"Disney World!! Woo hoo!!" A mother/daughter trip to WDW - completed

I'm in! What a spontaneous decision to go! I LOVE IT!
Ugh that castle reaction picture is TOO CUTE!
Ok, I’m going to try to post a quick update!

Where we last left off, Keira has been selected to play the part of Chip during Enchanted Tales with Belle.

We make our way into the main room. The kids that are in the show are instructed to sit up front. Well, Keira is 2.5 and listening isn’t exactly her best quality. So this lasted all of 2 minutes. Belle comes out, and Keira decides she wants to go she her RIGHT NOW! I was basically wrestling on the floor with my child until it was her turn for her part. I was sweating! And really embarrassed.




She was so excited to meet Belle! They did a little parade around the room, and Keira held Belle’s hand the whole time. She didn’t want to leave her.

Here she is, upset because she had to wait her turn to have her picture taken:


Oy! The woman sitting next to me was saying how cute she is, and was telling me not to apologize for her acting up. I just wish she was a little less short fused sometimes! This continued throughout the afternoon.

So after ENTWB, we make our way over to either Mickey’s PhilarMagic or the carousel. I don’t remember which we did first.

Keira loved the carousel though, and it certainly helped cool her temper down a little




Our biggest struggle this morning was that Keira didn’t want to go in her stroller, she wanted to walk everywhere. Which wouldn’t have been such a big deal if it wasn’t so crowded. Our compromise, was that she’d push her stroller and either Nicole or I would walk behind her and the other would steer.

It was getting close to noon, and we wanted to maybe head back for an afternoon break. So we had to wrestle Keira in to try and head down Main St against the crowds. She was NOT happy. But the next thing I notice is this…


Well… so much for leaving now.

We decide to get some Starbucks and wait out the nap. While we’re standing on Main St, the Move it! Shake it! Play it! parade starts. Thankfully, Keira was so exhausted she napped through the whole thing!

Starbucks in hand, we made our way down to the end of Main St to City Hall. I wanted to get some more FP+ since we used our 3. Of course, I don’t remember what I picked – but I wound up changing it later on.

With Keira still napping, we opted to just walk around. Eventually, we made our way to Adventureland. And it happened! I finally tried a Dole Whip!!

It was everything I thought it would be! I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite Disney World treat, but I understand now why people love them so!

Keira was up from her nap now, just before 2 o’clock. I give her a snack, get her situated and we decide to check out the Enchanted Tiki Room. Just as cheesy as ever! And I loved it!

While Keira was napping, I had changed our fast passes for the Magic Carpets, and those are coming up next!
Wowee!! The last few weeks have been BUSY! Ok where were we…

We had a FP+ secured for Magic Carpets of Aladdin, and away we go J


Not much else to mention here, other than the crowds were getting really heavy. Aladdin and Jasmine were out meeting, but their line was closed. We didn’t feel like waiting an hour to meet them, so after our carpet ride we cut through into Frontierland. The Festival of Fantasy parade was going to be starting soon. We found a clearing and squeezed in.

We had a few minutes to kill, so I unfolded a blanket we had and we sat down and had some snacks while we waited for the parade to start.

Soon enough, we were hearing the music!





We didn’t see any fire come from the dragon L

Okay, so this video is terrible… because I’m an idiot when it comes to taking videos on my phone. But I love how excited she is. So I’m going to share it anyway. Also, you can kind of get a feel for the crowds. There was no way we could stand up, there were people literally standing right over us. It was crazy!

The parade ended, and we let the crowd thin out a bit before moving along. We were all hungry now, so we got a late lunch at Columbia Harbor House. This was a new place for me. I’ve never eaten here before, and I was very excited to try it. I REALLY wanted the lobster roll, but opted for the fried shrimp instead. Nicole got the fish and chicken, and we shared everything with Keira. Everything was good. But finding a table was quite the process. I’ve heard about people snagging seating upstairs, but I didn’t want to lug the stroller up with us.

