Dogs left in car during animal abuse trial!


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Aug 18, 1999
Professor charged with neglecting dogs

He allegedly left two canines in a hot car while he fought animal-neglect charges in court.

An Ames man who allegedly left two dogs in a hot car while he fought animal-neglect charges in court faces new neglect charges and possibly jail when he appears in court again this week.

Joseph Viles, an Iowa State University zoology professor, allegedly chained his two Alaskan malamute dogs together and left them in a 1987 Dodge Colt Vista at the Story County Courthouse in Nevada two weeks ago. A courthouse employee spotted the animals in the late afternoon and "thought one of the dogs was dead" because it was hanging out a partially open window, said Capt. Gary Foster of the sheriff's department.

The dog had wriggled through the window and crawled to shade under the car, still chained to the other dog, by the time a sheriff's deputy arrived. The animals were taken to a shelter. Authorities said they didn't know how long the dogs had been in the car, but temperatures in Ames hit 85 degrees that day.

Viles, 59, was scheduled for a court hearing that stemmed from charges of hitting one of his dogs. Neglect charges carry penalties of up to 30 days in jail and $500 in fines.

Viles has broken city ordinances involving animals at least 16 times since 1995, records show. Violations included failing to provide adequate food, sanitation and shelter to his pets; letting his dogs bark; and allowing his dogs to run wild. Viles was ticketed once after his dog allegedly ran to a neighbor's yard and attacked another dog.

The fines ranged from $5 to $500, said Judy Parks, assistant city attorney. Viles was barred from owning dogs in April 1999, Parks said.

"Our file on him is about 4 or 5 inches thick," she said.

Viles could not be reached for comment Tuesday.
He needs a time out..... I'm thinking the county jail might be a good place to have it.
:mad: :mad: :mad: Those poor dogs!!! :(

Viles, 59, was scheduled for a court hearing that stemmed from charges of hitting one of his dogs. Neglect charges carry penalties of up to 30 days in jail and $500 in fines.
That man needs more punishment than just that for all he's done!!! :mad:
He's a zoology professor? That is totally bizarre since he seems to have a complete lack of respect for animals. :(
Gets my blood boiling!!! You would think he'd have some understanding of animals' suffering.
Seems to me he should lose the priviledge of having a pet if he can't care for it. Isn't that something our mom's taught us when we were little??? If you don't take care of something ("anything" with my mom!) you lost the priviledge of having it! :mad:
Why does he want animals if he cares so little for them??

What a moron! :mad: :mad: :mad: 16 times? Zoology professor? This just does not add up!!! I bet his students just HATE him!!!
Neglect charges carry penalties of up to 30 days in jail and $500 in fines.

Thats simply not nearly enough punishment. Number one he should be FORBIDDEN to EVER have another animal...EVER! And he should spend years in jail. That just makes me sick. I would love to slap him as hard as I can.

Its 102 here right now...102...even in the house with plenty of fresh cool water its still a little hot....uggh those poor babies! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
As Simba would say.....'HISSSSSSSSSS'. BAD BAD human, does not deserve to be called a human or an animal! :mad:
:( That is incredible, I'm glad animal services rescued those dogs.


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