Do you find reviews useful?

I always enjoy the reviews, I just don't take them as written in stone. Alot of diser's seem to not like the Sci fi diner in MGM but we've always had a wonderful meal there. I just like to read what other folks are eating in the "world"
I love reading the reviews, I am not sure I would have picked some of the restaurants that I did otherwise. My family has only been to WDW twice, and the first time was off-site, and not nearly as great as our trip this past March when we stayed at POR. So, I would have to say that the reviews really help me make decision on where to eat.

I find them useful for two reasons, first they describe the menu and type of food at places we might not have tried to go to like Bomas which is now at the top of our list based solely on its reviews, and secondly, they help to illustrate all the great places their are to sit and eat which is why we are getting the dining plan! Plus their just so darned fun to read!
ntsammy5 said:
I've just been on DIS for about a month, but have been to WDW a lot and eaten at most if not all of the restaurants that have been reviewed. I find reviews interesting, but not always reflective of the experience I had. Some are more critical, some less. Of course everyone has an opinion, and no group of people will EVER agree on anything, but my advice is that if you want to eat at a restaurant and find only bad reviews, try it anyway. Your experience will probably not be the same as those people who didn't like it! ENJOY.

BTW one of the restaurants I haven't eaten at is le Cellier and I'm eating there, for free, in September. I'm really looking forward to it!

:dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3:

Dining reviews are honestly useless they are fun to read but no one has the same eathing habits or tastes as me that I have ever met so to read a review of teh food etc is kinda pointless albeit fun to read people rave over some places and swear up and down they were poisoned by other places does make me laugh.
I appreciate the time and effort people put into writing them. It is information on a subject, but it's up to me as to what I do with that knowledge. That's why I write them as well.

I also look for 'trends' vs. one-time events (both good and bad), and to get an idea about trying new places.

But, I mainly read reviews from people who I have found to have either similar tastes to my own, or I like the detail or style of their review writing. Over time, I have come to know those that have similar tastes, and I keep an eye out for their reviews especially.

That's not to say I don't enjoy reviews from other posters (and the humor of many), it's just that I don't find much useful info in a review from someone who 'loves everything everywhere every meal', nor the one who just says 'hated it and will never go back'. I enjoy the level of detail that provides additional information, then I can decide how to use that to help shape my dining decisions.
Robert P said:
I appreciate the time and effort people put into writing them. It is information on a subject, but it's up to me as to what I do with that knowledge. That's why I write them as well...

I also look for 'trends' vs. one-time events (both good and bad), and to get an idea about trying new places...

... I enjoy the level of detail that provides additional information, then I can decide how to use that to help shape my dining decisions.

Excellent points! I hadn't consciously thought about the impact a review trend may have, but come to think of it, if a lot of people start complaining about a place, it would make me less likely to dine there. The more detail, the better, too - in some cases that helps me decide how valid the review is, whether glowing or disparaging.
Depends on who is giving the review.

Most reviews I take with a grain of salt. I let most of them go in one ear and out the other.

However, over the years, I've learned to always, always trust Uncleromulus.
His tastes are very similar to ours... even when it comes to beer instead of wine! :drinking1

He has never steered us wrong!
I enjoy the reviews. If they are "helpful"...not sure. We have a handful of restaurants that we MUST eat at, don't care what anyone says, we enjoy them. There are others that we will NEVER eat at again, and yet some people rave about those.

We are trying WC this trip because of all the reviews.
Reviews are helpful- they give you a little of what to expect. I like going in to a restaurant with the negatives on hand, therefore I can be pleasantly surprised.

But previous posters are right- everything is relative. Your taste buds are so different than others. It's really not far to judge a place on a single person's view.

I also thinks it's important to remember that people (waiters/waitresses/chefs) can have off nights. People make mistakes. I've read reviews where the host/hostess has forgotten about them on the wait list. This has nothing to do with the entire food experience and should be ignored since it's unlikely that it will happen to you.

Funny reviews are also a must- love reading them and keep them coming! :teeth:
they really helped me get a flavor(no pun intended)of the place. I had never been before so I really liked the informed guidance......but I run all of it through my own filter. I know that my family is not very picky, and into the unique experience as much as the food. Sci Fi dine In might get the call over Le Cellier, even though the reviews for the latter are much better. My reviews are always positive. This is the way I lead my life.
But it really allowed me to get a pulse on it. Then I would ask questions. "I am thinking of experiences like Ohana , Prime Time and Sci Fi. Are there other such experiences I am missing? " I got WCC suggested to me, and we liked it a lot....
but I take all crticism with a grain of salt because a lot of it doesn"t bug me.

I just pick through them to see what sounds fun, and go from there.

I let them guide my knowledge, but I didn"t cancel my ressies for Ohana because they don"t grill shrimp anymore. As a first time visitor, this stuff didn"t effect me.
I love reading the reviews and seeing the piccies of the food.


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