After lunch, we doubled back to the FP+ kiosk in Frontierland. We grabbed a FP+ for Dumbo, coming up in a few minutes. So we made our way down to Storybook Circus.

If you’re keeping track, this is our 5th FP+ today – on a holiday weekend! The system works, if you know how to use it.

I swear, Disney heard my gripes. Because the one thing I kept saying was how I wish you could add additional fast passes from the app instead of hunting down the kiosks. Looks like that’s finally rolling out!

I don’t know if I’ve ever been on Dumbo. I certainly don’t remember if I have been. The FP+ line was LONG. I wonder if it would’ve been smarter to just wait standby – live and learn, I don’t think I’d do that again. Keira was not so patiently waiting in line for this one…


After our spin on Dumbo, we had a little plan shuffling to do. Nicole’s boyfriend was supposed to be meeting us at MK. Stuff got all screwed up, and she decided she’d go back to the hotel to meet him. I opted to stay in the park with Keira, because I knew if we left I wouldn’t get her back tonight for the fireworks. At this point, we didn’t know if we were staying Sunday or what we were doing. So I was trying to maximize our park time.

We parted ways, and I decided K and I would kill some time and go meet Tink and Mickey Mouse!
The parade ended, and we let the crowd thin out a bit before moving along. We were all hungry now, so we got a late lunch at Columbia Harbor House. This was a new place for me. I’ve never eaten here before, and I was very excited to try it. I REALLY wanted the lobster roll, but opted for the fried shrimp instead. Nicole got the fish and chicken, and we shared everything with Keira. Everything was good. But finding a table was quite the process. I’ve heard about people snagging seating upstairs, but I didn’t want to lug the stroller up with us.
I'm glad you tried CHH, it's our favorite QS in MK. I LOVE the Anchors Aweigh tuna sandwich and DH loves the lobster roll. I understand not wanting to lug a stroller up the stairs but that's our favorite place to sit! Usually it's a bit less chaotic up there also. There are a couple tables where you can look down on the HM queue; we like to people watch :)
The line to meet Tink was pretty short, so we started there first. Keira loves Tinkerbell! She’s watched every Disney Fairies movie out there, multiple times over (Lost Treasure happens to be my favorite, followed closely by Pirate Fairy)

This Tink was super cute and very interactive!


Next up was Mickey Mouse! The line for Mickey was about 20 minutes, which wasn’t too bad. It moved quickly. I have not seen the talking Mickey before, and was really excited to see how Keira would like him.





Big hugs for Mickey Mouse!! She was very excited for him to sign her book. And it’s so cool that he talks! I have a video, but again… spaz with the phone. A lot of it is just the floor and Mickey talking. So I’ll spare you the terrible footage – just take my word for it!

We finished up with Mickey around 6pm. In the meantime, my sister text me to let me know she was back at the room and was going to lay down for a few and would let me know when she was coming back.

I was trying to figure out what else we could do to kill some time – so we just strolled around MK. Keira was cooperating, sitting very nicely in her stroller… so I just kept walking. Eventually, we found our way back by Storybook Circus. I was checking the wait times at Pete’s Silly Side Show – but it was a 45 minute wait. There was no way I was going to keep her in line for 45 minutes. We opted to take a ride around on the railroad. Have you ever done this with a stroller? DON’T! If it wasn’t for the kindness of strangers, we wouldn’t have made it on.

First, the train was packed. Second, that stroller we had was way too big to manage getting her on the train safely, hauling that stroller in after me and then sitting down myself. It was just a disaster. But thankfully, we were waiting with another family who also had a daughter around Keira’s age, and the Dad was nice enough to give me a hand.

We got off the train in Frontierland – I don’t really know why. Because I didn’t have any particular destination in mind. I did notice that Frontierland is VERY dark at night. I don’t know how I never noticed this before, but I could barely see where I was walking.

We walked along some more, and I noticed that Tiana and Neveen were out meeting in Liberty Square. Their line had just closed (of course!) but they were going to be back out in about a half hour.

