Elvis Alert


<font color=deeppink>Things turn out best for peop
Oct 26, 2001
Costello that is. I am 99% certain that he is hosting the Letterman Show tonight.

I know there are a couple of Elvis fans out there (can't remember who for the life of me), so I thought I'd put this out there for you.

I knew he was going to be on, and that David Letterman is out sick. I didn't know he was hosting. Now I will have to watch. I wonder how he will handle the top ten.

Does anybody know if they are going to be televising the Rock and Roll hall of Fame ceremony. I would have loved to seen that.
I understand JTB. I am sitting here feeling so tired, and waiting for Dave to come on. The odd thing is I am usually a night person. But I want to see Elvis, so I'll stay up at least for the beginning.
By the way, I was clips from the Award Ceremony and I was so glad to see Elvis shaved. I really didn't like that hairy sort of cowboy kind of look.
JTB--there's this really cool new invention, called a VCR ;)

Can you tape it, so you can go sleep??
You mean you can RECORD with those??? :eek:

Actually, I can stay up because I am not going to work tomorrow because Mr Baby is sick.
Darn I missed the first part. How was his monologue?

I saw his performance though. Top notch as per usual.
I fell asleep, but then woke up for his monologue and then fell asleep again. Even DH thought his opening was pretty darned good.
He did a great job, he's pretty funny too!
Originally posted by Jeff in BigD
How was his monologue?

He sang a modified version of "Alison" called "Letterman." He's so funny. I love Elvis. :) Oh, and he smells good, too!
Originally posted by JohnTBap
He sang a modified version of "Alison" called "Letterman." He's so funny. I love Elvis. :) Oh, and he smells good, too!

I don't remember him smelling good. (you'd think I'd remember something like that). I do remember him being a hell of a nice guy.

Can't wait to see him on VH-1 when they show the RnR HoF inductions


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