Hakuna Matata Happy New Year!

Good Morning Team!

Glad to hear that some of us escaped the ice storms. Hope those that have not checked in yet are also OK.

Today should be nice here, not quite as warm as TX, but our high is supposed to be 47 degrees, sunny, and "breezy" (which is better than "windy").

Have a great day everyone!
Happy Friday everyone! I'm looking forward to the weekend! I hope I can be rid of all the extra cold junk by Monday so I can keep my training session.

Margie - No ice storms here, just lots of snow. I think Kim & Mike are on another team :( I was looking at the team roster thread the other day and noticed they had moved. Btw, shovelling this amount of snow should count as an exercise.

Sue - I'm envious of people who have gym memberships downtown. I wish I could but they're so out of my price range. I always think how nice it would be to do a yoga or pilates class at lunch. TM bothers my knees and feet too for running.

Denise- Now that I'm not doing any training programs right now, I really appreciate the extra free time that I have :)

Connie - That's quite a change in temp! Good luck with your books!

Scott - Wow! That's a nice discount on the AP. I should have jumped in when the Canadian dollar was on par last year.

Lynn - Yay for warmer weather!! I wish we'd get some so all this snow would melt!

Anyway, gotta keep unpacking! Have a great weekend everyone :)
Wow!! You guys are like the encyclopedia of DVC! So wealthy in knowledge of DVC fun!! Jordan seems to think the AKV would be where we fit in, however I love WL and think that because of the running trails and smores that VWL would be better. Sooo...we might need to take a couple of short trips to see. It doesn't really matter what our home base is though since we can book anywhere right? Just a diffference of a couple of months earlier that I can book at our "home". Anyhow Thank you guys so much for the info...I'm so looking forward to our next trip!

Vicky - Is it illegal to mail US meds to Canada? And no I don't think we will be going to Disney in the fall. I'm hoping late spring or I hate to say it...late Summer (hot and :sunny: ) I'm hoping to get pregnant this year, so it'll be tough to plan until we have a time frame of "things".

Sue - Also impossible weather conditions here in Cleveland...and I also hate the TM. I have been slacking a bit, but running a couple of days a week on the track at the gym. It's a small track with tight turns, but it's better than battling the arctic freeze!

Denise - I have conflicting parts of me also that say "GET OUT THERE AND MOVE" and parts that say "The couch loves the company! Watch a movie and eat some ice cream!" LOL...I am doing a bit of both right now, and it feel great not to have a schedule to keep up with like during formal training.

Scott - Good deal on the AP! I really need to get DVC points this year. Is there a minimum to the perks? Like if I only buy 35 points or something like that, do I still get a discount?

Dave - You ok? Hope you are staying warm! I know winter power outages can be just terrible with burst pipes such. Worried for you guys!!

OK...back to work. Hope you guys are ok!!
EVA, Do Not send any scheduled meds across the border......Tust me.

Not sure but I do not believe there is a min number of points for the DVC perks.
Hey Everybody!

Went out for 8 miles today and had a stonker 4! :cool1: Such is life and rehabilitation! :rotfl:

Not much to say, about DVC or meds or anything, but I hope you all have a great weekend!!!
Eva - Scott did not realize that you were talking about over the counter medications, he thinks that might be OK to send over the border.
Morning Kids, just off the TM, coffe going and a carnitas in the crock pot for dinner tonight.

Windy here so I did the TM actually had y stuff out for a outside run but the wind was howling.

Enjoy the day.

We will be doing business taxes.
Hi guys:wave2:

All my deep soreness is gone from the marathon so it's time for me to get back to training next week. I put on 10 lbs in January so I have that mission ahead of me.

Everyone feeling good and ready? Marathon soreness, flu bugs, and surgery recovery all good now?

Have an awesome day everyone.

No Worries Panda:goodvibes
Hi TEAM! :wave2:

I changed to AT&T U-verse and I am having problems staying connected to the Internet-very frustrating! :headache:

Connie: Very proud of your 4-miler. It is huge that you listened to your body, building the base miles, and getting stronger! ::yes::

:hippie: Glad to hear from you - We were all concerned that the ice storm had held you captive! :scared:

:hippie: I did not get on the scales - :rolleyes2

Scott: No clue - carnitas in the crock pot for dinner tonight, but do Enjoy!

The snow in the driveway is calling me. And seeing more snow is in the forecast I better not procrastinate too much longer! :upsidedow

Anyone get any good pictures from the WISH meet on Friday night?

Welcome back Panda! I thought your power was out due to the ice.