So what else can we do to occupy our time… we decided to get ice cream. Yup, I totally gave my kid ice cream for dinner. I’m not the least bit sorry about it either, because she was happy! (I also knew this was my only shot of really getting her to eat anything, since everything else I offered her was met with a very stern NO).


She was very happy with her Mickey bar… so much so, she didn’t share it with me!

By the time she was finished, we were able to get in line for the meet and greet.




Finishing up here, it had to be just after 8pm. We started making our way down Main Street to try and grab a spot for the parade. Along the way we stopped to get a balloon (PS this balloon is still floating – it’s definitely deflated some, but a month later and it’s still hanging on! Worth the $12).



We found a good spot on Main Street, just as my sister was texting me that she was back in the park. We met up, and she had some bad news. Her boyfriend wouldn’t be joining us – he got stuck out in Tampa and the traffic was just too bad for him to make it out at a decent time. Also, she got called into work for Sunday, which meant she had to leave tonight when we got back :(

Well this stinks! We’re going to try to make the most of the time we have left in MK and figure things out later…
Enjoying your TR so far! The pictures and video of Keira walking into MK are priceless- so cute! Sounds like you guys got to do a lot despite the holiday weekend crowds!
Your daughter is too cute! Loving your TR!!

Thank you!! :goodvibes

I'm glad you tried CHH, it's our favorite QS in MK. I LOVE the Anchors Aweigh tuna sandwich and DH loves the lobster roll. I understand not wanting to lug a stroller up the stairs but that's our favorite place to sit! Usually it's a bit less chaotic up there also. There are a couple tables where you can look down on the HM queue; we like to people watch :)

Next time I'm packing a light weight stroller, getting a table before we order, and trying the lobster roll! But overall we really enjoyed it there. :thumbsup2

Enjoying your TR so far! The pictures and video of Keira walking into MK are priceless- so cute! Sounds like you guys got to do a lot despite the holiday weekend crowds!

Thank you!! Despite it being MOBBED, we really managed to do a lot. I don't think I'd do a holiday weekend again any time soon, but it's good to know that it's definitely doable!
Let’s see if we can bring some life back to this TR!

When I left off, we were on Main Street waiting for the parade to start. Nicole had just told me that she’ll be leaving tonight to head back to Tampa. Sad times…

What I failed to mention earlier was that I was able to add an extra day to our stay – thinking Nicole was going to be there the whole weekend. So now, I had paid for the room for an extra night, we didn’t have tickets or plans for Sunday. And I really didn’t know what we were going to do! I wasn’t going to let the room go to waste, so I decided to keep it and just play Sunday by ear.

Now, back to the parade! I saw the revised Main Street Electrical Parade for the first time last summer. I’m still not a huge fan. I love SpectroMagic way more! Something about the music, just stays with me… even after all these years. I couldn’t tell you what the MSEP music is.

I didn’t really bother with a lot of pictures. Keira was sleeping, and we were getting smushed in by people trying to climb over us to watch the parade. We started making our way down Main Street before the parade was over.

We popped into the Confectionery for a treat. I got the most delicious chocolate cupcake, I wish I had taken a picture of it!

From there, we made our way back out into the street to watch Celebrate the Magic. My goodness, I love this show. Now THIS stays with me. It’s 2 months post trip, and I still hear the song in my head every day… I’ve watched the video on YouTube at least a dozen times since we’ve been back. The end with Walt, gets me crying EVERY. TIME.

Since Nicole needed to get back, we decided to head out before Wishes started. I couldn’t believe I was leaving without seeing Wishes! She had driven my car back to the Magic Kingdom, because I figured that would be easier to load Keira into the car as opposed to taking the bus. WRONG! We had to wait for the monorail, then get on the tram to where the car was parked. All while trying to not wake a sleeping toddler. Not the smartest idea.

We made it back to the room sometime around 11. Nicole left, Keira was sound asleep, and I was trying to figure out what to do with our extra day in Disney…

Should we go back to Magic Kingdom? Epcot? Hollywood Studios? Just suck it up and go home?? Maybe I'll sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning.
I tossed and turned all night. I could not decided what to do. I decided to check and see if we could get a character breakfast anywhere.

