Crt Lunch or Park Fare Dinner?


"They can't stop me from dreaming"
Jan 31, 2006
Hi! My family and I will be attending MNSSHP on Oct. 5 and are trying to decide on an ADR. I'm taking my daughter to the Bibbidi Boppidi Boutique that day and she'll be Cinderella for the party. I was wondering if I should do CRT that afternoon or take her to an early Park Fare seating before the Halloween party? I've heard good things about both restaurants, but I thought that eating in the castle would be extra special. Any thoughts would be appreciated. :sunny:
Oops Sorry, I posted on the wrong thread. Moderators, could you move this please? Thank you so much! :blush:
while your here park fare for me never crt. :thumbsup2
Go with CRT! I have been to both and CRT is so much more magical. Before MVMCP last year we ate at CRT and it was wonderful.
CRT has location...but that's the main "selling" point. It is overpriced (not worth 2 TS credits on the plan even with the photo package. The kids ate next to nothing on our December trip. 1900 was MUCH better--food, atmosphere, etc. were great, and it cost 1/2 as much.

Still, every little girl should eat in the castle once in her lifetime.
kcashner said:
CRT has location...but that's the main "selling" point. It is overpriced (not worth 2 TS credits on the plan even with the photo package. The kids ate next to nothing on our December trip. 1900 was MUCH better--food, atmosphere, etc. were great, and it cost 1/2 as much.

Still, every little girl should eat in the castle once in her lifetime.

Thanks for everyone's responses. I agree with you kcashner about the castle being the main selling point. I just picture my DD all dressed up walking up main street for lunch in the castle and my heart melts. :love: The castle is so overly priced but I'll still pay the price just to experience eating there. Who knows maybe we'll do both, we are on the free dining plan! Now I know I need help! :crazy:
The choice of food is sooo much better at PFare. However nothing compares to eating a meal in the Castle. We went for the last time while it was still 1TS and we enjoyed the meal sooo much. The major Domo Pie si so good.

Sadly with the changes, I don't see myself spending 2 TS for a meal there. If I had never been before, maybe. But having been there twice already, I'll pass and leave the experience to someone else.


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