped off and over the course of our meal a large number of suited business men arrived for dinner.

Our dinner was really nice, we both had the New York Strip Steak and it was amazing. It was much better than having fast food and was worth the extra money. We were both too full for a pudding but we will have no hesitation in eating here again when we return.


After dinner we decided to have a wander through some of the hotels and see what they were like. First of all we headed over to Newport Bay which was lovely and would definitely be my first choice for a place to stay in Disney. We then headed over to Sequoia Lodge which was absolute chaos, I am not sure what was going on but there were hundreds of people just hanging around, we made a quick exit from that hotel and headed to Hotel New York which was nice but didn’t really feel Disney too me. That was until I saw Pluto standing with no queue, I got loads of interaction and felt all special.



Of course we had to get our photo taken in the small yellow taxi.





After this we headed back to the Santa Fe but instead of going straight back to the room we decided to head to the bar and finish the night by having a cocktail. Rob decided to have the Glow-tini


and I had the pear-tini.


Both were yummy and as soon as our heads touched the pillow we were out until the following morning

Coming up….. Rob’s birthday
Aww loving this report so far. Given me lots of ideas for where to go for cocktails when I finally get there! Also love that you met in WDW :) I finished working then when you arrived - how weird! (Did the ICP though so probably didn't run into Rob as was in Vista!). You look so much like a girl I knew out there too!

Cute photos also - got to love the comedy Disney hats!
Hey Amy Moose

Glad you are enjoying the trip report x

You may have bumped into Rob as he had a few friends in Vista plus he used to drink in Bennigans a few nights a week.
Firstly I want to say I am sorry for the delay in finishing this report this was due to having to move flats and having no internet connection for 2 months. However I think to catch up I will just post my remaining pictures and explain whats going on.:goodvibes


It was a little bit wet outside


Birthday Boy!!



Birthday party at Golden Nugget




The following morning we had breakfast at Cafe Mickey!!!







Our final meal was at the Rainforest Cafe

Rob had fagitas

I had Chicken Parmigan

we shared the volcano!!

this is how much we left!!!

Well this brings us to the end of my report x

Thanks for reading and sorry for the delay in getting it finished


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