Chef Mickey's has a 9am reservation. OMG what?!?! I've never been there, I always wanted to go. And it would be a great way for Keira to meet the characters she didn't get to meet yesterday. I agonized over booking it, and finally said "let's do it!".

Okay... so we're going to breakfast at the Contemporary. Now what. I can't be that close to the Magic Kingdom and NOT go. So I buy a ticket.

Decision making at 5am is turning out to be very expensive!

I snag a few fast passes, Small World, Jungle Cruise, and Pirates. We're just going to wing it and see how the day goes.

Keira was up around 7. We got ready, and we were off to the Contemporary resort!

It is a life goal of mine to stay in a Magic Kingdom resort one day! I did stay at Wilderness Lodge, twice.... but that was many, many moons ago - when I wasn't paying the bill for vacation :rolleyes1

We walked around the grounds for a few before checking in at Chef Mickey's. I really like the look of this hotel. I didn't know how I'd feel about it, but I'm a fan.

We got our pager, and had our picture taken with the little Mickey out front.

Let's eat!!
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Chef Mickey’s

We were seated promptly at our reservation time. It was very busy! (To be expected – it was Valentine’s Day and President’s Day weekend). We were seated in the far back corner of the restaurant. If you’re not familiar with Chef Mickey’s, it’s a very large – odd shaped restaurant.

The check in station seems to be in the middle, with sections of tables on both sides. From what I could tell, there was only one buffet station, that seemed to stretch along one wall of the restaurant.

(I’m trying to find a floor plan, but I’m not having much luck). On the side we were seated on, there were two levels. We were seated on the bottom level – across from the end of the buffet.

The buffet is standard items. The food did not really blow me away, I thought the food at Crystal Palace was much better. We had an assortment: Mickey waffles, potato casserole, hash, fruit, bacon, sausage… it wasn’t terrible, just okay.

I had coffee and orange juice, Keira had chocolate milk.

We had finished our breakfast, went back up for another helping of fruit and waffles, and we were still waiting for the characters to come around. Almost 40 minutes into our breakfast before they finally reached us. This may be the norm, I don’t know… but this felt like a very long time to be waiting.

Here’s a tip. Once the characters start, they come around very fast. It was one after another…








As you can see, they move so fast I didn’t have time to get out of my seat for some of them. They all signed Keira’s book, posed for a few quick photos and were off.

Our server was so fantastic and took all our pictures for us. She got a little extra tip for that. She was really great.

It was a fun experience, and I can cross it off my Disney bucket list! I don't know if this would be first on my list to do again, but overall we had a good time!
After Chef Mickeys, we started to make our way over to the Magic Kingdom. It's a pretty short walk from the Contemporary to MK. We arrived at the gates probably a little after 10:30. Woweeee it's crowded.

Main Street was wall to wall people. We made our way towards the hub and posed for some pictures.


I think we may have caught the Move It! Shake It! Play It! party again (we saw it at least 4 times this trip). We didn't really have any plans until our Small World fast pass. Keira was relaxing in the stroller, so we just walked around Fantasyland for a little while. It was warm out. I was in need of coffee, and I got Keira a frosted lemonade. We stopped in a gift shop for some pins, and she got a bracelet.

We made our way towards Small World and parked the stroller. We hung around the Tangled themed restroom area while we enjoyed our drinks (how gorgeous is the area BTW? It's really one of my favorites!)

We rode Small World, I took a ton of photos of the same things I always take pictures of. And we were off.

Our next fast pass wasn't for a little while, so we just walked.

Chip & Dale were meeting in Frontierland, so we got in line and Keira took my most favorite picture of the trip...

I know I'm biased, but she's so cute!!

After this, I think we rode Jungle Cruise, and then we made our way out of the park. It was really hot, Keira needed a nap, and it was so packed. While the crowds wouldn't have bothered me if I was alone, I just couldn't wait in these lines with her. There was just no way to keep her occupied for 45+ minutes at a time.

