Here we go...... (Day 1 of Weight Watchers)


<font color=green>This space for rent<br><font col
Aug 17, 1999
I think I may need to be a rocket science to figure out this point system, but I'm gonna give it a try! :eek:

I've never been on a diet before, in fact, growing up and into my 20's and early 30's, I was one of the lucky ones who could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight. Now that I am rapidly approaching 40 ( :( ), this no longer is the case. I about fainted when I "weighed in" today, so my goal is to lose 15 pounds and keep it off.

I was one of the original moderators of this board, and never put much heart and soul into it because I wasn't dieting at the time.

But here I am, at your mercy. :) Looking forward to giving and getting lots of support here. :)
WELCOME BACK SNOOPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHeck out the WW recipe thread which I really need to post some recieps to and I will see you for WISH check in on monday right!!! Oh WW is easy if you have any questions let me know
You can do it, Snoops, I know you can. Good luck figuring out that point system.
You can do it Snoopy! I have been on WW since Jan 7 and I am sticking to it! It is a good program and I know you can do it!

Check out this site for some great recipes and motivation!



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