golf carts?


Earning My Ears
Jan 20, 2001
Hi, I am going to FW for the first time in June, I have a question that may sound naieve,but why do you need a golf cart at the campground, it is because it is a large campground and it helps to get to the main buildings? thanks!
Hi goldie,

Time savings is the main reason people rent
the golf carts, FW is a big place. It is about
a mile from the front gate to the marina area,
where you catch the buses and the ferries to MK.
Also the internal bus system in FW works pretty
good, but can be time consuming to use.

We used our golf cart to get to the marina to catch the boat to go to MK amd to watch the Electrical Water Pageant. We also used it to go to the trading posts and to Trail's End and the petting farm. It saved a lot of walking, FW is a huge place! It was also fun just to tour around FW and check things out!
we use ours to ride around the campground and check out the other sites.

Fort Wilderness is much bigger than most people realize.

<Font Size=2><Font Color=blue>Scott</Font><Font
Co-Moderator Camping @ Disney Board
<center><Font Color=ff0066><Font size=4>
We used our golf cart all 13 days. A lot of it was just for fun, checking out all of the states campers were from, and their lights. But it was wonderful on the way home after the long time in the parks. Also on one bike ride our 4 yo fell and skinned major portions of both knees. Needless to say he was not getting back on that bike!! My husband rode his back to our camper, got in the cart and came to ouur rescue..kind of a mini ambulance!!


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