DLP What a trip day 2


Earning My Ears
Mar 1, 2002
DLP with the child from hell

Cast Tracey (me) 28 big kid loves Disney Especially Pooh

Sam (sis in law) 32 new to Disney

Natalie (niece) 7 child from hell

Day Two Sunday September 15th

After a sleepless night (well for me at least far to excited) the alarm went off at 6.00am and we all slowly rose for our beds. Natalie didn’t look to happy I asked her if she was excited and she replied not really, horrors of horrors child you’re going to see Mr Mouse and your not excited how dare you. Nats then refused to get dressed and just wanted to watch the tele.

We finally managed to persuade her to get ready and caught a taxi to the airport, which I think cost £8.00 with tip which was probably cheaper than taking the hopper bus.
Not too bigger queues at the Air France check in desk and we were quickly seen too.

After check in we went through to airside where I set the bleeper thingy off as per usual, empty pockets and all that business.
Terminal two isn’t that big and we found a nice little café to have a cup of coffee in, Nats still sat there looking not very happy, come on child what’s wrong with you. Me and Sam sat there just relaxing before the flight and Nats was winging and whining about why are we waiting so long and could we go home!!! No way you’re going to Disney.

We boarded the plane and took off on time and landed about 40mins later. Nats still looked miserable. There was a little boy about five or six in front of us and he was so excited, as we landed he yelled well done Mr driver you landed the plane and I’m going to meet Mickey it was so lovely to see and hear.

Got through customs in France quickly and then the waiting began, We had booked the DLP Vea shuttle to transport us to the hotel, which we had to wait over an hour for, Luckily we were one of the first in the queue and by the time the bus got there the queue had grown to a good 100-150 people some of which were getting very impatient.

We had about 45 min drive to the hotel with the first drop being the Newport Bay club and then it was our turn.
On first glance I new I was just going to love the Sequoia Lodge and the check in area is just like a mountain pine lodge, The CMS were very friendly and check in was no hassle although our room wasn’t ready which we were prepared for. At check in we were able to book our time for breakfast for the duration of our stay.
We stashed our cases and went to explore and ended up in the Redwood bar for a drink and bite to eat.
Both Sam and I had a chicken baguette Nats she refused to eat anything and then had a huge paddy because we wouldn’t take her into the shop until we had finished eating. Vie never heard a child whinge so much in all my life, she sulked and then laid in the middle of the floor refusing to get up, so we left her there lucky we had nearly finished eating so I paid the bill and went to get our room key and luggage must admit Nats little performance did attract a lot of stares. I tried to tell her that Mickey doesn’t allow unhappy children into his parks but that didn’t wash.

We were allocated a room in one of the Lodges Yosemite Lodge which was a bit of a walk from the main building but we found it ok trouble is we couldn’t decipher the lady’s hand writing so we spent ages trying to find our room putting our key into different slots and finally after about ten rooms we found it. I apologise if you were staying in one of those rooms and thought someone was trying to beak in lucky no security was called with reports of mad people trying all the rooms along the corridor.

Our room was clean and comfortable if in need of a little refurbishment. Cases dumped on the bed it was time to hit the parks. It was about a 10-minute walk to the park and on Lake Disney they had a Jet Ski weekend which we stopped and watched for a little while.

I love the walk through the Disney village with the music and the atmosphere of it all. Finally we were at the turnstile and through the gates. I saw the castle and my face lit up so did Sam’s. Nats well it stayed the same and she just said can we go on some rides now, as I’m bored. I must say I was a little bit disappointed, as I love Disney and some of the children’s faces we saw that walked in the same time as us were just a picture that you’ll never forget.

So feeling a little bit low we wandered into Discovery land but there was an 80min wait for Space Mountain so we tried Fantasyland instead. The first ride of the holiday was It’s a small world with only a 10min wait. I know the ride is twee but I love it so did Sam. Nats reaction it was ok.
Well we’ve only done one ride so I cant expect too much, Next up Pirates with a 5 min queue, id forgotten how dark it is as you walk to the queue area.
I l love this ride especially the drops pity the dialogue is in French, we had front row seats on the boat which was even better. This ride nearly sparked a reaction from Nats she only liked the drops the rest was boring.
After Pirates we wandered around the park, which was, really busy 80min wait for Thunder Mountain and no fast passes, so we caught the train all the way round the park just to have a good look.
We were all starting to flag at this point and I need of some food so we had a quick browse in the shops on main street which were really crowded and walked back up to the Disney Village.

We decided to give Planet Hollywood a try and got a table straight away which was surprising as it was really busy.
I ordered a roast beef sandwich with fries, Sam had a prawn sandwich and fries and we ordered Nats chicken nuggets and fries.
The service in here was very good so was the food. Nats however decided she wasn’t going to eat but just lay with her head on the table and whinge. Just as me and Sam had started eating she started playing up and asking to go and this place was horrible. Even the colouring pencils and picture all the children were given didn’t amuse her. Of course she didn’t get her own way so just sat there and sulked.
We were both full after our meal with no room for dessert I can’t remember how much the Bill was but it wasn’t mega expensive.

We had a quick look in the shops in the Disney village on the way back and against my better judgement I bought Nats an autograph book and pen for our character breakfast in the morning, I also bought I cuddly toy Tramp as id left my Pooh bear back at home and needed to have a cuddly in bed with me (that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it).

The walk back to the hotel was lovely with the lake being lit up and the little lights on the path at the Sequoia lodge to help you find your way.

Back at the room I asked Nats what she though so far and her response was its OK I suppose.
I was in need of a large Gin luckily id bought a bottle with me with an accompanying bottle of Vodka for Sam.

By this time it was getting on for nearly 11.00pm and I was tired but Nats no she didn’t want to go to bed she wanted to go swimming and now matter how you explained that the swimming pool was closed and it was far to late she was having none of it, so I really did need that Gin and a few more afterwards.

Tomorrow Character Breakfast
Gosh...what was wrong with Natalie :(

Glad you were loving it though :)

Oh dear - sounds like she was really having a tantrum! I am glad you wasnt letting it spoil your fun..........

Day 3 - here I come.... ;)
Hmmm - at this stage I'll not call her "Nice Niece Natalie" any more - maybe "Not So Nice Niece Natalie" . . . I'll give her the benefit of the doubt - at this stage;)

All in all, you and Sam were enjoying yourselves - and I could tell how excited you were:p


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