French Toast Dixie Style


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Sep 11, 2000
This was a breakfast food at Boatrights. Does anyone have the recipie?

Just wondering if you could give a description. I might be able to help you out.
I beleive its like a funnel cake type batter. Perhaps a bagget?
I have the recipe for the french toast they used to serve in the food court at DxL....all encrusted with cinnamon and sugar....YUM that the one you are looking for?

Yes That is The Recipe. Could you post it please?
Sorry about the delay. Here it is...straight from "Cooking with Mickey and the Chefs of the WDW Resorts"

Memere's French Toast

4 large eggs
1/2 cup milk
3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
2 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup vegetable oil
twelve 1 inch thick bread slices (a one lb loaf)
warm syrup

1. in a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, 2 tbsp sugar, 1/2 tsp cinnamon and vanilla
2. in a medium bowl, stir together remaining 3/4 cup sugar and 2 tsp cinnamon. Transfer mixture to a plate and set aside.
3. in a twelve inch skillet, heat 1 tbsp oil over medium heat. Three slices at a time, dip the bread into the egg mixture, and fry until golden brown on both sides.
4. Immediately dredge the hot cooked French toasts in the cinnamon sugar mixture and shake off excess.
5. Repeat with remaining slices and oil. Serve hot with warm syrup.

Have a great breakfast!!!!



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