Disney AITDV ---Am I the the Disney Villain A place to ask if you're a hero or a zero


DIS Veteran
May 4, 2008
I'm not sure that this is the right place for my thread, but here goes. Some of you may be familiar with Reddit's AITA (Am I the [expletive] in which people post situations where they find themselves in conflict with others and ask if their behavior was right or wrong. I've sanitized the name so that it's G-Rated, but the principle is the same and the content should be strictly Disney Parks/Resorts related. If you and someone else (family member, friend, cast member, fellow guest) had a situation where you couldn't agree, you can post the situation on this thread and ask: Am I the Disney Villain? Responses are usually abbreviated i.e. YTDV (You're the Disney Villain), NTDV (Not the Disney Villain), or EHITDV (Everyone here is the Disney Villain) or NOITDV (No one is the Disney villain.) This can be fun and helpful as long as we all treat each other with respect. I'll throw out a situation that happened to my husband a while ago as a practice scenario:

AITDV for not giving an old lady an Anniversary Button?
My husband, son and I watched a parade at Magic Kingdom where cast members gave out special anniversary buttons that we hadn't seen anywhere else. We wore our buttons all day and as we were returning to our resort on the monorail, an older family boarded and the woman really zeroed on my husband's button. She asked where he got it and how she could get one. He explained that he had gotten it at the parade from a cast member. She was standing really close to him and lamenting that she missed the parade. Could she go back to the park and get a button like his? We didn't know. She kept going on about it and getting really physically close. Then, she asked, "Can you give me your button?" My husband said no. We like to collect our Disney memorabilia and we've got stuff going back over 25 years. She kind of pressed him, but my husband said no. We got off the monorail feeling really weird.The lady was probably in her late 70s/early 80s so older than us, but she seemed in possession of all her faculties and just like someone who was really bold about asking other people for their stuff. Are we Disney Villains for not giving this lady a button?

I'd love to hear your responses and read your situations! Thanks!
I was on the thread where you originally mentioned this and I encouraged you to do it. I’m so stoked for this version!

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Thanks. My thought was to keep it about conflicts related to Disney planning and Disney parks, Disney resorts and restaurants just because we are all Disney fans and that has the best chance of keeping content family friendly.

Thanks! I didn’t we were TDV, but I wasn’t sure.


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