Help with leaving after Spectro?


DIS Veteran
Jan 28, 2000

There's only going to be one Spectro the eight days we're there in early Oct--first Saturday (4th). I have a little three year old plus a five year old who is autistic and we have no idea how he's going to respond to the huge crowd trying to leave the MK.

We really want to avoid the mass exodus altogether--we'll be taking the boat back to Fort Wilderness (hopefully during the fireworks).

Is is possible to watch Spectro --we're thinking maybe at Liberty Square--and then leave the park easily before the fireworks start? Maybe we should pick a spot closer to the gates?

I'm thinking we might have to miss out on Spectro altogether, but hope not. Hubby's VERY uptight when it comes to crowds as well..

I appreciate it!
Liberty Square would be a bad place to watch if you want to get out after Spectro. You could:
a) Get a spot near the train station, or on main street so right after the parade's done you're right there at the exits.
b) Get a spot in Frontierland and watch the parade. Stay around for the fireworks then shop or walk around the park after it closes to let the crowds make their mass exit before you leave.
We normally watch parades from frontierland. We usually get front row seats without having to stake them out an hour in advance.'s not an easy place to leave from. I wouldn't even attempt to leave right after the parade, you will just hit a wall of people. If you could hang out, relax and let the crowds disolve it would be alot easier.
We were there in May and stayed for the fireworks. I have a 2 & 5 yr old. We watched from Liberty Sq. and waited about 20 minutes to start leaving. IT WAS AWFUL!!!! I will never go to anything like that again. It took 1 1/2 hrs to get to the monorail. Not of waiting, just of trying to get thru the crowd.I was pushing a double stroller with 2 extremely tired boys in it and grown men kept stepping on my kids just to get another inch further in line. Main street was awful as was the line up to the monorail. My mom had to guide the front of the stroller while I pushed the back because of all the rude people trying to push there way thru. The parade was beautiful, but I will never go to it again. To get a spot on Main st. there were people staked out 3 hours before the parade started. I;m sorry, but no parade is worth that to me.
Thanks so much for everyone's help :)

Figured this isn't worth the grief--we're going to have a big day the day after anyways :)


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