Help!New neighbors have barking dog!


Really IS a good girl!
Sep 15, 1999
We got some new neighbors a couple of weeks ago and to our dismay-up went a dog fence/run-on the back of their yard which is within 50 feet of my bedroom window!

I was kept awake in the middle of the night last night and several other early mornings by the dog periodically barking. We don't know these neighbor's names, so I can't give them a "friendly" little call in the middle of the night. I figure if I can't sleep-why should they be able to???

Any suggestions on how to handle this situation? I feel people should keep their dogs in the house during the night-just so this isn't a problem. Why should I be subjected to their dog? My only option is to give the local police a call to let them handle the disturbance. Can you tell I'm a little peeved? That's from not being able to sleep in my little (otherwise) quiet neighborhood.
I know how you feel. One of my biggest pet peeves is barking dogs and we have a neighbor that has one too...only the neighbor is our son so I really can't complain too much! :) Thankfully the dog only barks if a rabbit or the neighbor's cat comes into the yard, so it isn't "too bad" and generally doesn't wake me up every single night. But, for your problem I would try to go over some evening, when they're home, and ask them if they could put the dog in at night so it doesn't keep you awake. If that doesn't work, I guess I'd call the police. Hope you find a solution to your problem soon. I know it's no fun when you can't sleep because of a barking dog.
Yikes, do you live near us??? We had new neighbors 2 years ago. They are still here. They got a dog and just put the poor thing out, tied to whatever, and the pup just sits there and barks. This went on all summer. Since the neighbors have central air, they shut their windows and don't 'seem' to hear the dog. To add insult to injury, the teen-age kids come out after dark to use their pool. Stay in it, yelling and screaming, until 11pm or so!!! My poor dh gets up at 5am. Well, long story short....another neighbor reported the barking dog to our town's animal control officer. My dh is an elected official in town and heard, from the animal contro officer, that these neighbors are assuming it was us that ratted them out!!! Not true. So, my dh had to go over to their house and explain to them that we were not the ones to make the report. That we would have spoken to them first about the dog. And that we had been very close to doing just that. Now the dog isn't out nearly as much. My advice would be to go over to their house, and just say that some of the other neighbors have mentioned that the barking dog is getting everyone in an uproar at night and are going to make a report. Just tell them you wanted to give them a head's up, so to speak, so they would be prepared. You know, since you're a nice neighbor and they are new to the area. wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Maybe that would work.


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