Aulani trip


WDW - closest I will ever get to being a princess
Oct 22, 2012
I am currently staying at Aulani disney resort. I couldnt find alot about it on this thread when i was researching so i thought i would start one. I will post pics and explain a lot more once i get home. As typing on my phone will get annoying with all my typos. Haha

I will try and be objective but as this holiday has not been a good one it might jade my opinion a bit.

It started with our plane being delayed from canberra to sydney. When we booked the flights they said we could catch a later one but i wanted to be safe. We booked the 6.30am and our la flight left sydney at 9 50am. When two other flights departed for sydney our our plane still waiting to be cleared by an engineer. I started to get worried. Finally we here our names get called to board anothwr flight. It was 9am our usa flight had already started to board. We got to sydney and through customs and boarded our flight and sat for a while. Others were still coming from our canberra flight so the captain was waiting. Flight was uncomfortable and didnt get any sleep but thats pretty normal for me. We arrived and went through immigration etc in record time. We couldnt believe it. We then waited for our luggage and waited. Finally we went to check. Our luggage was still in canberra except one. One made it through .....not sure how that happens. It was saturday morning and they said we couldnt get it till tuesday. We drove to las vegas without most of our luggage. Las vegas was good and we enjoyed ourselves. Drove back to LA which was bumper to bumper the whole 5 hours yuk. We then boarded our flight to hawaii.

We sat in the hot plane.....and sat. The captain finally told us they couldn't get enough fuel in the plane to make it to hawaii.......great! So he was going to taxi to another gate and hopefully it will be flatter so could get the correct amount of fuel on board. So he did. We waited. He came back over the loud speaker saying it disnt make a difference still couldn't get enough fuel in. After more than 2 hours of waiting he came over and said that they have recalculated and if they decrease the speed then the plane will have enough fuel. It was so nice to finally see land.

We finally got to hawaii and it was not at all what i expected but more of that later. I finally got hold of the taxi service and we were on our way to aulani when after about 10 mins i realised i must of put my purse down at the phone booth and left it there.

My sore throat was getting worse and aftwr two days hubby and i had the flu so out of the 5 days we have been here. I have only enjoyed the pool once. I am hoping that tomorrow i will be well enough to go snorkling and more swimming as this place has amazing pools.

It is a beautiful resort but i expexted more disney......and i think if anyone understands that it would be you guys. I thought with the time frame of us not being able to fit in a Disney stop this holiday then this would make up for it. It hasnt. I miss my disney.
It wont let me uplaod photos straight from my phone so when i am home wednesday i will upload heaps.
oh wow, not a good start, who were you flying with?
I would have stayed at the airport Hotel in Sydney the night before my flight, but that's me, I get very anxious about flights and connections ect.
Did you find your wallet?
I have heard about the traffic driving to Las Vegas, especially weekends, doesn't sound like fun.
Hope you are feeling better to enjoy the rest of your trip
oh wow, not a good start, who were you flying with?
I would have stayed at the airport Hotel in Sydney the night before my flight, but that's me, I get very anxious about flights and connections ect.
Did you find your wallet?
I have heard about the traffic driving to Las Vegas, especially weekends, doesn't sound like fun.
Hope you are feeling better to enjoy the rest of your trip
I didnt f8nd my wallet. Luckily i had my cards and most my money in another place. I only keep around 50 in cash in case of me loosing or someone taking it. Its our last day here today and i am determi ed to go swimming and snorkling even if it means i will feel worse tomorrow. We flew qantas to yhe usa and through virgin america to hawaii.

Latest update was that due to me having the flu i did t want air con on so during the day had balcony door open. Then at night we realize the room is swarmed by mozzies. That bad we had to change rooms. My kids are covered with bites. Luckily mozies never bother me. Then last night after smothering myself with vicks getting in my pjs and snugling under the covers the evacuation alarm goes off. Had to race and get dressed and go down 12 flights. Half way down the say its been resolved and we can go back to our rooms.

Hahahaha this certainly is turning into a holiday to remember
Oh no, sounds like you got off to a bad start and it didn't really improve :(
Such a shame because we absolutely loved Aulani when we were there last year.
I hope you managed to have a complete turn around for your last day and that you had a fantastic time! Such a shame because I have to say Aulani has become a family favourite of ours. Our kids actually prefer it to the parks now! I do know what you mean though, it is toned down in the Disney themes but I still love it :goodvibes


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