Former Navy wife... Brother headed to Army bootcamp: Advice to give him?


DIS Veteran<br><font color=green>DH calls me "Figg
Nov 8, 2005
Hi all!

Seems like I just barely got off the Military boards elsewhere, and here I am again! :rotfl:

My brother enlisted in the Army earlier in the month for Airborne Infantry. He'll be heading to bootcamp in Georgia (we think...) on the 26th. We've been trying to offer him all the advice we can think of. Unfortuately, it's been a long time since DH's plebe summer.

Any advice or tidbits of information you or your loved ones can pass on it greatly, greatly appreciated. We know he's nervous- mostly about his girlfirend staying with him and we've tried to put that in perspective as much as we can. We have gone over the "Always wear clean, DRY socks and underwear; sunscreen on the back of your neck and tops of your ears; baby powder works best for chaffing; never look a superior in the eye; what to expect when he first arrives; etc."

I just want him to finally succeed at something... and want him to be as prepared as possible. Thank you so much girls (and guys!)

Wow! What an event!

It's 21 years since I joined the British Army and I served four years. Rather than think of all the things not to do to get you into trouble, think of all the fun he's going to have. All the everlasting friendships he'll forge in the first few days.

Take a camera. I have one, grainy, battered photo of me and six mates in combat gear taken in the woods behind Aldershot, covered in cam-cream and stinking after a week in the same underpants. It still has pride of place on my trophy wall!

Most of all, tell him congrats and thank you.
He went in this morning...

We all talked to him last night and he sounded like he was in good spirits. A little worried and concerned, but I think that's to be expected. I think Mom will get the first phone call (I figure a week to ten days...?) and then we'll all have the contact information.

He has been taking pictures, too :) Thought it would be a nice way so that we can all find out what he went through. Thank you for the advice. I know it will be the most important he's received from anyone.

I'm so proud of him :cheer2:


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