Hanging up my running shoes-Update on ZellyB

And the Weather Watch Begins

We are 5 days out from race day, so time for me to start obsessing about weather. Most of the midwest decided it was summer again this past week or so. UGH!


So, that's had me a bit paranoid about the weather for this race. Heat and humidity are like running kryptonite to me, so I've been hoping we'd get a break in the heat before the race. Luckily, that seems to be the case. Starting tomorrow, daytime temps drop down more in the low to mid-70s, so while I'd like it even a bit cooler than that, it's much better than the mid to upper-80s we've been dealing with of late.

Current forecast for race start at 7:30 AM is around 51 degrees with a dew point of 45, so that's pretty awesome. Looks like by the time we will likely finish temps will be around 65 with a dew point of 46 which is also very manageable. Partly cloudy and a SE wind of 7mph. All in all, pretty great conditions. I could live with it being a touch cooler, but after the last couple of weeks, I'll take it!!

Now I just need to start deciding what I want to wear. Starting corrals will likely be a little cool, but otherwise will likely go with shorts or running skirt and a tech tee or maybe a tank. Look for future fashion considerations, as my anxiety level creeps up and race day approaches. :D

Maybe that temperature drop will help you go even faster, since you've been training in the more oppressive weather! :idea:
Wow fair play to Chris doing all those miles before the race this weekend, hope he recovers OK. Will you be sticking with the 2:30secs interval for your PR attempt?

Glad the weather is looking cooler, we had cool weather in Paris which was great, heat is a similar kryptonite for me too!

Hope this week goes really well for you both, can't wait to read all about your race this weekend..
Thank you for including Pirate Orlando Bloom in your post today!!!!!

I don't know if there's such a thing as a cold weather dance (like a rain dance) but I'll try to maybe summon some colder weather through the power of disney gifs...






Thank you! I shall trust in the power of cooling @roxymama gifs!

Wow fair play to Chris doing all those miles before the race this weekend, hope he recovers OK. Will you be sticking with the 2:30secs interval for your PR attempt?

Glad the weather is looking cooler, we had cool weather in Paris which was great, heat is a similar kryptonite for me too!

Hope this week goes really well for you both, can't wait to read all about your race this weekend..

Chris is a beast! He was pretty sore Sunday and Monday, but we took a 3 mile run today and that along with a massage he had yesterday seems to be helping. Hope he'll be okay for the race.
We've had the same "the weather doesn't realize that summer's over" thing going on here too ... not a fan. I'm glad your forecast is saying cooler weather - much better for the PR attempt!

I'm looking forward to seeing the fashion choices ... I'm sure you'll have some good options!
We've had the same "the weather doesn't realize that summer's over" thing going on here too ... not a fan. I'm glad your forecast is saying cooler weather - much better for the PR attempt!

I'm looking forward to seeing the fashion choices ... I'm sure you'll have some good options!

Today finally seems to be the breaking point. It's rainy today and much cooler temps, so still looking good for Sunday!
Obsess much?

Those of you who read the running thread, know I solicited more advice on my race strategy. :D I got some good information from that and it's helping to solidify my plan. Kinda. When I'm not changing my plan or dreaming about my plan or talking about my plan.......


This is what I printed out from the computer, which I may or may not have on my person during the race.

Untitled by giseleb2, on Flickr

So, here's the goals I have for this race in ascending order and with my confidence level of achieving them (you can see the accuracy of my calculations by the use of decimal points!)

1) Finish - 99.37% confidence level
2) Improve my current PoT for Dopey which is a 2:31:03 (~11:30 m/m) - 98.12% confidence level
3) New Half PR - Current PR from 2015- 2:19:07 (~10:36 m/m) - 80.93% confidence level
4) 2:15 HM (~10:18 m/m) - 52.55% confidence level
5) Something miraculously faster than 2:15 HM (????? m/m) - 1.682347% confidence level (this is a highly accurate figure as you can tell by the number of decimal places)

Yes, I'm losing my mind.


So, here's where I am with training. I've had a few runs over the summer 14 miles or more. I did a 17 miler back in early August with a 10:55 pace and then a 20 miler the end of August with a 11:00 m/m pace. We intentionally tried to run these at a slower long run pace. I have felt like over the last month, I've felt a shift in our threshold pace on maintenance runs and we've had more than a few runs of 6 miles around or under the 10:00 m/m mark and I've felt pushed, but not dead at the end of them. Given that a 10:18 m/m pace is what I need for the 2:15 stretch goal and what looks to be good weather conditions on a pretty flat and fast course, I THINK I can hit this. Maybe. Possibly. It could happen. But, it will mean pushing myself at a pace for a distance I've not done before. Do I really have 13.1 in me at this pace?

