Don't You Hate It When You Have All The Windows Open And . . .

Wish Upon A Star

DIS Veteran
Aug 10, 2000
you smell a nasty SKUNK!!:earseek:

I finally opened my windows this morning to let in the nice cool air. We are in a little cool spell right now . . .in the 70's during the day and 50's at night . . .almost like a preview to September (not that I'm rushing it).

I'm sitting here right now, enjoying the nice little breeze that's ever so gently blowing in . . .and all of a sudden WHAM! I smell a skunk. Ugh, it's probably not even near the house, it could be down the street for all I know.

All I know is that no matter where it is, it REAKS and my nice gentle breeze is blowing it right into my house . . . :mad:

I really despise skunks.
I hate that SOOOO Much. It completely makes me wanna gag..and if you close the windows its trapped with all the heat and its even nastier.
Yes! That happened to me twice in Connecticut! UGH!

One time, I was asleep. It woke me up. I looked outside to see three raccoons ganging up on a skunk right near my window. I could've strangled them all!
Ok, I've been spending too much time in front of my computer lately I think. The first thing that crossed my mind when I read your title was "computer windows" and that your post was going to be about a computer crash or something. :p
We dont have any skunks around here! so i cant tell you how i feel... but i hate when all the bugs coem in... :(
Oh, I hear you. I worked late tonight and did not get home til around 11:15. There was NO skunk in the vicinity, but I could smell him.

The funniest skunk story happened to my DH. He gets up to go to work at around 2:30AM and is out the door by 3:15. One night (morning?) he is going to his car, and there is a little skunk between his car and my car. His direct quote, when I asked him what he did was:

"Dropped my cooler, ran away, and screamed like a girl!" hee hee
Hasn't happened to me, but what i hate is when you have all the windows opened and the upstairs is way HOTTER then the rest of the house. I swear during the day i do not go upstairs because it is soo stuffy up there. It is the hottest in my room because i have a high celing.
I used to think having the skunk smell drift in an open window was bad. However, compared to letting your dog back in the house before you realize he's been skunked is way worse!
My little dog has gotten skunked twice now. My house smelled AWFUL! Luckily there is a wonderful de-skunking recipe that worked great on him but the house was stinky for a day or so.
Yes I love to open the windows to a nice cool breeze and I have smelled a skunk or 2 around here but what we get to smell on a regular basis is burning trash and garbage. We have a neighbor 3 house away that burns her trash....all of it....all of the time. She even gets paid for collecting others trash and burning it as well. No we are not allowed to burn our trash here but she gets away with it because she's burning in a wood stove and its indoors because its out in her garage. Many have complained but nothing has ever been done. The woman is truely insane and I think people are afraid of her...I know I am.....I have had run in's with her before and they aren't fun. :rolleyes:
It’s funny to me that I see opossums and raccoons all the time but never skunks. I smell them when driving after they’ve been hit, but strangely never see their carcasses in the road as I see raccoons, opossums, deer 🦌 etc.

Any reason for this or am I just missing things?

And I’m aware this thread is 18 years old. I’m tired of Wuhan virus talk.


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