I probably put on about 7 pounds over the holiday and WDW trips. I'm back to counting points on WW so I should be back soon to my pre-traveling-wedding weight.

Poor Miranda had to come home from work due to morning sickness. She is very sick from the vitamins so she's going to get off those till she see's the dr next week. She was so sick they thought she had the flu. If you could spare some pixie dust for her it would be appreciated.

Hope and I are off for some shopping, banking this morning. Nothing too exciting but at least we'll get some air.

I have taken over the books once again for Mark - economy is killing us and we need to cut expenses so I"m the accountant once again. Not very good at it but I can pay bills, make deposits etc. for his business.

I did complete an on-line survey that Disney Marathon sent me. It was nice to be asked. I think they do try and they do listen so hopefully YOUR experience next year will be improved even more - thanks to me! :snooty:

OK, off to run errands, have a great day all!

Welcome back Panda! I thought your power was out due to the ice.

I probably put on about 7 pounds over the holiday and WDW trips. I'm back to counting points on WW so I should be back soon to my pre-traveling-wedding weight.

Poor Miranda had to come home from work due to morning sickness. She is very sick from the vitamins so she's going to get off those till she see's the dr next week. She was so sick they thought she had the flu. If you could spare some pixie dust for her it would be appreciated.

Hope and I are off for some shopping, banking this morning. Nothing too exciting but at least we'll get some air.

I have taken over the books once again for Mark - economy is killing us and we need to cut expenses so I"m the accountant once again. Not very good at it but I can pay bills, make deposits etc. for his business.

I did complete an on-line survey that Disney Marathon sent me. It was nice to be asked. I think they do try and they do listen so hopefully YOUR experience next year will be improved even more - thanks to me! :snooty:

OK, off to run errands, have a great day all!


When I can build PandaEnduance to an actual business I plan to have a link to Mark's business for Logos, signs ect. I think he is very talanted. Those pins were beautiful.

Most of our state is still without power, with us it's the phone, even cell service is hit and miss. We haven't been able to call out long distance from work. Internet for me is an on again off again thing.

Miranda pixiedust:


Margie, Connie and Lynn can't wait to see you guys again.

I'm off to work.

Working Panda:goodvibes
Carnitas ( how I make it) is roast pork loin, I spice it with Corriander, Cummin, garlic, I slow cook in the crock pot for ease about 8 plus hours. When done Shred the pork, serve on warm corn tortillas with salsa, cheese, onion, fresh celantro, sour cream, guachamole(SP?), what ever ya like, Lynn likes flour tortillas.

Pretty tasty.
Good Afternoon Team!!

Look for a new Thread tomorrow. We will be all hearts and love and stuff!!

Just a quick shout out....:bday: to me! I am 52 delightful years!!! Yeehaw!

Okay, serious stuff......Uhm......Denise!! Have Miranda take Flintstone Vitamins!!! They aren't quite as wonderful as prenatal but they are easy on the tummy and won't aggravate the morning sickness! If you look at the label, they are every bit the vitamin that most grownup ones are! That's what my DD32 was told to do by her doctors with her three kids!

See ya! :wave2:
Hello everyone, I came to crash the party... I just got added to the team today.:cool1:
I'm a 30 yo sahm to two adorable little boys and I'm new to the world of running. Can't wait to be part of this No Worries team. ;)

:bday:Steffwalks :cake:
Family Mom!!! YOU aren't crashing the party! You are honored and invited member of the party!!!!

Welcome! I am the pirate: captain of this here team! Be sure and include your miles and minutes (which are earned while making miles and any other cross training activities and unusual jobs, like breaking cement with a sledge hammer or shoveling snow!) If you have any questions just ask.

And thanks for the Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Connie,

After surgery a few years back I was told to take kid type vit's, I found the gummy vites worked better for me. Taste was the issue for me at the time.
Good Morning Team!

Looked for new thread, but could not find it, maybe Connie has not started it yet, or maybe I have not had enough coffee yet this morning!

pixiedust: for Miranda!:bday: Connie!

:welcome: JPFamilyMom!

Dave - glad to hear from you, hope you are still surviving the ice storm!

I did not gain any weight at WDW, but I also have not lost any since I have been home. I guess I have to be a little more aggressive about cutting out junk food! (for me that means sugar!)

It was warm yesterday, but very windy - 30-40mph, so did not get out for a walk. Today is cooler - 20 degrees now, but NO WIND :cheer2: :cheer2: , so if that keeps up, we will both get out when it warms up a bit for our walk/run!

Have a great day everyone!


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