So, with the whole "go for broke" mostly sorta discussion, I'm thinking we are going to shoot for around a 10:00 m/m out of the chute and do our 2:00/:30 intervals to get there. This is pushing it for me, but not to the point that I think I die at mile 6. But, I might die at mile 10. This to me feels like a go for broke approach, but within reason and still calculated. So, I'm not just going to let race adrenaline take over and I'm running stupid at the beginning and crawling at the end, but it's allowing me to believe I can maintain a pace that maybe even beats my stretch goal and truly push myself beyond what I would normally do.

So, I ask you dear readers, seem like a plan? Stupid? Not stupid enough? Quit talking about it already, Gisele, and get on to the clothes already?

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So I'm not sure I've posted but in your training journal before, but I've definitely been reading!!
I think you can do it! Go for the 10 min/mi pace. Based on the paces you've been running some of your maintenance runs at, and if the weather is good, I think you can hit your stretch goal! Keep that 10 min pace until mile 8ish, and if you're still feeling good - pick up the pace!! My opinion - others may think differently, but I believe you can do it. :)
I say go for it! How else will you know what you're capable of? Based on last year's corral cut offs, you could move up one corral but they're not going to move you back if you crash and burn.

Wishing you beautiful fall weather and the best of luck!
So I'm not sure I've posted but in your training journal before, but I've definitely been reading!!
I think you can do it! Go for the 10 min/mi pace. Based on the paces you've been running some of your maintenance runs at, and if the weather is good, I think you can hit your stretch goal! Keep that 10 min pace until mile 8ish, and if you're still feeling good - pick up the pace!! My opinion - others may think differently, but I believe you can do it. :)

Thanks for reading!! And thank you for the vote of confidence. Today I think I can do it!! Stay tuned for tomorrow's schizophrenic mood.

I say go for it! How else will you know what you're capable of? Based on last year's corral cut offs, you could move up one corral but they're not going to move you back if you crash and burn.

Wishing you beautiful fall weather and the best of luck!

It's the idea that I'm really probably only talking about a corral or two different anyway that is telling me, "what that heck? why not?"

Thank you for the good weather vibes and wishes of luck!! I'll take all I can get.
I'm going to echo everyone else and say go for it! You already have a proof of time so nothing bad will happen if you crash but if you don't you move up in the world which means MORE PICTURE TIME!!!

It was still hot this morning but the weather here said it was going to be cool in the afternoon. I can only hope it is the same where you are!
So, I ask you dear readers, seem like a plan? Stupid? Not stupid enough? Quit talking about it already, Gisele, and get on to the clothes already?

I don't think it's stupid at all. I think you're more than capable of running a 2:15 or faster. Hold your 10s as long as you can, and then for another mile past that. We've always got one more mile at pace in us, even if we think we don't. :)

I believe!!

I'm going to echo everyone else and say go for it! You already have a proof of time so nothing bad will happen if you crash but if you don't you move up in the world which means MORE PICTURE TIME!!!

It was still hot this morning but the weather here said it was going to be cool in the afternoon. I can only hope it is the same where you are!

I'm going to use "picture time" as one of my motivational phrases while I run!!

I don't think it's stupid at all. I think you're more than capable of running a 2:15 or faster. Hold your 10s as long as you can, and then for another mile past that. We've always got one more mile at pace in us, even if we think we don't. :)

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'll also remind myself I've always got one more mile at pace in me when I start to flag!
Don't let any fake walls hit you. What I mean by that is that sometimes you will think it is hard and want to slow down because you are afraid a wall is starting to hit you, but don't slow down until a real actual big brick wall hits you. There's a good chance you end up passing all those "phantom loser walls" and never end up hitting a real one at all. Just keep swimming!!!! Just keep pushing!!! I believe in you!!!!
Don't let any fake walls hit you. What I mean by that is that sometimes you will think it is hard and want to slow down because you are afraid a wall is starting to hit you, but don't slow down until a real actual big brick wall hits you. There's a good chance you end up passing all those "phantom loser walls" and never end up hitting a real one at all. Just keep swimming!!!! Just keep pushing!!! I believe in you!!!!

Oh yeah!! Thanks, Roxy!!


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