Attn: Stonewall or any who can answer otter pond questions...


Feb 12, 2003
We just visited the WL in Feb. I did not see an otter pond and am wondering which is the north side of the lodge?

We stayed in the villas and took the path over the Ft. Wilderness. Walked all (I think) around the back of the lodge, near the lake, pool, etc. But I never saw an otter pond, nor heard anything about it!

Hubby thinks i'm crazy, told me Feb is too cold for the otters. Told him I'm ready to go back to see the otters, ha,ha! Someone please give me the scoop, I won't be able to sleep tonight until I know! TIA, Laura
Just saw your reply on the other thread!

I can't believe we never saw them. I assume from your description that it is around the far side, not out the back entrance near roaring forks! I even got out a map they gave us upon check-in and didn't see it. My best guess is that we would have had to walk farther toward the boat dock, but to the left in toward the building after that!

Well i'm annoyed that I didn't know they were there. Hubby is now laughing because I am insisting on going back to see the otter! Wait 'til the kids find out what we missed!! Thanks for the info~!
The otter pond is located on the North side. The side that faces MK. It is close to The walkway to the dock!


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