So we start making our way out and I realize my sunglasses are gone! NO!! You've got to be kidding me! I had put them on top of the canopy of her stroller. They either fell off, or someone took them when I wasn't looking. I checked with lost and found, nothing. (I called them for days after, and never got through).

We got back to Pop and stopped at the food court for some lunch to bring back to the room. I was really bad at keeping track of time. So I have no idea what time it was at this point. Around 2 maybe? We relaxed in the room, Keira napped, and around 5 we made our way back to Magic Kingdom. I was determined to see Wishes tonight!
Cute pictures at Chef Mickey's! I definitely think it's a place everyone should go to once, but it's definitely not an "every trip" place.

So many cute pics at Magic Kingdom!
I am literally the worst trip reporter ever! So I'm going to wrap this up fairly quickly....

We headed back to Magic Kingdom, with no real plan other than to see Wishes. I had no desire to ride anything, because it was just too crowded and I didn't feel like waiting in line with a very antsy toddler for 45+ minutes, which was the going wait for anything.

We made our way through bag check, up Main St, and guess what was happening? You guessed it! The Move It! Shake It! Play It! (I think this is the 4th time we've seen it this weekend). Naturally, we had to stop and dance!


From here, we just aimless walked around until I decided to suck it up and wait in line at Pete's Silly Sideshow. Keira had been asking for Daisy, and the last time we were here - you could wait in separate lines for Minnie/Daisy and Donald/Goofy - well, not this time. They had one LONG line for all 4 characters.


From here, we walked over to Tomorrowland for a spin on the Peoplemover. Then headed over to the dance party with The Incredibles!
Keira had a blast with this. She would've stayed there all night!

Before we knew it, it was almost time for the MSEP and I wanted to make sure we had a good fireworks spot. We stopped for ice cream by the Plaza, and the line was forever long. We shared a kids cup (FYI - no Mickey bars in here, which was really what I wanted). We watched the parade down by Tony's Town Square (I was trying to find a thin spot in the crowd so Keira could see).

Since she missed the parade last night, she finally go to watch it tonight and enjoyed it very much. We watched Celebrate the Magic, which we both loved of course!!

She did not, however, make it to Wishes! :(


She was trying SO hard to stay awake, this was literally 2 minutes before the fireworks started. We had a great spot at the end of Main Street, so I just hung out to watch and let her sleep.

I took 400 pictures of the fireworks (not really, but there was a lot lol), but this one is my favorite

After the fireworks ended, I didn't want to exit with the mad rush of people. So I just walked around Main Street, in and out of the shops. Not really looking for anything in particular. I wound up catching Celebrate the magic again, and sat all the way up by the castle. That show is so magical :)

I debated staying for the 2nd parade, but decided not to. We made our way out to the bus and on our way back to Pop.

To wrap this up, the drive home the next day was uneventful. We were on the road by 8, home by a little after 4pm. We both passed out on the couch by 8pm that night! We were exhausted! But we had such a great time.

I will say that I'll never do a holiday weekend again, at least not until she's much older. The crowds were the worst I've seen in a while. We're thinking about a May 2017 trip, this time for a whole week! I can't wait for that! I hope you enjoyed my horribly written trip report. I promise the next one will be better!
I've never seen them have one line for all 4 characters at Pete's Sideshow..weird!

DD looks so cute dancing with Mrs. Incredible!

Sounds like a nice end to the day.

Thanks for sharing! :)
I've never seen them have one line for all 4 characters at Pete's Sideshow..weird!

DD looks so cute dancing with Mrs. Incredible!

Sounds like a nice end to the day.

Thanks for sharing! :)

I think it was something they were testing. I've checked the MDE app since then, and each pair has had separate wait times. Hopefully it stays that way, because waiting almost an hour in there was awful!

And thank you for reading! She really had a ball dancing, if she did that all day she'd be happy!


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