Break controller.


DIS Veteran
Feb 11, 2019
Ok , so how many have had a break controller go bad? Backround, my TT breaks show low power when driving at like 25 mph. In park , reads a ok. For the last 2 weeks, ive tested wires, looked for bad conections, replaced and cleaned all grounds on the TV and TT. Tested the alternator and battery. Ran addotional ground straps, checked continiuity of wires , etc. I can not find any thing wrong, last ditch effort is i ordered a new break controller. ( test on break controller while parked checked out ok.) If this dose not solve the problem, i will re wire the breakes in the TT. ( they work just under 25 mph). I cant find much on break controllers gone bad, just people saying they sometimes do. Any thoughts or advice or just a hang in there. Lol. Was looking at new TV the other day, I've about had it. I cant even narrow the problem to the TV or the camper at this point. The trailor was just taken to have the breakes and electeical to the breaks checked.
If its an electronic part then its going to fail at some point. I assume its an aftermarket controller ? Other than testing another trailer with your tow vehicle, I think replacing the controller is a prudent step.
Did you post this on a Grand design Facebook page also ? It sounds familiar. 8-)
No, I'm not a facebook type of person

Knew I liked you for a good reason, now I know why!

I've had one go bad, years ago, but that thing was made in the 90's. Nowadays it's probably rare, but as stated above, if it's electronic it certainly can go bad.
Ah ,and you gave me another idea, i stil have my pop up , so i tested that today. The break controller worked, no issues. So that should rule out the TV. So now i think i just need to rewire the TT breaks. Hopefully........thanks for the ideas!
I have tidy'd up the wiring on every trailer we have ever owned. Its very common to find wires running across and through metal surfaces that can chafe them. You might want to verify that your breakaway switch isnt an issue also. could be a bad wire on it. After that I would start at the plug and work backwards paying special attention to the connections inside the junction box where your cord is integrated into the trailer wiring.
Ok , so i had to rewirw the TT. Took me a while as i used the advice to get 10 guage wiring. So , it works now. Its not pretty, but it works! Now i can get to working on the halloween decorations! ( i have no time!!!!, so ill wing it. ).


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