Disneyworld unwrapped on food tv


Mar 20, 2001
Hi every one just sat down to check the boards out. I just saw a commercial for unwrapped Disney on food network, at 9 pm. Just thought everyone might want to know.:earsgirl: :earsboy: :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Thanks! Watching it right now! Yummmmmm Mickey Premium bars..........
Does anyone know if they are repeating this tonight? I didn't catch it in time to tape it. Thanks!
Excellent show!! For those who missed it, the show is scheduled to air again:

April 12, 2004 1:00 AM ET/PT
April 17, 2004 4:00 PM ET/PT
April 18, 2004 5:00 PM ET/PT

on Food TV. Definitely worth watching.
Just watching that made me so hungry. I can't wait to get there and eat. I want to eat at so many places, but I guess I'll have to same some time to ride the rides..LOL...:o
My husband and I watched and we were disappointed that they did not show more sit down restaurants. But we have added Mickey Bars and Turkey legs to our list of things to eat. I'm afraid I will gain 5 pounds.:(
Our next trip is coming up soon. And we too will be checking out the turkey legs and the Mickey bars for the first time.
Originally posted by marybet
My husband and I watched and we were disappointed that they did not show more sit down restaurants. But we have added Mickey Bars and Turkey legs to our list of things to eat. I'm afraid I will gain 5 pounds.:(

With all of the walking I think you'll break even. :) Have a great trip! :)
I remember seeing this same show last June- is it too expensive to do a show on different foods at WDW?

The Mickey Bars- as my husband and I refer to them are downright addictive, I dont know what it is, but they just are better than the ones in your grocer's freezer- maybe cause we were eating them in August, bet we ate 2 a day.

We saw this show and felt the Turkey Legs were a must have- be prepared, they dont taste much like turkey.- very hammy- very fatty. But they are still fun to see. maaaaaaaaaaaybe I will get one on this coming trip, I know DH wont though, he LOVES turkey and not ham.
It was very interesting last night...seeing how they made certain things.

and why they'll NEVER "hold the gravy" at Tusker house. (man that bugs me...)

but anyway - I don't think i'll ever eat a pizza at WDW again. hehehe...now that I see how they are made? watchign that sauce just plop down made me giggle.

and really - the turkey legs - i dont' see the fascination...they dont' even look/smell appetizing to me...ah well, i'll stick to my Mickey Bars (or mickey heads as I call them!)
I must be the only person in the world that doesn't like Mickey Premium Bars!

Did they showcase that Fiesta Margarita's yet! Oh, that's not a food to some people huh? :eek: :teeth: :wave2:

See you all later!
Would have preferred to see more about the restaurants, the dinner shows, etc.

But it's still interesting to watch.

Watched with my fiancee, and her eyes got REAL BIG at the part about the wedding cakes.

Very dangerous!


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