Cat in the Hat -- does it HAVE to Spin?


Apr 3, 2001
Think I saw a thread once that said you could ask
for your car NOT to spin on Cat in the Hat.

Is that true? DD(8) does NOT like spinning (nor any
thrill rides).


- Margot
Aw, that's all the fun! I've never heard you can do this though. I mean they warn you on the sign before you go in, they don't give you an option.
I usually HATE spinning rides,but for some reason,The Cat in the Hat doesn't bother me.There is so much to look at and see while the ride moves along,that I think it takes your mind off spinning. I hope you and your daughter will try it.It's a cute ride!:wave:
Sorry Mloren but SRRN and i are on opposite ends of this ride. For a preceived kids ride the spinning is to whip like and frequent. I expect this type of movement on a tilt-a-whirl not on Cat in the Hat.
I am not aware of a non-spining car on this ride. :smooth:
the only way the car don't spin is if it has malfunction belive me you got to crouch down every time a "couch" would come by looking for a little light that blinks. and if it blinks the ride techs got to take it offline
Actually the spin can be turned off on a car. You must request it from the oeprator in the load area. They call the control booth and they can disable the spin when the car dispatches. It will remain off for the rest of the ride. You must request it before the car leaves the load area.

It's actually a fairly routine request. I hope your DD enjoys the ride.
If you have ANY doubts, I'd suggest asking for the spin to be turned off. The spins are really zippy and some friends who have reported getting queasy.

For most folks, however, the reaction is more like "Why aren't ALL kiddie rides this much fun?"
The back seat of the couch feels far more intense than the front. If you want only a little spin, make sure you're in the front.
It's usually me that gets motion sickness on spinning rides. It didnt happen on Cat in the Hat but I was in the front seat every time we rode. My husband however rode first time in back seat and had a problem:rolleyes: He refused to ride again even in the front seat.

I didnt know you could ask attendant to have your couch not spin! We will have to try that next time:)
Thanks, everyone.

I'll request the spin to be turned off for DD.

DH and DS can try it with the spin on :)
My mom freaked out on this ride. It doesnt even spin that much and she got all mad! I guess next time we will get two couches and the kids can sit on the spinning one and the parents can be on the "boring" one.
This is news to me, too! I really like the spin, and I am VERY prone to motion sickness, but I'd like to try the non-spin once!
I can attest that you CAN (at least on the handi car) request spin be turned off....they ask us everytime we ride and I say heck no!! Like eveone els thats the most fun of the rie to me....I also love the spinning on MIB!! :)


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