Gift Basket for Marathon Runner?


May 5, 2005

My mother-in-law would like to put together a bit of a care package/gift basket for my husband and me. Actually two (one for before and after the marathon). I was at a lost for what to put in it. Can you all give me some ideas? :flower:

Pre: Chapstick, power gels, bottle of water, snickers marathon bars, coolmax shirts, socks, MP3 player (obviously, an expensive basket).

Post: Tylenol, water, gift certifcate for a massage, cushy bottom socks or slippers.
Deep heat, deep heat, some more deep heat. Also, if she can find Elemis Muscleease bath powder sachets anywhere near her they are brilliant - can you bring me one too as I can't get it here!!!!! Finally, the best birthday present my partner ever bought me was a plastic ice pack that you can bend round your leg so you can lie happily by the pool post race and ice your aching limbs at the same time!!! Helen
Deep heat, deep heat, some more deep heat. Also, if she can find Elemis Muscleease bath powder sachets anywhere near her they are brilliant - can you bring me one too as I can't get it here!!!!! Finally, the best birthday present my partner ever bought me was a plastic ice pack that you can bend round your leg so you can lie happily by the pool post race and ice your aching limbs at the same time!!! Helen
hi,littlegreydonkey I am agree with you .
pre - include a gift certificate to your local running store, runner's lube and BioFreeze

Post - gift certificate to fond memories

Note about Deep Heat versus BioFreeze. BioFreeze is a better choice for most runners. It is an herbal gel rather than a chemical ointment. And it's smell does not linger. You can overdose on Methyl Salicylate, the primary chemical in non-herbal ointments
Deep heat, deep heat, some more deep heat. Also, if she can find Elemis Muscleease bath powder sachets anywhere near her they are brilliant - can you bring me one too as I can't get it here!!!!! Finally, the best birthday present my partner ever bought me was a plastic ice pack that you can bend round your leg so you can lie happily by the pool post race and ice your aching limbs at the same time!!! Helen

So good ot see you here! FYI - I can't get ELemis here, but have gotten it via e-bay. Also, I'll be cruising next month. If DCL still carries Elemis, do you want me to pick some up and send them?

TMM - You've gotten some great ideas. Perhaps $20 for teh post-race massages or maybe buying you passes ot teh VIP tent? Harder to do, but would be nice. Also, is there anythign you will give up pre-race to be healthy or hydrate or just some mvictory meal. I give up caffeine, so Coke would be in my basket. LAst year I heard many people takl about what they would eat or drink post race.
TMM,As an avid marathon runner, there's a number of things that I always need, but most of them are things I like to get on my own because there's a particular brand or style I like. Some of them include the following:

Running clothes (shoes, shirt, shorts)
Water bottle
GPS watch
MP3 player
Energy bar/gel
Sports bag

Any of the above, I would *not* recommend getting her because she will probably be unhappy with your choice unless you already know her preferences. A gift card will allow her to get them herself though.
I agree with Coach Charles! Biofreeze is great stuff to use after the race. You could also include some type of recovery drink to have after the race?
Are these things she wants to send to you at the resort? If so, because so many things you race with are personal choices and you want to try them ahead of time, my thoughts are these:

Biofreeze - it is my favorite as well. PLUS: if your feet are sore and tired, put it on them before you go to bed at night and your feet will feel refreshed in the morning.

Snacks are always appreciated on a race weekend. Bagels, those little tubs of Jif peanut butter, bars, almonds, fruit leather etc. I personally like instant oatmeal, bowls or mugs and plasticware if you will have a coffee maker (for heating water) in your room and like oatmeal. Hot cocoa packets. Pretzels or cheesy crackers - nice to have something salty both before and after.

Travel size tums.
Lip Balm.
Bodyglide and/or travel size aquaphor.
Inexpensive Plastic Ponchos.

Hand warmers. Nope, I'm not even joking. I would not have gotten through last year's races without those warming things. Inexpensive hats and gloves and scarves are great as well, both for the parks and for the race. The kind that cost $1 are perfect. If she can find them in Lime Green (as I hear are available at Target right now, at least in gloves) so much the better! They make waiting in the corral so much more comfortable even if it's not actually snowing/sleeting. I also like to have a fresh hat and gloves in my checked bag.

This is all the expendable stuff that I try to make sure I've got on hand when I'm racing away from home and especially in cooler temps.

If she's going to give this to you before you leave and after you get home, my answers would be totally different!
Keep your favorite runner strong and energized. Hard workouts can cause sore muscles. Rich vitamin C sources such as broccoli may reduce exercise-induced muscle damage, and also may help muscles recover faster after exercising. The healthful fats in nuts and flaxseed fight inflammation and muscle soreness--they're also good for your heart and may even boost immunity! We've included mixed nuts to snack on and an apple crisp flavored flax & soy bar. Flax also contains alpha-linolenic acid which may possibly boost endurance! Ginger may act as a natural anti-inflammatory and reduce joint and muscle pain.
Your favorite marathoner will love to know that combining honey with a protein supplement may boost post-workout recuperation and favor better blood sugar maintenance after exercise. Honey can also be an effective pre-workout energy source that does not induce hypoglycemia and can improve endurance exercise capacity. They'll love the fruit flavored honey sticks drizzled on oatmeal, in tea, on fruit, or as a sweet treat on its own.
I also recommend little travel size packages of tissues -- I always bring a few in case the restrooms have run out of tp...

Maria :upsidedow
Yes, You'll need more than just a good pair of marathon running shoes to run 26.2 miles. Unless you're a fairly fast and serious competitor, wear a small waist-pack style water carrier – one with a zippered pouch. Virtually all marathons provide multiple water stops – but they don't come often enough for the average runner. Before the race, fill your bottle with cool water or an electrolyte solution that you're already accustomed to drinking.


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